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Posts posted by Yoruichi-san

  1. Wow this isn't really taking off as fast as VI...

    Nobody else is signing up...

    Lol you know YS you're getting us to advertise but you aren't advertising your own game? What's up with that?

    Lol...it was just a suggestion...but I've been trying to come up with a nice logic puzzle to use for an advertisement...;P

  2. Based on this prologue and Unreal's prologue in VI you can definitely tell the different writing styles between you two...

    That's a good prologue but will it really have anything to do with the game besides the fact that she jumped through time?

    And are there any hints in the day and night posts this time?

    No, no hints about information you don't have...most of the night post is going to be how I work the events into the storyline...oh, and there will be storylines! ;P

    But I may (and probably will) hint at things that you may not be thinking about during your discussions and should...but it probably won't be in the night post... B))

  3. Well, the intro's pretty much done...I do like writing...so here's something for you while you're waiting:

    Prologue (1)

    Aria ran down the long hallway, beads of sweat streaking down her neck. She didn't dare turn to look back, but she could hear the sounds of the stampeding footsteps of her pursuers. Actually, she thought, what's ironic is that not all of them have to walk...some of them fly! A delirious chuckle escaped from her dry throat. Uh oh, was she going insane? Were the telepathic mutants attacking her mind while the others attempted to attack her body? No, she had to be strong, she could see the light from the pilot lab...pulling the last of her strength, she forced her legs into a sprint and rushed through the doorway.

    "She's in!" someone called. Someone else slammed the button to close the ten-layer adamantine doors. Aria spun around and watched as the fastest of her pursuers (the ones with super-speed, of course) came rushing up...the door wasn't going to close on time!

    Jed, her colleague, her friend, and so much more, turned to Aria. "Hurry," he prompted, holding out the object that they had spent the last two years working on together. It was the Quantum Accelerating Device, the only solution they could think of to save the fate of humanity as they knew it. "You have to take it and go!" he told her.

    Aria shook her head, "Not without you..." She grabbed his arm. "Come with me" she pleaded.

    Jed removed his arm from her grasp and thrust the QAD into her hand. "I can't, you know that! The device will only support one person to within a satisfactory margin of error, and we can't risk that." He took her trembling shoulders in his hands. "Only one of us can go, and it has to be you."

    "But...I can't let you die like this!" She cried, "I...I...love you!"

    He pulled her into his arms in a firm embrace. "Don't worry," he whispered into her ear. "If you succeed, I won't have to die like this." With that, he pressed the activation button on the QAD and pushed her away. "Goodbye, my love." he said, his lips curving into a sad smile.

    "No!" Aria tried to reach for him, but Jed and the rest of the room were already fading. White light engulfed her, engulfed everything she could see...the equipment was gone, the door was gone, the sounds had ceased. The last thing she saw was that smile, that sad, loving smile...

    (To be continued in the Intro ;))

  4. Y-san,

    I will be checking in to brainden every day or so for when the game starts.

    I assume you wil be pm'ng me my role.

    I check my email every am so I will be aware what day it begins.

    Thanks for hosting!

    Haha, I like your new avatar...they should so make a Wonder Woman movie...:D

    Anyways, will PM the roles when the sign-up is complete...have most of the intro done already...I'm excited...

    ...feel free to advertise, guys ;)

  5. I just want to go on the record saying that I have read all the rules.

    This being said, I am going ot find it very hard to keep my mouth shut

    and not make little jokes.

    Like remarking to Y-san's last post.

    I wanted to say something like

    Ground control to Major Tom.


    Tell my wife I love her very much......

    Good thing I didnt though.

    Haha...be as humorous as you want...I always am ;P

  6. I know, after my awesome (co) taking over of Awesomeville, no one could let me in for fear of losing to the mafia girls again ;)


    Yep, you made an Awesome Godfather...;P

    Ooh, and Y-San, can you PLEASE put clues in the posts? I missed that last mafia, they were so fun to look for ^_^


    Uh...actually I have some nice story lines worked out, and I don't want to have to restrain my creativity for fear of giving false clues...but we'll see...;P

  7. Yay! Mafia out with a bang. :P You Yakuza had to pay for your devious ways. As soon I saw the names of the Yakuza the first night, the words Wily Duo jumped out :P .

    Great playing, Brandon. Hehe, as long as there's a potential lawyer in the mafia, who would you expect to design the structure of the Mafia(Bankroller's) message? You guys have to admit, you were dazed for nearly half of the first day trying to decide. The Mafia deserved to win. :angry::P But atleast we outlasted the Wily Duo.

    Actually, ma pardner was lynched AFTER CL_2 blew up Bb...:P

    Edit: And *we* were the ones who deserved to win, figuring both of you out...and would have if it wasn't for your stupid little safehouse...;P

  8. Aw dang I think it would have been fun to play my first Mafia game with someone as crazy as you ;)

    Oh well I guess I can't lose too much sleep over it that just means there are more chances for me to win =P

    Unless of course BrandonB decides to play, in which case we're all screwed cause he really had me convinced he was the Healer or whatever he was claiming to be...

    Haha...I *love* how you automatically assume he'll be a baddie...:P

  9. Well, while I would like to play in /\/\4|=14, I'll probably be too busy with school starting next week. Besides, I need a break from Mafia for a while, I think a lot of us do(but apparently not Y-san :P).

    Lol...nice, actually, LIS PMed me and I said I needed a break from playing Mafia, and he suggested hosting, and I was like why not...I like writing, and I'm particularly good at writing death scenes...;P

  10. what happens if the Mimic picks a MAFIA robot? Does the Mimic have to kill all players except himself/herself the next day? :o

    No, the Mimic doesn't lose if it can't satisfy the win condition of a baddie it kills...it wins when it does, so if it wants to win with the M4F14 condition, it has to be the day or night they kill off the last Innocent...

  11. Disclaimer: The he/she thing is annoying...especially now that it's he/she/it, so for the roles I'm going to use the pronoun I think fits best with the storyline I have in mind, and it does not mean the player who has the role is necessarily a he or a she (or an it :P).

    Rule changes:

    36 hr days/18 hr nights

    No posting of material from outside of this thread, or links to material outside this thread!

    Cracking down on inactivity: your role will be up for grabs or your role info will be outed, you are putting youself in danger of not being able to play other games - the hosts will be informed. No sliding in under the radar by nonsense activity or not actually gaming eg " my role is to useful " - it will get you hung

    Do not challenge the host AIs...they control your oxygen supply :P.

    M4F14 - 7

    The space colony Affinion 7 is a place where the best and the brightest have converged. It is where great thinkers have taken science beyond the realm of the imaginable, and determined individuals make their visions into a reality. The environment has been synthesized to match that of the home planet. The AIs Y-S4N and L1S have complete control over the conditions and complete knowledge of the workings and goings-on in the space colony, making them something akin to the gods of Affinion 7.

    However, in the shadows of Affinion 7 there also lurk those with ignoble intentions and who fear the light of discovery.

    The Baddies:

    The M4F14 are evil transformers that can take any form and become part of the cosmopolitan indigenous population. Win if everyone except M4F14 are dead.

    The AcroBot: Obviously versatile, quickly adapts as it performs its task with reflexes to make most AI computers envious. Likes to be brassie and bold while on missions. Any night, but not 2 in a row, chooses a player that they can either steal the role identity of or frame with their role identity. Does not work on the Space Agent.

    The TetraBot: Annoyingly adept and boasts a range of abilities that are a match for anything you you could never wish to meet - an ability to outsmart humans without wasting a single particle. Most computerized or AIs have no chance of stretching this bots ability. Can send a message every night which will be posted in the night post. When the Tetrabot is killed, his role is revealed.

    The MengalaBot: Only exists to control everything. Finds ALL other species abhorent, even if they are helpful. Will give the order to dispatch of anyone who gets in the way, think nothing of it and that's just for fun. Any night, but not 2 in a row, can see the faction (Innocent/QA/Zero/Mimic) of a player.

    The Quantum Accelerators are time travelers who have come back in time to kill the Mutant and change the course of history. They were sent from different points in the timeline so they don't know each other initially. Must have a majority to kill. Once they reach a majority, they get contact and can kill every night. Win by killing the Mutant themselves. If they cannot fulfill this objective, I PM them a secondary objective which they must fulfill or they will all be airlocked the next day.

    The Electromagnetic enForcer: can use elecromagnetic waves to hack into the system and get information. PMs me the name of a player each night and I PM their faction (baddie/innocent).

    The Gravitational enForcer: the gravitational waves he uses prevent him from being airlocked while in contact with other QAs.

    The Nuclear enForcer: rearranges particles so that if Robbie lie-detects a statement about him, the NF can choose what the answer will be.

    Zero: A man who has had so many cybernetic enhancements that he no longer knows whether he is man or machine. He has lost all memory of his life as a human, except that his mission is to kill the Numbers. Currently his target is the Number Seven, he wins by killing Seven. He kills on even nights. Once Seven dies, he is out of the game. Invincible for the first night and day.

    The Mimic: An alien who kills his prey and temporarily absorbs their abilities. Chooses a target each odd night to kill and if the target dies, the Mimic gets use of the target's role abilities, including kill/target abilities, the next day or night (depending on whether it is a day ability or night ability). To win, the Mimic must kill and steal the ability of a baddie and satisfy that baddie's win condition while he has the ability (i.e. kill Zero and then kill Seven).

    The Innocents:

    Saving roles:

    The Med bot: Uses its knowledge base form 31458. All medicine is now practiced by machines (who would want to waste time and money on Med School? :P). A few elite programmers continue to update it's database. Picks a target to save each night. Cannot pick the same target to save twice in a row. Can save self only once.

    The Herbalist: Gains his knowledge from wherever possible, scriptures and laser discs of the 20 and 21st century, makes do the best he can. Sometimes a particular plant has a side effect or does not have the right strength - save has 1/4 chance to fail. Picks a target to save each night. Cannot pick the same target twice in a row. Can save self only once.

    The Mutant: Has a genetic mutation that will lead to the rise of a new race of super-humans in the future. His super-strength allows him to protect against Zero on even nights. However, due to his mutation, he is shunned by the rest of the population and considers Zero to be his only friend. Is invulnerable to the Quantum Accelerators as long as Zero is in the game. Once Zero dies or is removed from the game, his grief weakens him and makes him vulnerable to the QAs.

    Attack roles:

    The BioEngineer: The woman who created the Number Seven. She keeps a watch on and maintains the upkeep of Seven. As long as the BioEngineer is alive, Seven cannot be killed at night.

    Number Seven: A genetically engineered super-soldier who kills for the Innocents. He kills on prime nights.

    The Mad Scientist: No one believed him when he said that time travel was possible. They called him mad and refused to fund him. But he continued his research in secret and has created a disrupter ray that disrupts the particles of anything that is not congruent with the current timespace. But it takes a day to have an effect. He chooses (PMs me) a target each day to shoot with his disrupter ray and if the person is a Quantum Accelerator, their particles are disrupted and they are destroyed. Otherwise, nothing happens.

    Information roles:

    Robbie the Robot: An unusually humerous robot that has been around for five centuries, gathering knowledge of many human traits and likes to feel he is comfortable around humans. It is in his program to do as ordered,. However he can be a bit of a loose cannon and gets his wires cross - when that day comes he may well self destruct. Its in his nature to protect his 'friends' and without due consideration of the risks gets on with his mission ... while cracking a joke of course. At any point during the day, can PM me a victim to blow up. There is 1/4 chance for each of them to survive. If Robbie is killed at night, there is 2/3 chance it will randomly blow up one if it's attackers. Cannot blow up Zero. Each day, Robbie can lie-detect a TRUE/FALSE statement, but statements that are too ambiguous or direct cannot be tested. If the statement cannot be tested, I will PM them asking for a different statement.

    The Uber-Hacker: A 133t programmer who can hack into the mainframe and discover identities. PMs me the name of a player each day and I PM their role. Can also choose to swap IDs with the player they choose after I tell the UH the role. Swap ID does not work on the Space Agent.

    The Space Agent XM100z: After years of traveling through the galaxies, the Space Agent has developed many useful skills. I flip two coins to determine the action of the Space Agent (Saving, Killing, Discovering role, or free choice of the previous). The Space Agent picks a player and then I tell them what the action is, to which they can either decline or carry out the action. Also, the Space Agent keeps under the radar, and doesn't have a file in the mainframe, so the Acrobot cannot steal from them (the steal fails, but counts as a use) or frame them (same deal).

    The Public Relations Expert (Facidinon): A human trying to keep up with the goings-on in Affinion 7. At anytime (but only once on a particular nth day/night), can PM me a role and I will tell the PRE what the action that role last took was and who they took it on, if the player with that role is alive, or if the player is dead.

    Removal roles:

    The Cybernetic Droid (RX2CU): A being that needs to clone human parts to survive. It can clone in 24 hours before releasing its victim who of course remembers nothing. The CD PMs me the name of a person and that person is removed from voting for the day and removed from discussion for 24 hours (or however many are left in the day).

    The Wraith (Tormidian): A friendly half human/half alien with Robocop style abilities who arrests a person for one night (must PM me the player's name before the day post). The player is let out of prison if he/she can answer a puzzle correctly. The prisoner gets to choose one of three types (math/riddle/cryptic message). If they don't answer the puzzle correctly, they stay in jail and cannot use their ability that night.

    (Yeah...so most of the role abilities are plagiarized from Unreality...hey, if it ain't broke, don't fix it! :P)

    Game start date: When sign-up is complete and/or we finish writing the intro scenario, probably towards the end of this week or start of next one...

    20 ppl

    Ready, set, go!

  12. Just trying to help...

    taking away the Inspector may fix it, though someone coming out with their role already sucks up an entire Medic, so it's still a big thing. The Medic Team is a good idea ;D

    Lol, thanks...I just had to say that rule, it's such a good one... ;P

    Anyways, there are no medics in the space colony...who would want to spend 10 years to become a doctor when you can just manufacture lots of Med bots? :P

  13. Ysan, you can't limit the Healer's abilities, in fact they need to be boosted. Doctor and Healer together have only made one successful save lol. I suggest that there are no restrictions on who they can save- same person two nights in a row is fine, and they can save themselves. And the Doc/Healer should have BTSC from the beginning of the game. I have an idea, then, for your future game:

    * Medic Team- the Medic Team consists of 2 paramedics who have BTSC from the beginning of the game. Each night, each of the Medics pick one person to save from death that night. There are no restrictions on who they can pick

    Wouldn't that allow for an invincible Spy/Inspector again? There has to be some restrictions on those roles.

    Exactly. I'm trying to discourage the whole coming out with your role thing...I want ppl to think more for themselves and rely on discovery roles less...getting rid of the Inspector and giving the Spy equivalent an ID swap ability...

    Oh, and I'm the the host, I can do whatever I want :P...the last rule has now become: Don't challenge the host AIs...they control your oxygen supply :P

  14. Is the new baddie 41Z3N? Can I play him? :P

    Lol...no, but you'll always be 41Z3N in my heart :D

    The new baddie is a kill/steal ability role (really powerful) but has a really hard win condition (must fulfill win condition of a baddie they kill)...I dunno, just thought it would be interesting to try out...;P

  15. I like your pirate idea, Sinistral. LIS and I are actually sticking more to Unreality's basic structure (if it ain't broke, don't fix it :P), and adding a few of our own things, renaming and adding our interesting back stories to the roles, and tweeking some of the roles (like now the Healer equivalent has a chance to fail). Plus I added an interesting baddie (powerful but difficult to play)...hehe ;P.

  16. Unreality,

    When I started this game the thing I was most worried about was the large number of badies. Looking back I think that how you arranged was very clever. When GC got knocked of I think most of us where taken back, and I still had no idea until after Dawh was lynched. I am pretty sure I dont want to go toe to toe with you in a game of Mafia you throw way too many curve balls.

    Haha...yeah, I was *trying* to tell you guys that the Yakuza were benevolent baddies...after I resigned due to the PMs and Frost's acknowledgment of them...otherwise I might have gone with Clueless or I would have gone with "CL was the Spy, Mekal is a mafioso who knew/thought that CL was the Spy (refer to Bankroller message about what they knew on night 1)" and as a last resort claimed to be the Healer, but whatever...there will be a clause in M4F14 :P...do not attempt to defy the AI Y-S4N! ;P

    Sign-up/Discussion Thread coming soon!

  17. Haha, Phaze...I knew you weren't really crazy because using my magic strategy of "Find Member's Post's" I saw your posts in other threads...;)...and you spelled Phoenix wrong...:P

    Anyways, of course, for Unreality, we must end with:

    *Thunderous Applause*

    See you all (or your great great great grandchildren ;)) in the space colony Affinion 7 to fight the threat of the evil M4F14!

  18. ?? I was never trying to be the SV. Just trying to lay low. I guess I can see how you drew that conclusion, but it was completely unintentional.

    Yeah, I was planning on playing that with Rene as a last resort. There was no way for me to win the game, but depending on how things went I could have possibly even made it through the next lynching with a double confusion angle (the Rene thing you suggested, and a harder play on CL). I don't think it really would have worked, but it would have been fun.

    Hehe, it may have been unintentional, but no real Innocent would have done it...guess I'm either sharp or just highly suspicious of you...:P

    Yeah, I told Dawh I thought CL was the Healer, but I should have advised him to claim the role before you did...it's a good role to claim, especially with Rene under suspicion...

    Lol, and my "spidey-sense" totally told me CP was the Policeman (or Policewoman, I guess ;)), but the SB/Inspector thing had me confused...I didn't know Tolecnal could be so clever, but she was totally brilliant! :D

  19. Oh yeah!? Well I had you pegged as a Yakuza from the very beginning! SO :P

    hehe, well done. I know I was suspicious for the whole game, but the change up, plus the "you guys always pick on me!" card worked really well ;)

    Edit: Plus, what about the SV thing made you suspicious? I don't follow what you got from that.

    HAHA...seriously, what did you think when you found out Dawh and I were the Yakuza?

    You were pretending to be the SV...that's the only thing that made sense from your comments about not wanting to be targeted...but since you weren't I thought you were a baddie trying to get sympathy...and one of the things that confirmed my suspicions were that you played that card WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY too hard...:P

    Edit: And I thought you would try to frame Rene by saying you did save her but didn't get BTSC so she must be a baddie...I guess you were waiting until there were fewer ppl...

  20. Hehe, thank you Frost. Even though I lost to the innocents. This right here made me feel like I had won no matter what happened:

    Ooooooh it made me feel so good! :lol: and slimy at the same time :P

    Edit: I didn't hide in the safehouse to protect myself from you. Even though I had the idea that you may want to kill me. I mainly did it to frame pw. Worked well for the pw thing at first... worked EVEN BETTER with the side effects. hehe

    No, I said it because I read Unreality's notes and I saw you hiding in the safe house *every* day...:P

  21. Wow, great game everyone! :D

    Darn, now mafia's over for a while...well, it was fun while it lasted. At least I survived to the end this time. B))

    Oh, and CL2, sorry for doubting you. :P BB is too clever for all of us.

    Hehe...the amusing thing was that I had him all figured out from the SV incident on day 1...but I couldn't say anything because I needed him alive during the day...;P

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