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Everything posted by soop

  1. soop

    Worst 'riddle' ever.
  2. soop

    They could be dead trees. also, there could be sheep with only 3 legs (it's happened before), and what appears to be a step doesn't necessarily have to have a door in front. The cart may not be in use specifically because it lost a wheel and is waiting to be repaired. Also, farmers appear to be havesting grain suggesting a specific season, while a driverless horse pulls a plough, which would appear to be indicative of a different season. Although it's by no means impossible. The curtains appear to be on the outside of the house.
  3. soop

    It's a little easy. I agree with the second and first posts. Good attempt though. Keep doing them.
  4. soop

    http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/words_that_end_in_gry.png Double post.
  5. soop

    Misleading grammar does not a riddle make. This is basically a deliberate use of "tricky" wording to lead people into thinking there is a puzzle when there isn't one.
  6. soop

    I have to say though, it's only the last part that has any sort of puzzle element. This is one of those riddles with an ephemeral kind of answer. It could be anything, and some of the answers thus far have been far more plausable than the intended answer.
  7. soop

    It's simple.
  8. soop

    Wow! I was on a completely different tip! I too was thinking natural disasters (volcano, tsunami) or coal.
  9. soop

    Yeah, I thought the same thing. Like you, I also had trouble with the wording.
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