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Everything posted by unreality

  1. unreality


    haha this one's good!
  2. let me quote again the important part of what you said: then you said there are four possible combinations. YOU ARE WRONG! Yes there are four when looking at both children together. But look at my last quote of you... it doesnt matter what came before. The way the question is worded, we arent looking at as a whole. We're looking at one individual case. It's 1/2 reword the problem and then you will be right with 1/3
  3. whered you pull 8 ounces from?
  4. why dont u read the spoiler cuz its the same as that. hehe.
  5. @sudy: thats not what i actually think. i was proving a point to Liderc or whatever his name is.
  6. lol no sh*t! I was proving a point to that guy that posted before me that said the "desert killed B, not the water". I was telling him how wrong he was. i dont think that. and to that person that said A and B are innocent: 1. i think everyone agrees A is innocent except for attempted murder. Duh. 2. B is definitely guilty. Sure if B hadn't of slit the sack, C wouldve died anyway, but B did slit the sack and C died because of B. B is the murderer. End of story.
  7. lol did you make that up?
  8. i saw this in a book.... it was like a year ago though, i dont remember any more than that, this solution is totally mine. In my solution i also determine if the ball is hevier or lighter: so you have 12 balls: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 first weighing: 1234 vs 5678 root 1: if weighing 1 balances if weighing 1 balances, it means the ball is in 9-12, so do 1,2,3 vs 9,10,11 if 9,10,11 side is lighter, the ball is lighter, if it is heavier, the ball is heavier. If they balance it means 12 is the pesky ball, and in the third weighing weigh it against a normal ball to see if 12 is heavier or lighter but if they didnt balance, and its 9,10 or 11 (and you know if the ball is heavier or lighter): so now weigh 8,9 vs 7,10 in your last weighing. Since you know if the ball is heavier or lighter, whichever one goes in the direction you know the special ball will go is your ball (either 9 or 11, since 8 and 7 are normal) If 8,9 vs 7,10 balances, you know the ball is 11. (and u already know if its lighter or heavier) root 2: if weighing 1 DOESNT balance i need to think about this..
  9. "when u shoot a gun, the high speed impact kills him, not you, so its not ur fault when u push someone off a cliff, hitting the water or ground below kills them, not you, so its not ur fault when u strangle someone, the oxygen depletion from their brain kills them, not you, so its not ur fault when u take a person's only drinking water source in the desert away from them, the harsh conditions kill him, not you, so its not ur fault" thats what ur saying. and its totally wrong, my friend.
  10. yeah i think most everyone got it when you showed the .2V2 picture
  11. damn thats cold. lol. ur probably right tho
  12. nice... of course the flaw is the "infinity" part, which corresponds to the "light switch supertask paradox" centered around aleph-null and that scientists dont know if an event has occured even or odd times when it reaches aleph-null (infinity)... well i cant explain it very well but its one of Martin Gardner's books nick, that was a good use of the aleph-null paradox!
  13. all you ppl that say its 50/50 cuz previous events dont effect the current event are just repeating what i said, but then i saw skale meant "as a whole, looking over the whole thing after two children are born" which it is indeed 1/3 not 1/2, even though the way the puzzle was worded was bad and sugested 1/2
  14. hehe "sure, jack, it belongs to the donkey... see ya!" *around the corner* "time to take the gold off the donkey"
  15. this one's very easy... but nothing is destiny if you know about it... you can always change it if it gives a specific day or time or whatever.... or if it truly is, maybe you would be like that guy from France who wanted to commit suicide so he tied a noose around his neck, the other end securely to a pole ontop of a cliff high over the ocean. He set himself on fire, took poison, and jumped off to hang himself, he also carried a gun to shoot himself on the way down (and this is a true story). The gun shot thru the rope so he didnt get hung (or shot) and he fell and splashed into the ocean, which put out the flames and he coughed up the poison (again, this is a true story). And the last resort was to drown, but he didnt drown because a kind fisherman rescued him... and he died in the hospital later. say if you were the guy that was supposed to die in two days.. "later" could mean two days later. if it truly was destined to happen your suicide could fail. hm. whatever.
  16. #3: gardening isnt some mathematical equation, jeez. someone can easily stay perfectly clean (at least their face) while gardening, someone else could just as easily get very dirty #2: they don't see this as a riddle, and their not logicians that see through multiple steps. they're just gardening. #1: duh... thats part of the riddle answer. they both look at each other's faces and do opposite of what they need to do.
  17. unreality

    My age

    i posted a riddle very similar to this. two actually.
  18. yep. i love these. there are so many variations, all are fun! what would be funny is if the guy that yelled out "red!" actually had a blue dot, and another logician had already deduced that he himself had a red dot because he sees one blue and one red and the guy with red is raising his hand, meaning he sees ANOTHER red, which has to be the logician with red. But get this: what if that logician says nothing on purpose, so the logician with blue says "i know they're smart, they can quickly find out their own dots are red if mine was blue, but they are silent, so mine is red." he shouts red and gets decapitated, and the other logicians grin cuz they hated him and were silent on purpose ;D lol
  19. exactly. i dont know why people cant think outside of the box and accept two solutions!
  20. looks like nobody knows so: a) 5x7 = 13 and 5x8 = 18 because its base 32 b) 7=13 and 10=22 because its base 4
  21. this is an old one, except in the old one its Anthony and Cleopatra, found dead in a temple in Egypt. "There is a broken bowl nearby, but no flesh wounds on their bodies" is part of it i think. i love this riddle.
  22. unreality


    yeah, people. this is supposed to be a simple riddle with a catch. there should be no more discussion after we know the catch. jeez.
  23. i see why you think that, but... just because you lose an eye doesnt mean you lose all the other stuff. there are much less soldiers that lost ALL FOUR than those that lost JUST ONE. just look at it this way... 70 soldiers lost an eye... so 30 DID NOT lose an eye 75 lost an ear. 25 DID NOT lose an ear 85 lost a leg. 15 DID NOT 80 lost an arm. 20 DID NOT To lose all 4, you can't "DID NOT" any of those... so 30+25+15+20 = 90... that means 90 people out of a 100 AT LEAST lost 1 body part. leaving 10 out of 100 to have lost ALL FOUR
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