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Everything posted by soop

  1. soop

    As NM pointed out, it was in a "joke of the day" google gadget yesterday the answer in the joke was: So you were all pretty much on the right track.
  2. soop

    This one is adapted from a joke, but I think it will work. An old man lived alone in Idaho. He wanted to spade his potato garden, but it was very hard work. His only son, who used to help him, was in prison for murder. The old man wrote a letter to his son and described his predicament. Dear Son: I am feeling pretty bad because it looks like I won't be able to plant my potato garden this year. I'm just getting too old to be digging up a garden plot. If you were here, all my troubles would be over. I know you would dig the plot for me. Within a week, the garden was completely dug and ready for planting. What did the son write to his father to achieve this?
  3. soop

    But the bow and the blowpipe!
  4. soop

    Ok, this is going to be someone on the forums as the murderer and the vicitim right? I don't know many people. I'm starting to form ideas though.
  5. No, 83% of statistics are made up on the spot. I think that once was Vic Reeves
  6. soop

    Mumbles got it right. most people approached this from the point of view of the players with the jokers; mumbles gave some thought as to the other people. now I'm not saying that anyone would chose a king over an ace, but the question was which hand is optimal. if a king is chosen, both player a and b still split the pot, but it's likely to be bigger. both player c and will assume either a or b has two kings, but this will seem unlikely when two kings appear on the field. from d and c's point of view, it's safer to bet on the kings.
  7. soop

    This one should be simple for poker players - include your reasoning. 4 people are playing texas 5 card hold-em with a twist. In the pack, there are 2 jokers. If a player is dealt a joker, he has to declare its value and suit before the flop. In the case of two players having jokers, both players must decide the value between them. This gives the advantage of any card you want, but the distinct disadvantage that the other players know one of your two cards. In this hand of poker, these are the cards: Player A; Joker, Ace (S) Player B; Joker, Ace (H) Player C; King (S) Q (H) Player D; King (H) J (S). If the cards dealt are then K(D), A(D), Q(H), J(H), 2(D) What would be the optimum value that both players could have decided upon?
  8. soop

    Ah, You're right, it's those odd two, isn't it. Always the way with these pesky knights. Keith, every knight is in check, but they can evade
  9. soop

    Looks like we got a split pot
  10. soop

    DING DING DING! That is EXACTLY right! Well done Sir, the pot belongs to you
  11. soop

    Just J Q K, no jokers, aces don't count as picture cards
  12. soop

    Your guess was wrong, and yes, I meantr 2 clubs in his hand. If you're stuck later, I'll give you some tips on working it out.
  13. soop

    you're welcome
  14. soop

    I think you've pretty much solved it, I'll give you the (slightly subtle) first part:
  15. soop

    or maybe No, unfortunately, although your first point was close to the second part of the clue.
  16. soop

    Very damn close. There's also a second reason too, but you've pretty much hit the nail on the head.
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