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Everything posted by unreality

  1. unreality


    if you can properly explain that logic then link it with one of the words on there that was guessed already it would be sufficient to prove one of the letters
  2. unreality


    _ _ _ _ _ START - 0 DEATH - 1 NIGHT - 1 MOUNT - 0 BOMBS - 1 BIRCH - 0 LURCH - 0 DARTS - 1 DODGE - 0 BATHS - 1 CAMEO - 0
  3. unreality


    _ _ _ _ _ START - 0 DEATH - 1 NIGHT - 1 MOUNT - 0 BOMBS - 1 BIRCH - 0 LURCH - 0 DARTS - 1 DODGE - 0 BATHS - 1
  4. unreality


    _ _ _ _ _ START - 0 DEATH - 1 NIGHT - 1 MOUNT - 0 BOMBS - 1 BIRCH - 0 LURCH - 0
  5. unreality


    _ _ _ _ _ START - 0 DEATH - 1 NIGHT - 1 MOUNT - 0 BOMBS - 1
  6. unreality


    _ _ _ _ _ START - 0 DEATH - 1 NIGHT - 1
  7. unreality


    _ _ _ _ _ START - 0
  8. unreality


    unreality - 16 dawh - 61 prince marth - 10 framm - 39 abhisk - 20 plainglazed - 40 i'll take the next word _ _ _ _ _ yeah the idea is to have a bult in system rewarding solving a word with minimal guesses. Throwing multiple ones out before another has been graded is only throwing points at the host. One exception would be maybe in the beginning when they're all in zeroes
  9. unreality


  10. unreality


    dawh is right; in fact there was enough information for that after UNDER
  11. unreality


    5th letter is E. STONE -> STOKE, retained 1, thus not N/K in 4th. STONE -> SHONE, retained 1, thus not T/H in 2nd. SHONE -> SHINE, retained 1, thus not O/I in 3rd. SHINE -> SHINS, dropped the 1, thus the E in 5th is what it was
  12. unreality


    yeah so who wants to host the next one? edit ~ the host can set house rules like "get a 5 and get the rest scored automatically for you" or stuff like that
  13. unreality


    yeah there's an element of timing for sure. The game isn't impartial to the forum environment, and that has to be factored in. If you want I think everyone would be okay with a rule where if someone guesses the word and gets a "5" on it, they automatically get the remaining letters scored? That sounds good to me
  14. unreality


    as the OP says, the last letter is worth 10 points, the others 5
  15. unreality


    No you understood absolutely 100% right. It's just that PM got the A and S before you, so I only gave you points for the O. You still have to logic it and you did
  16. unreality


    good game I feel bad for plainglazed though who didn't get to eat any of his cake haha C H A O S M A F I A - 0 S A L V O - 0 C H O K E - 2 B R O K E - 0 C H O S E - 2 C H I L E - 2 C H O R E - 2 C H E C K - 2 C H A T S - 4 C H A P S - 4 C H A O S - 5 unreality - 11 dawh - 10 prince marth - 10 framm - 10 Who wants to host now?
  17. unreality


    too late framm, only the O is left, but you got it ;D
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