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Everything posted by soop

  1. soop

    Can't figure it out - who did it?
  2. Wow. I think this puzzle is for people smarter than me. I'll stick to Professor Layton.
  3. soop

    Yeah, I saw this on google homepage and it's not a paradox.
  4. soop

    Geeze, all this maths.
  5. soop

    Personally, I'd probably try to escape beforehand.
  6. soop

    ARRGGH! I was gonna say something like this! I thought it was original though
  7. soop

    I like the above answer. Smart!
  8. soop

    I heard this one in a Batman comic (The Batman poses the question to the Riddler or Joker). Although he admits there is no answer, you can pretty much form a link from anything to anything else.
  9. soop

    I like it!
  10. soop

    Yep, I've done it again. I meant 2cmx 2cm, not 2cm squared. ok, with the ~2.8 answer, here's another question: If the centre of each square is fixed with a spoke, which in turn is slotted into a 2cm long groove, what angle do both grooves need to be, assuming they are the same angle, in order that the squares can rotate to 45 degree angle. Imagine the touching bottom corners are hinged, so that they must both rise together.
  11. soop

    You have 2 squares 2cm squared. They're right beside each other, flush. The distance between the centre of the squares is currently 2 cm. Now, by turning each square 45 degrees so that the corners are touching, how far apart are the centres? it starts like this: | | | and then looks like this <><> (roughly).
  12. soop

    It's not a trick question, the ball will still bounce off of one side of the table. Incidentally, has anyone played on a round table? I did once in Portugal. It gives you some strange shots!
  13. soop

    This could be construed as pedantic, but the white ball is slightly smaller, and does not rebound from the cushion at the angle of incident. This is because a coloured ball reaches ever so slightly higher to the cushion, and (iirc) these do. There, that's interesting. now, the problem, assuming the above is an unneccessary waste of words: *just checked, and Chris is right. Haven't worked out the first one (7 points), but the other two are what I was thinking. Actually, there's one with three too, if one ball is by the cushion, and the other is, say in the middle of the table (or at any point in the line between the two balls).
  14. soop

    Oh, it was very good by the way, and obviously not as easy as you thought
  15. soop

    Got it. I have to say, when I read the "smart people take longer" I thought it was gonna be a trick.
  16. soop

    I thought the same.
  17. soop

    Yeah, NOON is right, toot isn't. MOW is the one I got.
  18. soop

    I seem to have just done it with my phone charger. It's obviously not looped or anything. I started with a loop, and tied a knot like you would when tying your shoe. Then I made another, pulling the first knot through the loop of the second. Then bit by bit, I pulled the second knot through and around the first, and that undid, leaving me with one loop. Then by reversing, you can pull the knot off the end of the loop. I'm not entirely sure if the first didn't just undo as a secondary process of me moving the knot around (in that you can do it without disturbing the first), but I'll let someone else figure that out. *edit* nah, just retried, and it didn't work
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