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Everything posted by unreality

  1. unreality


    I know I'm not playing, but I couldn't help but point out that B would require A to happen first ;D Oh and the GR wouldn't give himself/herself up. No baddie would/should
  2. unreality

    The way the OP is stated, it sounds like he will pay you out no matter what, so what would I pay? $0, of course, if he'll do it no matter what! If the OP is asking for 'what would you pay in advance to make it an even game', it would be $8, right?
  3. http://www.arcanegazebo.net/religion/atheism/
  4. Thanks! I adjusted the LP article
  5. I think this must be a job for bonanova ;D
  6. unreality

    it's an axiom. 1+1 = 2. You can't prove it- it just is- it's an axiom. There will always be smaller numbers and always be bigger numbers. If you have a number 'n', you can always find 'a' and 'b' so that a-b >= n. Even if you can't reuse numbers (ie, a grid like you are suggesting), you have an infinite more to select from
  7. yeah the equator is "0 degrees" like it says in the post and you're right ;D
  8. unreality

    haha, these are great! most of em, and more, can be found here: http://wordsmith.org/anagram/ great ones here: http://wordsmith.org/anagram/hof.html
  9. A perfect sphere hangs in space. The sphere has an equator, and thus a north and south pole. A point starts out on the equator. Say that the equator line is the 0°, 180° and 360° line- the point sets out at an angle of 30° on a spiral that will take the point to the north pole. If the diameter of the sphere is D (ie, the length of the equator), and the point moves at the exact unwavering speed of D/108 per minute, and nothing interrupts its path, how many hours does the point take to reach the north pole?
  10. haha, that's how I ended Mafia VI, with fireworks attached to Dawh and they shot him up into the air ;D
  11. unreality

    Do You YouTube?

    epic: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LgdC95f7avs
  12. soon I'll be on BD much less, and might not be able to answer the Yak Hunt PM fast enough would anyone like to shoulder that responsibility? I could redirect the blog to PM you instead, and just tell you what to tell people (just copy, paste, hit SEND ;D) thanks in advance
  13. unreality

    (1) was done by HH, but for (2)
  14. 5* for great puzzles and great answers ;D

  15. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/End-user_(computer_science)
  16. Sinistral won, Ysan 2nd, Dawh 3rd, CL 4th, I'm not sure who's next I haven't checked the 'final destination' in a while, I will now ;D edit: TC was 5th, Kat 6th, Mekal 7th many more slots open for the future conquerers ;D
  17. it would be sweet to add a 'Common Criminal' faction- or no, just 'Criminal' faction, with roles like Highwayman, Gonoph, Footpad, Pickpocket, Bank Robber, and stuff ;D
  18. yeah, exactly. It's relatively minor, and I don't know how much other technical stuff rookie has on his plate (if at all), so if I were him I'd only look into it if there weren't other, pressing, concerns to the site (of which, as an end-user, I haven't noticed, if there are any)
  19. yeah it's probably not. You can change the even/odd status of one bin which you don't even get to choose (the ball color is random), and then there's the lightswitch, but even so it's probably impossible I worded the riddle so as to allow putting a red ball in the blue bin and vice versa without actually stating that you could (it's just common sense ;D), that's sort of the 'catch'. Then I also made it clear that you can see the top ball in the bin very clearly, ie, to discern its color if you wanted Which is why it may be possible to work with 9 Ball Lackeys, see my post 5 in this topic I'm curious if anyone else can do better than 3/4 to work with 9
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