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Everything posted by unreality

  1. If you haven't seen this post, do so now Host: itachi 1) Limeliam 2) Prof. Templeton - voting for Brandonb 3) Frost 4) dawh - voting for Prof Templeton 5) Cherry Lane 6) Star Tiger - voting for Brandonb 7) LIS -DEAD 8) SomeGuy 9) Joe's Student 10) GC - voting for Prof Templeton 11) PG 12) reaymond 13) impervious - voting for Brandonb 14) O'mally - voting for O'mally 15) unreality - voting for Brandonb 16) Brandonb - voting for Prof Templeton 17) Y-San -DEAD [Achaean] my vote is obvious NOTE TO TROJANS: if Bb does NOT die: tonight: * Paris should save me * Helen should nullify me * Aeneas should kill Brandonb * Priam should guess the above three actions if Bb does die but GC is alive: tonight: * Paris should save me * Helen should nullify me * Aeneas should kill GC * Priam should guess the above three actions if something else happens (like both BB and GC die, or if one of those first three roles dies in the lynching, etc) I'll whip up something else ;D
  2. yeah - as of now, Scythe is my star program
  3. Shadow Children is a great series Why the sign-up roster lol? No need for that, peace. It's not a game, nor a set list - people can come and go. However we could have a list of book nominees and vote numbers next to them, ie, Slaughterhouse Five - 12 Pendragon - 17 or whatever
  4. There is an infinite sequence that works as an algorithm for calculating arccosines, when I get the time I can find it and play around with it, seeing if I can prove with it that the average arccos from 0 to pi is 1... this would be more "pure" than my computer-program solution and would wrap up the non-calculus solution nicely
  5. RMZ: have you ever noticed how almost everything in the Pendragon universe (or universes I should say. Or just one. We don't know yet??? lol) has a double letter?
  6. I AM A TROJAN/TROJAN-ALLY tonight: * Paris should save me * Helen should nullify me * Aeneas should kill Brandonb * Priam should guess the above three actions
  7. how about Slaughterhouse Five then? I've been meaning to read it
  8. Reposting all of my programs, plus the Bombardier at the bottom is a hopper/bomber hybrid. While I concluded that a single pointer that is both a hopper and a bomber (easily possible in VNA 2.0) is hard in VNA 3.0, a much more efficient option is using multiple pointers to have a set bomber working with a separate pointer that runs a hopper. That's Bombardier's strategy - one bomber and one hopper running together [the bomber is unable to hit itself or any pieces of the hopper] I haven't finished my Oscillator Trap yet (the more sophisticated one I've been working on) cuz I haven't had enough time. But something else I was doing (yesterday, actually) was mathematical research on the concepts of jump constants and the numerical behavior of hoppers jumping around the VNA, so as to predict behavior patterns and pick the perfect numbers. I have some conclusions, but for the amount of work I was doing they'll seem weak lol, so I'll post them when I complete what I'm intending to figure out ~~ edit: any complaints/suggestions/comments/etc for my emulator? It works fast, smooth and consistent for me - EXCEPT when I accidentally click inside the VNA screen and then it takes forever calculating what line I clicked on. It doesn't happen very often, but it's annoying. So if anyone else has that issue, I can disable the line-reporter feature entirely, or make an option where the user can disable it.
  9. I'll join Though let me start by trashing Eragon, of course. Worst book(s) ever. The writing has a few good parts, but 99% is utter boring, and the amount of cliché and unoriginality in those books is almost impossible to express with the amount of words allowed by a single post on BD. It's like he took a bunch of popular fantasy/scifi franchises (some of them already sh*tty) and smushed them into a lame LOTR-starwars-ripoff. Total ripoff... part of the clichéd fantasy genre. Euucucck! lol, onto the next subject: Dan Brown. One thing he has immense talent for is drawing you in - you read one page and your hooked. Because I've this, I've read all 4 books (Angels & Demons, Da Vinci Code, Digital Fortress, Deception Point). Deception Point pretty much sucks, and Da Vinci Code isn't as good as the hype, but Angels & Demons and Digital Fortress are actually good books IMO. I really enjoyed Digital Fortress (but maybe cuz I'm a computer geek ) and Angels & Demons has more twists than your mom's DNA ;D That being said, I always get a little angry when he states totally FALSE facts as truths. When it's anti-religion I don't really mind (lol ), but some of the facts are blatantly false, but are worded as if he did his research well, but is just twisting them. I can't really describe it lol Anyway, if I had to recommend a good book series, it's Pendragon by DJ MacHale. It's not about King Arthur at all, it's set in modern times and about these space-time-travelers and... well I can't give much else away, everything is very need-to-know. DJ MacHale's writing is very funny and descriptive, and it starts off more young-teen-ish age but picks up momentum quick throughout the series, becoming wider and darker and more and more epic... one of my favorite series for sure I own all 9 lol, and am waiting patiently for #10... trust me, it's very unique, and very entertaining to read As for His Dark Materials, I love those books! I loved them even before I understood the atheist message. The ending so sad I think I've grown a little out of them, but they're still decent I like most other books too ;D lol. I'm planning on reading Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse Five (mostly for LOST reference hehe) and Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and a few others, but haven't got around to it yet
  10. haha, nice! Most likely, RHGC invaded Hydra and captured its pointers into its own system. So the game will go on forever. Thus there is no "official" victory, however RHGC gets the "unofficial" victory by overwriting Hydra. Nice job DMS! It also depends on the starting round. It's a good idea to cover 5 or so starting positions and do switch for each one, for a total of 10 games, to best measure the better opponent. That removes the chance of a lucky starting position I'm pretty sure Hydra is my worst program, btw - Hydra II is good for what it does, though Scythe is a good one. A Scanner Darkly is decent but can be improved upon. Yesterday I created a hopper-bomber hybrid as well as a new kind of hopper, very sophisticated strategy-wise, which I'm still working on
  11. yeah - other constants come from solutions to smaller quadratics or cubics, which tend to keep things smaller... but still, it doesn't do it justice I was just looking at some other constants, and most of them are all pretty small ;D
  12. nice, 9 letters! Probably the longest legit one yet, unless I missed one on an earlier page
  13. it's called Euler's Identity, and is a special case of Euler's Equation (I guess it's actually called Euler's Formula not Euler's Equation, whatever ) To me, it's just as surprising as a formula for i^x I discovered by accident a few months ago: i^x = cos(x * pi/2) + i*sin(x * pi/2) that's off the top of my head btw, but I'm pretty sure it's correct. Of course, the special cases give i^2 = -1, i^3 = -i, i^4 = 1, etc, likewise i^(1/2), the square root of i, gives sqrt(2)/2 + i*sqrt(2)/2 edit: more surprising is that i^i is a real number lol
  14. nice, thanks Sorry I haven't been too active on this, I've been busy with some things for school & stuff. I've made two other programs since I last posted, I'll post them sometime today ;D
  15. I knew you would say that, tis why I said relatively small I also know that you know what I mean ;D hehe. But if 'small' isn't acceptable, then the question can be rephrased as: why are pi and e so close to each other [relative to most numbers that we deal with on our number line]?
  16. unreality

    actually this doesn't work because 1 has to be the remainder when divided by each of those numbers. ie, it's of the form 2n+1, 3n+1, 4n+1, ... , 10n+1, 11n
  17. unreality

    by question, do you mean a question asked by someone in the song? Then when you hear a question, you hit shuffle, and the first line of the next song is the answer? I can't figure out what you mean
  18. you're mistaking it, I think. the π stands for pi, 3.14159... It looks kind of like an 'n' letter but I was trying to use the pi symbol
  19. :lol: Something I do think about is why pi & e are so small. It seems that all the cool, important numbers are very small. From the important square roots to the two golden ratios (although those are explained, they have to be (1ñ5)/2 because of the quadratic equation), to the transcendental numbers like pi and e. They're all relatively small on our number line. It's not like pi is 17012687432371112223448784425435435787898966634221357487723243.07707709806232112 4812 you know?
  20. I know a couple more good paradoxes, but I'm waiting to see if someone else posts one first
  21. No, I meant you 'scrambled' the words, ie, changed around the order of the letters. You can only insert new letters also ignore that I said cheaters OR teachers, it ends at cheaters only
  22. izzy: you're good until you start scrambling the word Yours ends at 'cheaters' or 'teachers' ;D I thought of one recently:
  23. nice ;D I had a good one in the back of mind, but forgot it I'll think of it later
  24. unreality

    Kingdom Hearts Mafia

    wow, Mafia VI was officially the largest game on BD (21 ppl) until now Topped by one lol. Good luck to everyone playing ;D
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