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Everything posted by unreality

  1. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    because I had already exposed said possibilities, and CHANGED MY PLAN IDEA. You quoted that post and still went along as if I hadn't changed it edit: In other words, you were trying to implicate me for an idea that I quickly changed the new idea is this: Forget Twoaday. He is the Bomb no matter what you think I am. So if you think I am lying, vote for me
  2. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    my new suspicion level: 1. CL - possibly a Mafioso 2. Bb - need his defense still 3. Puzzlegirl - continuing to vote for me, and ignoring my questions 4. CP - thought she was GR or QA, maybe not though edit: gave reasons for each
  3. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    CL: that's exactly why I changed the plan, so vote for me if you think I'm lying but since I know I'm the Spy, you've just risen to high on my Mafia alert list . Watch out!
  4. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    puzzlegirl, do you think I'm lying that I'm the Spy? edit: thanks Dusty It's nice to meet a sane person ;D hehehe
  5. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    the roster: 1) Unreality 2) Brandonb - voting for TwoaDay 3) Frozen 4) Slick-voting for Taliesin 5) TwoaDay 6) Yoruichi-san 7) Taliesin 8) Itachi - voting for Brandonb 9) CrazyPainter 10) Cherry Lane - voting for TwoaDay 11) Dnae - voting for Brandonb 12) Nayana - voting for Taliesin 13) Dawh 14) pw0nzd - voting for TwoaDay 15) GC - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 16) Dusty 17) Puzzlegirl - voting for Unreality 18) Tolecnal 19) Rene83 - voting for TwoaDay 20) Sinistral
  6. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    CP has dropped in my suspicion level, it's (1) Bb, (2) CP
  7. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    btw, with that "course of action" thing, I realized that's not a good idea. Instead, if you think I'm lying, vote for me. How sorry you will be when you find out I'm the Spy JUST LIKE I SAID
  8. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    right now I am waiting on Brandonb to give his defense
  9. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    bringing stuff to this page:
  10. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    so you never actually read any previous Mafia game?
  11. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    CP: read post #240 and then page 25. I am the Spy, not the Doc/Healer. I never said I was any of them. I said I was the Spy
  12. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    CL and Frost: I know, I meant do it at night if he doesn't believe me everyone: if anyone thinks I'm lying, the course of action to test it is to lynch Twoaday, and NEVER change your vote from him- so we can make this backfire on the Mafia who probably started the Bomb-lynch-bandwagon. Then if I'm wrong, I give everyone full permission to lynch me on the second day
  13. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    Twoaday: if you don't believe me, lie detect my statement. I spied on you cuz you were flip-floppin around ;D
  14. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    check out post #240 at the end of page 24. I am the Spy. Twoaday is the Bomb. Anyone that continues to vote for Twoaday is either really stupid or really suspicious lol
  15. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    CP: Sorry, I didn't mean to sound so rude while saying you were being rude everyone: since the Mafia has probably already figured this out... I am the Spy I spied on Twoaday when he was flip-flopping, and found out that he was the Bomb
  16. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    I know, that's why you're lower on the list The only reason you're on there at all is because you were one of the early ones to jump on the Twoaday bandwagon, which seems like a Mafia trick to me, and I figured Frost would put a newer member in the Mafia. Anyway, my main suspicions at this point are CP and Bb, so don't worry
  17. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    what the hell is wrong with you CP? The only reason me and Frost let you play Mafia V is because you promised to not be rude anymore (ie, Y-san was complaining about you last game). You're getting on my nerves
  18. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    I agree with Itachi. Currently my suspicion list is the following: 1. CP 2. Bb 3. Rene 4. PG 5. CL 6. Pw0nzd with #1 being most suspicious
  19. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    which is why, in that post that you quoted, I also stated "lynching me is NOT a good idea" unless they're being illogical and foolish. Which you are. "I think that Unreality could be a QA" is not an excuse for a lynch vote - which you will find out if I am indeed lynched and my Innocent role revealed. In that case, I hope you are the next to go, as that might confirm your baddie status edit: still not voting, though I could be wrong about CP, just an intuition. However I KNOW that Twoaday is Innocent, and I know his exact role as well. I am Innocent too. 100% Innocent.
  20. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    about 6 hours, actually and CP, you like throwing baseless suspicions around don't you? "I think that Unreality could be a QA... so I'm voting for him"... wtf? And your accusation of Itachi was silly too. You've just risen on my blacklist based on your almost-scathing reply to Itachi, but I'll refrain from voting until I have more info to go by
  21. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    I'm either the Spy or the Defender or the Healer or the Doctor or the Bomb, or I just have a good gut feeling that Twoaday is Innocent. I am not Mafia I am not a QA (or the MoE, to be even more specific) I am not the GR I am not a baddie in any way, nor do I have a secret agenda like the Jihadist had last game. I am 100% Innocent and good ;D The Bomb can lie detect that if he/she wants, if the Bomb is not me of course edit to CP: lynching Twoaday is NOT a good idea. Lynching me is NOT a good idea the more people that vote for me and twoaday makes it harder for me to see who are baddies and starting bandwagons, and who are just being noobs and jumping on the bandwagons
  22. yeah ;D Great game, guys
  23. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    Frost, can we get an adamant time at which the day will end?
  24. good idea about 911 clues, dawh ;D maybe I should say how many of the three things were correct, but not which ones
  25. this was the info that people were PMed as innocent items: (I'm sure you guys have figured out most of them, but I have no idea why pw0nzd guessed asparagus, it was pretty obvious by the end that dawh and tolecnal had been PMed asparagus... also he didn't get my "key" murder weapon hint ;D Host: Unreality 1) Pw0nzd - (brandonb, cheese grater, garage) 2) Twoaday - (pw0nzd, 8-sided dice, love room) * someone (I forget which two) 3) dawh - (twoaday, asparagus, janitor's closet) 4) Nayana - (brandonb, 8-sided dice, soup kitchen) 5) Cherry Lane - murderer (tolecnal, floss, janitor's closet) 6) Brandonb - (tolecnal, cheese grater, janitor's closet) * tolecnal (asparagus, soup) 7) Mekal - (twoaday, rubber ducky, entertainment lounge) * dawh (2day, sparagus) 8) Tolecnal - (nayana, asparagus, soup kitchen) asterisk is a snitch and which 2 data was gleaned from the snitch. I forget twoaday's snitch, the data's on the other comp
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