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Everything posted by unreality

  1. unreality

    The Bible

    he was never in the Ark unless you're talking about the other Ark, the one he had built to store the Ten Commandments, but that was like a chest thingy and I dont think he ever crawled in that lol
  2. this is an old one: your name
  3. i'll post the answers for 4 and 5 (6 is easy): Way easier than it looks: the bikers are going the same speed so they meet after they have both gone 90 miles. 90m/15mph = 6 hours to meet each other. That just means the fly was flying constantly for 6 hours. 6x30 = 180 miles. The fly flew 180 miles total while going back and forth. When they meet, they are in the exact same place. Neither is farther from Manhattan! I love this trick question!
  4. (4) and (5) have catches too
  5. yeah u figured out the catch in problem 3, which was ur starting at 1, not 0, so u have 11 flags to go, not 12, and flag 8 is actually the seventh flag you reach. Good job! yes for problem 1, just the oxen cart takes up the whole time it wouldve taken to walk, and the time saved by walking is whatever time you took for the first half
  6. exactly... they are both better than nothing... but eternal bliss is a hell of a lot better!
  7. these are some problems from a Russian puzzle book. I've adapted and changed them a little bit... 1) Bob is going on a journey. For the first half he takes a horse cart, which goes 3 times faster than he can walk. For the second half he took an oxen cart, which goes half as fast as he can walk. Would he have gone faster or slower if he had walked all the way on foot? And how much time is saved for the faster way? 2) Randy's pals ask him how many kittens he has. His answer was: "Three-quarters of their number plus three-quarters of a kitten." His pals laughed at the joke, but it wasn't a joke... and he doesn't have any chopped up kittens either. How many kittens does he have? 3) There are 12 flags at an ancient Olympic race. The runners start at the first flag of course. A certain runner has the same speed and stride all the way throughout the race. When he got to flag 8, four seconds had gone by. How many seconds did it take for him to finish the race? 4) Two bikers are 180 miles apart and going toward each other on a straight line. They are biking steadily at 15 mph. A fly (going 30 mph) is flying constantly in between them. When it reaches the next biker, it turns around and goes back to meet the next biker, etc. When the bikers meet and the fly stops flying, how many miles has the fly flown? 5) A bus leaves Manhattan to go to Queens at noon. A biker leaves Queens to go to Manhattan an hour later, and the biker is going 15 mph slower than the bus. When they meet, which is farther from Manhattan? 6) The toy costs $1 plus half its price. How much does it cost? I hope these haven't already been posted...
  8. the way u worded it, u said "untruth", nothing about lying. I dunno, does it have to do with that? Is an untruth always a lie? hmmm...
  9. A towel! that's an old one! its not a paradox either cuz it uses the verb "dry" first as subjective then as objective, or whatever order, i cant remember
  10. yeah, or if the doors opened toward each other and were close enough together, u could do what i said, and open both doors and hide in the wedge between them- the dragon explores and gets fried, and u escape damn i didnt even think about waiting til night lol
  11. hey guys, I just thought of this... I'm not sure if its a paradox or not. You open a Chinese fortune cookie and the fortune reads: "This fortune will not come true." Is that a paradox? I'm not sure... cuz if it does come true, then it says it didn't come true... which it did, so itd be false but if its false, if the fortune doesnt come true, the fortune happened correctly and it was true paradox (just basically the same as the Liar's Paradox, i realize now)
  12. oh, sorry bout that mate!
  13. i saw a similar problem before, except the numbers were adjacent and they were 2 and 3 (2.3)
  14. Zalalalan was 14 the day before yesterday. Next year he will be 17. How is this possible?
  15. unreality


    maybe it was a different metal or color than they were supposed to be? i'm confused too
  16. X = 0 1x/1x = 1 2x/2x = 1 8723x/8723x = 1 all of those times X is 0, though, so: 0/0 = 1 I'm not sure if that was used before as a solution, i didnt look at Page 1 at all
  17. hooray! lol thats a sucky one isnt it. try my Lightbulbs one i like that one
  18. lol it was a good solution, wasnt it? The only one that guarantees to make it out alive hehe
  19. they all have AT LEAST 28 days, some have more than that. get it now?
  20. i would say "You're not going to give me all the coins." I'm not sure if that would work. yeah or just say "1+1=2"
  21. and now he rules the asparagus industry, creating a monopoly and pushing the other firms out of business... MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!
  22. did anyone get the answer without looking?
  23. i saw this somewhere else and decided to draw it and stuff: Here are six cups. Three of them are empty, three have wine in them. Your goal is to make the line of cups alternate (wine-empty-wine-empty or empty-wine-empty-etc). You can only touch one cup and that is the cup you move. You may not move any other cups with or without your hand except if you are pushing the cup you chose to move between two other cups. How do you do it?
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