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Everything posted by unreality

  1. clarifications: 1) You don't have to turn a knob if you don't want to 2) Yes, there is a chance that not all prisoners will go... if there are 7, the first 6 could even rotate without the 7th ever visiting. However, that doesn't affect your answer. Your answer would still be 100% certain if all have been to the room. If not all get to the room, your 100% answer opportunity will never come up. So even if it's the same prisoner over and over, your 100% correct answer would still be 100% correct answer if it got the opportunity to work. See what I mean? 3) So you can: 3a) just assume that all prisoners get sent to the room 3b) if you don't want to do that, if it hits 5,000 and not all have been to the room, the time limit goes to 10,000, etc, until all have been to the room, then the next multiple of 5,000 is the dead one. Can you do it now? 3c) another possibility: the king is lazy. He knows that if you have a dead-certain plan, he doesn't want to waste 5000 hours on the experiment. So if a prisoner comes to him with a plan that, if all prisoners go to the room, it will succeed, the king will just let them all go right away. So you just have to come up with a plan assuming all prisoners go to the room 4) is it possible? some more points: 1) right now you have the option of turning no knobs or only one of the three knobs - what if you had the option to turn two knobs maximum? 2) remember that prisoners can keep track of time in their cells
  2. unreality

    what a ***** topic! I can't ***** believe this **** is on this *****smoothie*** ***frat** quasi-****pseudo*****vicar*******tacos******leopard!!!!!! Quizzical qu****arkies*****jumbo****f***shrimp*****!!!!!!!!! Sonofaflamingo!!!! lol, couldn't resist
  3. A logic-loving and merciful king gathers a meeting of all of his death row inmates. The room can only fit 11 max (and all prisoners know this and know that all prisoners know this), so including the king, it means that the number of prisoners is 10 at most, but each prisoner can only see 2 other prisoners since they are all in a line. "There are no less than three of you," the king confirms. "And no more than ten- however, I will not say the exact number of prisoners. Now, since I am a kind and merciful king, I have devised a little game that will test your skills to the limit. If you succeed, all of you will be released. But if somebody makes a false guess, everyone is executed. If nobody makes a guess within 5000 hours, everyone is executed anyway. You cannot risk the lives of you and your fellow prisoners, so you may only make a guess that you know is 100% correct... even if the chances are 99.9%, and even if it's the 4999th hour and everyone dies the next hour anyway. That is, you must give me reasoning with your guess to show that it is, for sure, 100% correct. Is that clear?" The prisoners nodded obediently, excited at their chance for freedom. "Good," continued the king. "Now for the game... but first, I must warn you. I do not know if there is a successful method. This is a little test of mine, to test your skills. Maybe it's possible, maybe it's not. Maybe you can think of a way, maybe not. But thank me for being such a merciful king and giving you such a chance." "Thank you," they mumbled. "Now," said the king, smiling a little. "Here is the game: I have a room, nearby, which has three knobs. The knob's original use is long gone, but you can still see their settings: 0, 1 or 2. Each hour starting 1 hour from now, a random prisoner will be selected, with no regards to previous selections, and sent into the room. The prisoner will be watched, and thus is only allowed to change one knob. The knob can be set to any of the three values, though there is no between-states, the knob clicks between those three values only (0,1,2). And remember, you are being watched. There can be no modification of the room in any other way, it will be reset. The only thing you can do is to pick ONE knob and change it. The knobs are clearly labeled A, B and C, and these labels will not change in any way. The knobs will not change in any way other than a prisoner adjusting it to 0,1,2, and nobody else will tamper with the knobs. You guys win the game if someone, anyone, can guess when every single prisoner has been in the room. It has to be foolproof, 100% correct. If the guess is made [correctly], everyone goes free... seem impossible? However," the king said. "You will be allowed to plan your strategy through anonymous letters via me. I will make sure there is no way to discern how many prisoners there are via the letters - that could be anything from 3 to 10, nobody knows. But in the letters, you CAN discuss strategy, so that everybody knows what to do." The prisoners attempt a few ideas, but can't agree on anything. You are the one of the prisoners. Do you have a brilliant plan that will save everyone? 1) Only a 100%-sure guess can be made, ie, a guess is made correctly, OR no guess is made until the 5000th hour, at which the prisoners are executed 2) Assume that the prisoners can keep track of time in their cells 3) No changing anything except those three knobs to three values each (0,1,2). And you can only change ONE knob in your visit 4) the prisoners cannot communicate in any way except for the knobs 5) There are two possible starting positions: (the king tells them [truthfully] which it is) 5a) the knobs start at all-zero (000) 5b) the knobs start randomly, ie, each knob has a 1/3 chance to be 0, 1/3 to be 1, and 1/3 to be 2 Can you make it work with 4b, let alone 4a? Please use spoilers, thank you edit: minor typo
  4. I posted it about 20 pages back or so in this topic
  5. I think it's gonna go unanswered ;D
  6. if I ever hosted a turbo-mafia, it would be this: Brainden Mafia: The Inv4sion of Teh Hax0rz!!!!!!!!!1111 Hackers (3) - hack one account each night to lock that person out of Brainden. Win when everyone but themselves have been hacked Braindenizens (8) - vote to ban one person each day. Don't stop until all Hackers (and Leopard) are banned Wild-but-Spotless Leopard (1) - a free radical who "leopardizes" someone each night. The Leopard then assumes that person's role in case of a L33t or Scav Hunter check. The Leopard wins when he/she leopardizes the Admin, then the Admin dies and Leopard disappears from Brainden. If Leopard picks the Admin while the Firewall is still alive, the Leopard is informed and gets to pick someone else (cannot leopardize Admin til Firewall is dead) HACKERS: * L33t - the leader hacker. Can break into one person's account each night and discover their role * Flamer - enjoys starting flame wars [no ability] * Spammer - enjoys spreading nonsense posts [no ability] BRAINDENIZENS: * Admin - can ban one person by himself/herself each night except the 1st. Vulernable to banning, but cannot be hacked at night until Firewall dies * Moderators (2) - each pick one person at night. That person cannot be hacked during that night only. The Moderators can communicate with one another * Scav Hunter - can learn one person's identity each night * VIPs (2) - their votes secretly count as x2. They can communicate with one another * Firewall - Admin cannot be hacked while the Firewall is alive * Noob - doesn't know what's going on first, but learns as he/she plays. If a Braindenizen is lynched (voted to be banned by the group), the Noob may choose to take over that person's role ability. If checked by the Scav Hunter or L33t, the Noob will always appear as just "Noob", despite what role they have taken on
  7. Idk if Mekal got the most recent. This is it so far: Mafia VII Takes place in a remote mountain village... Factions: * Independent (3) * Mafia (5) * Townsfolk (10) Independent: * Alpha Werewolf - [knows who Slayer is] bites one person each night to "infect" them with lycanthropy. The new Werewolf can almost always still use their Townsfolk role ability, but is now sided with the Alpha Werewolf, and all Werewolves have BTSC. The Alpha Werewolf can only bite and infect Townsfolk, so if he/she picks a non-Townsfolk role (Mafia, Cypher, Mercenary), he/she is informed and can attempt to bite someone else (all the AW is told is that the person is not a Townsfolk). If the Alpha Werewolf is lynched, all living Werewolves die too, but if the Alpha Werewolf dies at night, a new Werewolf is picked randomly to become the Alpha Werewolf. The Werewolves win when 4 or more Werewolves are alive, including the Alpha Werewolf * Cypher - [knows who CA is] the Cypher is a serial killer who leaves a mathematical code to his/her next victim. The Cypher chooses his/her kill each night for the following night, so on the first night there is no kill, but there is still a code for the 2nd night victim. And on the 2nd night, the Cypher picks the victim for the 3rd night, etc. The code is uniform throughout. The Cypher is invincible to werewolf bites as well as normal death, the only way they can die (at first) is being caught by the Cryptanylist. The Cryptanylist, or CA, is a Townsfolk-sided code-breaker who picks one person each night (except the 1st) whom they think is the Cypher's victim for that night. If the CA is correct, the Cypher is caught and killed. If the CA dies, the Cypher becomes vulnerable to normal death, but still cannot be bitten by the Alpha Werewolf. The Cypher wins if he/she is still alive and killing when another faction wins, ie, they win together * Mercenary - the Mercenary has been hired to take out a specific person with a lynching. The person, or 'target', is random from the list of all Townsfolk roles. The Mercenary knows the role of the target, and also knows when his/her target has been bitten, if at all. If the Mercenary's target is killed by the Mafia, the Mercenary joins the Mafia, and if the Mercenary's target is killed by the Vigilante, Slayer, or Firework Maker, the Mercenary joins the Townsfolk... ie, the Mercenary can be "bought" by killing their target for them. If the Cypher kills the target, the Mercenary can choose to work for the Mafia OR the Townsfolk OR to be assigned a new lynch target Mafia: * Don - the leader of the Mafia group. If checked by the Spy, is seen as a random non-Werewolf Townsfolk role from the 9 non-Spy roles * Consigliere - the personal adviser to the Don. Picks one person each night and collects data on them via contacts, learning their role (including if they are a Werewolf or not). If the Don dies, the Consigliere takes over as head of the Mafia, having both the Don's ability and the Consigliere's original ability * Hitman - one of the most skilled hitmen in the Mafia's arsenal. Kills anyone that visits him/her at night (Spy, Medic, Herbalist, Slayer, Mountaineer, but NOT CA or Tourist) or, in the case of the Vigilante, there is a 50-50 chance who wins the fight (Hitman or Vigilante). If Cypher visits the Hitman while the CA is still alive (and the Cypher is thus invincible), the Hitman is killed. However, if the CA is dead and the Cypher goes after the Hitman, the Hitman kills the Cypher * Bankroller - controls the Mafia's finances as well as its legitimate businesses. Everyone knows who the Bankroller is from the getgo, and thus the Bankroller is sort of the spokesperson for the Mafia, but if the Bankroller is lynched, he/she can pick anyone to kill in the lynching if the Hitman is still alive * Framer - can frame someone each day. If the Spy picks that person the following night, the Spy is told 'Framer'. Nobody is informed if/when a framing takes place or who was framed Townsfolk: * Spy - spies on one person each night and gets their exact role (except in the special case of the Don), including Werewolf role if they've been bitten * Medic - an unofficial doctor who prowls around the village at night. The Medic can save two people each night (from death only, not from werewolf bites), with no restrictions on who EXCEPT for the fact that the Spy is too elusive to protect while snooping someone. If the Spy decides not to spy on someone, they are savable by the Medic * Herbalist - can cure lyncanthropy, but only if done within minutes of the bite, and thus each night the Herbalist can pick one person to save from the Alpha Werewolf's bite * Slayer - picks one person each night except the first night. If the person is a Werewolf, they are slain. The Slayer cannot be bitten by the Alpha Werewolf * Vigilante - kills one person each night except the first night * Firework Maker - lives in a house full of explosives and gunpowder. If a killing role or Alpha Werewolf visit, they see the explosive house and may retreat, OR keep going, but with a 1/2 chance of the person being blown up. If it was the Mafia, the Hitman will be killed. If Hitman is already dead, a random living Mafioso is picked instead. If there is no explosion, the Firework Maker is killed or bitten as normal, but if there is an explosion (1/2 chance), there is a 2/3 chance the Firework Maker will die in it as well. During the day, the Firework Maker picks someone. If that person is the Framer, the Framer's frame is not successful, and both the Spy and the Mafia are notified (but not the Firework Maker). The Firework Maker can pick the same person two days in a row if he/she wishes * Mayor - the acting Mayor of the small village has a few privileges. First, his/her vote secretly counts as 2, and secondly, if the Mayor is lynched, his/her role is revealed but he/she does not die * Tourist - the only person with a laptop or internet connection in this mountain village. The Tourist was just here for the getaway and nice views when the troubles began, and just wants to get back home. Unfortunately, they're stranded here and must help the Townsfolk. Each day, the Tourist can look someone up on their laptop, and learns their werewolf status (bitten or not bitten), but the data is also sent to the Cypher, who has hacked the Tourist's computer. Also, if the person picked is the lynch target of the Mercenary, the Tourist is informed (and so is the Cypher of course) * Mountaineer - [knows who Medic is] the Mountaineer likes to go on late-night hiking trips, and can pick one person to take with him/her. The picked person is immune from being killed or bitten, but they cannot perform any night action. The Spy can still spy on them, and if the chosen person is the Don, the Don's true identity is revealed to the Spy. If the Mountaineer picked the last Mafioso, there is no Mafia kill. If they picked the Alpha Werewolf, the Alpha Werewolf bites the Mountaineer as the bite for that night. Once the Mountaineer has taken someone on a climb, they cannot do it again * Cryptanylist - the Cryptanylist, or CA, is an expert code-breaker whose goal is to crack the Cypher's code and figure out the serial killer's next victim. Each night, except the first, the CA picks someone who they think will be the Cypher's victim. The CA must give me some logical reasoning to prove it's not just a random guess, and if they are correct, the Cypher is caught and killed. The Cryptanylist can choose themselves There are names for when a Townsfolk gets bitten and turns into a Werewolf: * the Spy becomes the Prowler [can still use Spy ability] * the Medic becomes the Guard Dog [can still use Medic's ability] * the Herbalist becomes the Stray [new ability: votes count secretly x2] * the Vigilante becomes the Rabid Attacker [can still kill] * the Firework Maker becomes the Firework Wolf [keeps abilities] * the Mayor becomes the Prime [keeps abilities] * the Tourist becomes the Retriever [only keeps Mercenary-check ability] * the Mountaineer becomes the Kidnapper [keeps ability] * the Cryptanylist becomes the Bloodhound [keeps ability] * Game Rules * > Nights are a MAXIMUM of 18 hours, though if I get all the PMs, the night post may come earlier, it could also come later depending on my schedule (in which case I would allow late night-PMs, but don't gamble on it) > Days end when a certain person gets a certain amount of votes. This is acknowledged by all and no more voting can take place after this. If n is the number of living players, the number of votes required depends on n. If n is 10 or higher, the number of votes required is n-4. If there is 3 people left, 2 votes are required. 3 votes required if there are 4 or 5 people. If there are 6 people, 4 votes are the execution. 7 and 8 require 5 votes, and 9 requires 6 > If someone isn't participating, I will give them a warning. Two warnings in the same day mean the person will be replaced. If someone gets a single warning on both of the first days and missed at least one night, they will be replaced. Don't lay low! > When you die, you have one 'ghost-post' in gray to make, but it CANNOT reveal any information or hint at anything or relate to the game, it must be entirely off-topic > Nonsense posters will be warned and then punished Don't spam the thread > Rules are rules, so don't complain. Also keep in mind that Mafia is a game of elimination, and dying is part of it > The roles will be determined completely randomly, so don't bias > There will be no hints or extra clues other than the information given > Have fun
  8. 1) in Mafia 1 I just used vanilla Innocents with a few special chars thrown in (something like Doctor, Inspector, Martyr, or something)... obviously the game is less fun if all you can do is vote. After I decided to make roles for everyone, works much better and makes for a better game. That's why the baddies get special abilities too other than just killing 2) btw, Dawh, you inspired the Alpha Werewolf, but the Cypher was all me Hehe. It was based off of a recollection of a Numb3rs episode, actually. I was considering your Psychopath idea but decided against it, then later came up with the Cypher during an AIM conversation with Frost ;D 3) this isn't dnd, and there's enough randomness not on sheer numbers but on people and on uncertainty, etc. We don't need to add "fail chances" to roles or anything, no way. Ysan, the future is undetermined, but not based on numbers like "1/5 chance the Doctor won't save", more like "what will the Doctor do??? Is he gonna fall for this obvious Mafia trap? But why would the Mafia lay such an obviously obvious trap?" lol Being a host, you should've seen stuff like this by now (not sure how far along the game is), it's called WiFoM in the mafia-world and it adds a lot more uncertainty than probabilities ;D But I do think the idea of having a random "pool" of possible roles is a good idea, and I've seen a game where the entire game is 'closed' in this way, and each player only knows his/her own role (and anyone they have BTSC with). That IMO isn't a good idea, but it is interesting to have say 1 or 2 unknown roles out of a larger pool. But depending on the role's ability, especially if it does something at night, I'd imagine you'd know pretty quick which roles there are in the game, and it might defeat the purpose. Still, an interesting idea 4) Forget past games - I've observed all of them, I know how hard it is for baddies to win in some cases. That's why I've completely reshuffled for Mafia VII. The Mafia has a decent chance of victory, very decent. And each indy role does too - the Alpha Werewolf just has to get 4 living werewolves, including himself/herself. In a perfect werewolf-game, that would mean all werewolves making it to the 3rd night. But some may die, or a bite may be healed, etc, so my bet is the average night needed to be reached is around the 4th night, maybe 5th. In a game designed to last longer, this isn't so bad. It should be tough but not impossible, and it is. For Cypher, all they need to do is stay alive until one faction lives. Their kill choice gives them the power to help achieve that goal. For the Mercenary, they have all game to lynch their target, and if their target dies in some other way, they join other factions or get a new target depending on the circumstances, so their wincon is pretty good ;D And the Mafia-to-Townsfolk is 1:2 ratio, a very good one, with some indies thrown in for both sides to deal with. Plus the Mafia don't even need to kill the Cypher to win, though they probably want the Cypher dead. Furthermore, the Mafia has abilities, just like the Townsfolk. And the Mercenary's lynch target is always a Townsfolk, btw - this ensures that it actually takes skill and a built-up case to get that person lynched. The Spy could find a Mafioso and have them lynched without even the Mercenary having to speak up, that's why the Mercenary's target is a Townsfolk 5) whoo I like lengthy posts too
  9. here is the Firework Maker (some of the wording has been edited a bit since last rules posting, but basically the same) * Firework Maker - lives in a house full of explosives and gunpowder. If a killing role or Alpha Werewolf visit, they see the explosive house and may retreat, OR keep going, but with a 1/2 chance of the person being blown up. If it was the Mafia, the Hitman will be killed. If Hitman is already dead, a random living Mafioso is picked instead. If there is no explosion, the Firework Maker is killed or bitten as normal, but if there is an explosion (1/2 chance), there is a 2/3 chance the Firework Maker will die in it as well. During the day, the Firework Maker picks someone. If that person is the Framer, the Framer's frame is not successful, and both the Spy and the Mafia are notified (but not the Firework Maker). The Firework Maker can pick the same person two days in a row if he/she wishes
  10. no, check out the Firework Maker. I just don't like the lie-detect aspect of the role. Firework Maker is similar but different than Bomb/SB/etc, with some of the same concepts but different too
  11. unreality

    what a mathematical bouncer ;D
  12. another thing I don't like is "lie detection", that's why it's not there in Mafia VII
  13. btw yesterday I made some changes to the Mercenary role, forgot to post em: * Mercenary - the Mercenary has been hired to take out a specific person with a lynching. The person, or 'target', is random from the list of all Townsfolk roles. The Mercenary knows the role of the target, and also knows when his/her target has been bitten, if at all. If the Mercenary's target is killed by the Mafia, the Mercenary joins the Mafia, and if the Mercenary's target is killed by the Vigilante, Slayer, or Firework Maker, the Mercenary joins the Townsfolk... ie, the Mercenary can be "bought" by killing their target for them. If the Cypher kills the target, the Mercenary can choose to work for the Mafia OR the Townsfolk OR to be assigned a new lynch target
  14. Yes, I saw the problem with the QAs a bit in MV then noticed more acutely in MVI probably since I was the host. That is when I decided to remove the QAs from the game
  15. unreality

  16. I think you misunderstood me (my sentence was kind of jarbled lol), I meant I couldn't have a set time. Ie, I couldn't say "okay, I'll be on at 4:00 my time til bla bla, bla bla". Know what I mean? haha and thanks
  17. unreality

    I don't get along with your [parents, friends, pets, mailman, etc] I'm on the run from the law for murdering 12 people in cold blood (lol jk) I'll need to work constantly until I get that promotion I just feel that you don't love me anymore *sob* I saw you doing that with the chimney sweep on the roof of the cafe!
  18. I've thought about this before (fast-paced hourlong mafia games, no story elements, just descriptors of what happened) and the best way to structure, etc, unfortunately I couldn't participate since I can never really have a set block of time which I could for-sure be active enough on that time for a certain amount of time
  19. I updated the Game Rules at the bottom: Mafia VII Takes place in a remote village... Factions: * Independent (3) * Mafia (5) * Townsfolk (10) Independent: * Alpha Werewolf - [knows who Slayer is] bites one person each night to "infect" them with lycanthropy. The new Werewolf can almost always still use their Townsfolk role ability, but is now sided with the Alpha Werewolf, and all Werewolves have BTSC. The Alpha Werewolf can only bite and infect Townsfolk, so if he/she picks a non-Townsfolk role (Mafia, Cypher, Mercenary), he/she is informed and can attempt to bite someone else (all the AW is told is that the person is not a Townsfolk). If the Alpha Werewolf is lynched, all living Werewolves die too, but if the Alpha Werewolf dies at night, a new Werewolf is picked randomly to become the Alpha Werewolf. The Werewolves win when 4 or more Werewolves are alive, including the Alpha Werewolf * Cypher - [knows who CA is] the Cypher is a serial killer who leaves a mathematical code to his/her next victim. The Cypher chooses his/her kill each night for the following night, so on the first night there is no kill, but there is still a code for the 2nd night victim. And on the 2nd night, the Cypher picks the victim for the 3rd night, etc. The code is uniform throughout. The Cypher is invincible to werewolf bites as well as normal death, the only way they can die (at first) is being caught by the Cryptanylist. The Cryptanylist, or CA, is a Townsfolk-sided code-breaker who picks one person each night (except the 1st) whom they think is the Cypher's victim for that night. If the CA is correct, the Cypher is caught and killed. If the CA dies, the Cypher becomes vulnerable to normal death, but still cannot be bitten by the Alpha Werewolf. The Cypher wins if he/she is still alive and killing when another faction wins, ie, they win together * Mercenary - the Mercenary has been hired to take out a specific person with a lynching. The person, or 'target', is random from the list of all other roles except Alpha Werewolf, the Don and the Cypher. The Mercenary knows the role of the target. If the Mercenary's target is killed by the Mafia, the Mercenary joins the Mafia, and if the Mercenary's target is killed by the Vigilante, Slayer, or Firework Maker, the Mercenary joins the Townsfolk. If the Cypher kills the target, the Mercenary can choose to work for the Mafia OR the Townsfolk OR to be assigned a new lynch target Mafia: * Don - the leader of the Mafia group. If checked by the Spy, is seen as a random non-Werewolf Townsfolk role from the 9 non-Spy roles * Consigliere - the personal adviser to the Don. Picks one person each night and collects data on them via contacts, learning their role (including if they are a Werewolf or not). If the Don dies, the Consigliere takes over as head of the Mafia, having both the Don's ability and the Consigliere's original ability * Hitman - one of the most skilled hitmen in the Mafia's arsenal. Kills anyone that visits him/her at night (Spy, Medic, Herbalist, Slayer, Mountaineer, but NOT CA or Tourist) or, in the case of the Vigilante, there is a 50-50 chance who wins the fight (Hitman or Vigilante). If Cypher visits the Hitman while the CA is still alive (and the Cypher is thus invincible), the Hitman is killed. However, if the CA is dead and the Cypher goes after the Hitman, the Hitman kills the Cypher * Bankroller - controls the Mafia's finances as well as its legitimate businesses. Everyone knows who the Bankroller is from the getgo, and thus the Bankroller is sort of the spokesperson for the Mafia, but if the Bankroller is lynched, he/she can pick anyone to kill in the lynching if the Hitman is still alive * Framer - can frame someone each day. If the Spy picks that person the following night, the Spy is told 'Framer'. Nobody is informed if/when a framing takes place or who was framed Townsfolk: * Spy - spies on one person each night and gets their exact role (except in the special case of the Don), including Werewolf role if they've been bitten * Medic - an unofficial doctor who prowls around the village at night. The Medic can save two people each night (from death only, not from werewolf bites), with no restrictions on who EXCEPT for the fact that the Spy is too elusive to protect while snooping someone. If the Spy decides not to spy on someone, they are savable by the Medic * Herbalist - can cure lyncanthropy, but only if done within minutes of the bite, and thus each night the Herbalist can pick one person to save from the Alpha Werewolf's bite * Slayer - picks one person each night except the first night. If the person is a Werewolf, they are slain. The Slayer cannot be bitten by the Alpha Werewolf * Vigilante - kills one person each night except the first night * Firework Maker - lives in a house full of explosives and gunpowder. If the Mafia or Alpha Werewolf or Cypher visits, they see it and may retreat, OR keep going, but with a 1/2 chance of the person (either Alpha Werewolf or Hitman or Cypher) being blown up. If Hitman is already dead, a random living Mafioso is picked instead. If there is no explosion, the Firework Maker is killed or bitten as normal, but if there is an explosion (1/2 chance), there is a 2/3 chance the Firework Maker will die in it. During the day, the Firework Maker picks someone. If that person is the Framer, the Framer's frame is not successful, and both the Spy and the Mafia are notified (but not the Firework Maker). The Firework Maker can pick the same person two days in a row if he/she wishes * Mayor - the acting Mayor of the small village has a few privileges. First, his/her vote secretly counts as 2, and secondly, if the Mayor is lynched, his/her role is revealed but he/she does not die * Tourist - the only person with a laptop or internet connection in this mountain village. The Tourist was just here for the getaway and nice views when the troubles began, and just wants to get back home. Unfortunately, they're stranded here and must help the Townsfolk. Each day, the Tourist can look someone up on their laptop, and learns their werewolf status (bitten or not bitten), but the data is also sent to the Cypher, who has hacked the Tourist's computer. Also, if the person picked is the lynch target of the Mercenary, the Tourist is informed (and so is the Cypher of course) * Mountaineer - [knows who Medic is] the Mountaineer likes to go on late-night hiking trips, and can pick one person to take with him/her. The picked person is immune from being killed or bitten, but they cannot perform any night action. The Spy can still spy on them, and if the chosen person is the Don, the Don's true identity is revealed to the Spy. If the Mountaineer picked the last Mafioso, there is no Mafia kill. If they picked the Alpha Werewolf, the Alpha Werewolf bites the Mountaineer as the bite for that night. Once the Mountaineer has taken someone on a climb, they cannot do it again * Cryptanylist - the Cryptanylist, or CA, is an expert code-breaker whose goal is to crack the Cypher's code and figure out the serial killer's next victim. Each night, except the first, the CA picks someone who they think will be the Cypher's victim. The CA must give me some logical reasoning to prove it's not just a random guess, and if they are correct, the Cypher is caught and killed. The Cryptanylist can choose themselves There are names for when a Townsfolk gets bitten and turns into a Werewolf: * the Spy becomes the Prowler [can still use Spy ability] * the Medic becomes the Guard Dog [can still use Medic's ability] * the Herbalist becomes the Stray [new ability: votes count secretly x2] * the Vigilante becomes the Rabid Attacker [can still kill] * the Firework Maker becomes the Firework Wolf [keeps abilities] * the Mayor becomes the Prime [keeps abilities] * the Tourist becomes the Retriever [only keeps Mercenary-check ability] * the Mountaineer becomes the Kidnapper [keeps ability] * the Cryptanylist becomes the Bloodhound [keeps ability] * Game Rules * > Nights are a MAXIMUM of 18 hours, though if I get all the PMs, the night post may come earlier, it could also come later depending on my schedule (in which case I would allow late night-PMs, but don't gamble on it) > Days end when a certain person gets a certain amount of votes. This is acknowledged by all and no more voting can take place after this. If n is the number of living players, the number of votes required depends on n. If n is 10 or higher, the number of votes required is n-4. If there is 3 people left, 2 votes are required. 3 votes required if there are 4 or 5 people. If there are 6 people, 4 votes are the execution. 7 and 8 require 5 votes, and 9 requires 6 > If someone isn't participating, I will give them a warning. Two warnings in the same day mean the person will be replaced. If someone gets a single warning on both of the first days and missed at least one night, they will be replaced. Don't lay low! > When you die, you have one 'ghost-post' in gray to make, but it CANNOT reveal any information or hint at anything or relate to the game, it must be entirely off-topic > Nonsense posters will be warned and then punished Don't spam the thread > Rules are rules, so don't complain. Also keep in mind that Mafia is a game of elimination, and dying is part of it > The roles will be determined completely randomly, so don't bias > There will be no hints or extra clues other than the information given > Have fun
  20. yeah that's good for your game, do what you want, my above post was for Mafia VII
  21. Hmmm. How about when someone gets n-4 votes, when n is the number of people alive. 15 people alive = 11 votes required However this changes. Chart: 2 people left - no lynch 3 people left - 2 votes required (ie, everyone except victim) 4 people left - 3 votes required (ie, everyone except victim) 5 people left - 3 votes required 6 people left - 4 votes required 7 people left - 5 votes required 8 people left - 5 votes required 9 people left - 6 votes required 10 people left - 6 votes required (ie, from this point on, always n-4) edit: once this point is reached, it is acknowledged and there's no turning back or changing votes
  22. I thought 36 hrs would be good too, but I trust Bb implicitly about this, I'm sure he's correct. If we're going to shuffle time constraints, then I'm proposing this for Mafia VII: nights: stay the same. 18 hours MAXIMUM. If I get PMs in before that, I make night post sooner. If not, they don't perform their night action that night days: they end when everyone has voted for the same person, except that person at first you might think 'OMG no way' but hear me out. I often notice that players don't have enough time to defend themselves and make arguments, etc, for a meaningful day. You might come on, find a lot of votes against you and not enough players will be on by the deadline. In my solution, if one single person holds out, they can make a statement, and if other players agree they will switch and it will become a debate again, otherwise the player will be shot down and he will have no choice but to join the bandwagon. This process ensures complete days where everyone has said everything they want to say, and everyone has listened and responded. The day is as long as necessary- it could be much shorter, or take whatever until everyone has voted for 'player X' except player X. Once this point is reached, nobody can change their vote. However, 'laying low' will not be allowed, and the host (me) will hand out inactivity warnings. Two warnings, and you get replaced. No laying low. I will crack down like a hawk on this part, so not to worry what do you think?
  23. unreality


    lol at first my eyes thought they saw 'PMS', and I was like "what!?" lol /leaves the topic now
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