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Everything posted by unreality

  1. Round Two Summary - post 45 New Spell of Choice List - post 49
  2. The new Spell of Choice list, adding Ascension and Assassin Bolt: * Spell of Choice - for this spell, you choose from your diverse arsenal of magic: [None of these spells have specific targets, they affect the group as a whole] ** Hexquake - everyone either loses 1 Shield Point (70%) or gains 1 (30%), including yourself ** Magelore - unlocks a new Spell of Choice for everyone to use ** Aqua Vida - gives 2 Shield Points to the mage with the least amount of SP, if there are multiple mages of that amount then the target is chosen randomly from those people ** Magnetic Surge - all Flummoxes move up by 4%. Ie, originally they have a 25% chance. For each Magnetic Surge cast in the round, however, the chance increases by 4%. This value is totaled before the Flummoxes are rolled ** Quid Pro Quo I - everyone that cast Shield on you during the round gains 1 Shield Point themselves ** Quid Pro Quo II - everyone that cast Curse on you during the round loses 1 Shield Point themselves ** Ascension - [takes effect before anything else] during the round that you used it in, your rank is as if it subtracted 11. For example, the 11th person becomes 11-11 = rank 0. The 8th person becomes 8-11 = -3. This gives the upper hand in Vacuums and Flummoxes ** Assassin Bolt - your Coup de Grace spell is amplified to affect not just the person you selected but the person above and below them, ignoring Vacuums on either of the three targets or on you. This takes affect no matter what, even if you are one of the adjacent victims (remember that Coup de Grace only succeeds if someone's SP is 0, and Assassin Bolt just triples the Coup de Graces you get and makes them unstoppable)
  3. Beat you to it See the post above yours. I'm thinking of one ;D
  4. Round Three is beginning! PM in your spell choices, make alliances, ask questions, whatever Oh and Frozen's Magelore is coming up
  5. ~~~ Round Two ~~~ Frost Freeze - CL Shield - DMS Curse - dawh Coup de Grace - Mekal Flummox - CL Vacuum - Frozen Quid Pro Quo II Frozen Freeze-PG Shield-Panther Curse-PG Coup de Grace-PG Flummox-GC Vacuum-CL Magelore CL * Freeze – Frozen in Fire * Shield - DMS * Curse - Frost * Coup de Grace - Frost * Flummox – Dragonjest22 * Vacuum - Mekal * Quid Pro Quo II PG * Freeze – Foolonthehil * Shield - Dawh * Curse - Frost * Coup de Grace - Frozen * Flummox – CL * Vacuum - Dragonjest22 * Quid Pro Quo II GC * Freeze - Dragonjest22 * Shield - Frost * Curse - CL * Coup de Grace - Mekal * Flummox - Dawh * Vacuum - PG * Quid Pro Quo II Panther Freeze - foolonthehill Shield - DMS Curse - Dragonjest22 Coup de Grace - Dragonjest22 Flummox - Mekal Vacuum - Dawh Hexquake Dragonjest22 * Freeze - DMS * Shield - Panther * Curse - foolonthehill * Coup de Grace - Mekal * Flummox - Frost * Vacuum - Frozen in Fire * Quid Pro Quo I Foolonthehill [Paralyzed] Mekal * Freeze - Frozen in Fire * Shield - Frost * Curse - CL * Coup de Grace - Footonthehill * Flummox - Panther * Vacuum - PG * SOC- Aqua Vida Dawh * Freeze: PG * Shield: FIF * Curse: Frost * Coup de Grace: Frost * Flummox: Dragonjest22 * Vacuum: GC * Spell of Choice: Ascension DMS * Freeze -foolonthehill * Shield - * Curse - * Coup de Grace -Mekal * Flummox -CL * Vacuum -Dawh * Quid Pro Quo II Vacuum Success: Frozen (spells cast on CL), Panther (spells cast by Dawh) No Magnetic Surges cast, Flummox success chance = 25% Flummox Success: Frost, Panther, Mekal * Frost swaps CL's Shield and Curse, but this fails because of Frozen's vacuum * Panther swaps Mekal's Flummox and Curse * Mekal chose Panther to swap, but that got switched from Panther's Flummox, so Mekal swaps CL's Freeze and Shield (which doesn't take affect due to Frozen's vacuum) and Curses Panther instead (so Panther got himself cursed by casting Flummox on Mekal ) So the only affects of the Flummoxing is Mekal cursing Panther instead of CL For Freezes, the following people were hit with the paralysis spell exactly once: * CL * Dragonjest22 * DMS But the spell on CL is absorbed by Frozen's Vacuum, and Dawh's Freeze on PG doesn't count, so PG actually only got one freeze (from Frozen) so the actual list of people paralyzed next turn is: * Dragonjest22 * DMS * PG After Shields and Curses, the roster looks like this: (disregarding everything cast on CL, everything cast by Dawh, and switching Mekal to be cursing Panther instead) Duel Master: Unreality 1) Frost - 2 2) Frozen in Fire - 4 3) CL - 6 4) PG - 4 5) GC - 5 6) Panther - 4 7) Dragonjest22 - 3 8) foolonthehill - 5 9) Mekal - 3 10) Dawh - 5 11) DMS - 7 After Quid Pro Quo I and II spells: Duel Master: Unreality 1) Frost - 2 2) Frozen in Fire - 3 3) CL - 5 4) PG - 3 5) GC - 5 6) Panther - 4 7) Dragonjest22 - 3 8) foolonthehill - 5 9) Mekal - 3 10) Dawh - 5 11) DMS - 7 after Panther's Hexquake and Mekal's Aqua Vida: Duel Master: Unreality 1) Frost - 3 2) Frozen in Fire - 4 3) CL - 6 4) PG - 4 5) GC - 4 6) Panther - 5 7) Dragonjest22 - 4 8) foolonthehill - 4 9) Mekal - 4 10) Dawh - 6 11) DMS - 6 the Aqua Vida applied to Frozen, who had 2, now he has 4. And finally the Coup de Grace spells take affect, but nobody has 0 Shield Points so the final roster is this: Duel Master: Unreality 1) Frost - 3 2) Frozen in Fire - 4 3) CL - 6 4) PG - 4 ** 5) GC - 4 6) Panther - 5 7) Dragonjest22 - 4 ** 8) foolonthehill - 4 9) Mekal - 4 10) Dawh - 6 11) DMS - 6 ** ** Paralyzed
  6. player1/player2 program actually doesn't matter, since that only matters in the original placement, what matters after that is executors But cool! Oh btw, for my emulator at least, I made exe() have an input: exe(1) - returns the number of P1's executors exe(2) - returns the number of P2's executors I only did that because the function evaluator doesn't know which player is doing the function, but it is a good concept If we want to keep that not part of the game I can just edit people's exe() functions (if they use them) to be exe(1) or exe(2) depending on their player number, so you don't have to adjust your code if you don't want to Aaanyway, good news! My emulator is complete! It works great, though I'm not sure how many nested functions it can do before it bursts lol, it's an older computer Mekal PM me (or post) your 'Tidal Wave' program
  7. Oh yeah sorry I forgot bout that hehe sorry I've got all the PMs, round two summary coming soon ;D
  8. Octopuppy, if we cannot choose what we think and what we do, then why do we think at all? Why are we conscious? I think evolution must give creatures the ability to control their brain somehow; it's well known that the brain reconnects its neurons all the time. Atoms and particles are the units we are based on, but life has grown to be so much more. So, if we cannot have any impact on what we think or do, what do you do? What do I do? Should we just sit around glumly? But then choosing to do so means we had a choice in the matter! We should choose to not do that, and continue making choices - but then we made a choice! It's sort of like the Lazy-Bones paradox, but different too For most of my life I've thought we had free will, just because it's the default sensation of the human brain. Then in the past couple months I thought more about it and concluded, like you, that we cannot possibly have free will. But then I thought of how emergent behavior arises from complex systems, and then about how we seem to be able to think about what we want to think about it, which in turn affects what we do which affects the physical world. I'm not sure how exactly it's possible, but I'm definitely beginning to think that we have some sort of free will
  9. Well it's time for Round Two to end, or near. Frozen, Fool and Alyanna haven't PMed in their spells, Alyanna for the second time in a row. Clearly she's forgot about the game, so DMS can take her place, unless she PMs in by the next time I check back here, which will be sometime in the near future. DMS, you should also PM your spells in ASAP because Alyanna probably wont. That also gives Frozen and Fool time to PM their spells in. It's a Saturday so I'm being way more lenient with time, especially cuz I'm busy with yardwork right now
  10. I'm very close to finishing my emulator... all I have left to do is basically to code the "com" function, which will be easy peasy, and then finish a small part of the function evaluator that causes it to reloop until the function has been reduced to just a number
  11. I don't think it's working - something's messy with the functions. The add doesn't exist, and it replaced some stuff with numbers, ie, simplifying some functions into numbers I think, but that can't happen with the VNA (it could happen behind-the-scenes of course, but it can't edit the actual line and remove funcs unless an EDIT command has been used) Another thing that confuses me is the executors. Where are they, how I can tell what is running what, etc? But so far it looks good I'll go work on mine
  12. Yeah, like I said, I agree with you there. And as I've said, at the basic level we are all just particles. Clearly we have no control over that. There is nothing "extra" to our mind. And that's exactly why we choose what we choose! I know it doesn't make any sense yet lol, but think about it this way: we are our brain, right? Our consciousness, self-awareness, thinking, etc, are actions of our brain. However the conscious part only covers a small part of what goes on in the brain of course. A tiny percentage. And the entire brain is the thinking process. So what we think is controlled by previous states and randomness, yes, but we did choose to think that, because we ARE our brains, and our brain DID choose to think that. You seem to be operating on the premise that the 'brain' and 'mind' are different, and the 'brain', based on its previous experiences, decides what the 'mind' thinks. That's true - however it's also true that the 'brain' and 'mind' are the same thing (or one is part of the other, that is), so 'the brain decided what the mind thinks' also means 'the mind decided what the mind thinks' etc. It may all be an illusion, but it actually doesn't matter And that's the extent of my opinion on this one, take it or leave it I guess edit: the interesting thing about this is that if you add in a religious concept of a "soul", this takes away free will, rather than vice versa. Because it's essentially proved that the 'brain' does the thinking, so if someone thinks the 'mind/soul' is somehow different and unconnected, than they don't have free will, whereas if your mind=brain, then you do (At least by my definition)
  13. so like this: COPY a; b; c; or none after the c? COPY a; b; c COPY add(c(2),mul(a(1),3)); c(3); 7 yeah I guess that looks good So the new VNA format is semicolons between command input vectors?
  14. unreality

    I would but I cannot mean the time reqs, as I can only be on every 20-24 hours or so
  15. hehehe ;D Thanks for pointing that out
  16. unreality

    hence Frost's comment (post #4) about my comment (post #2)
  17. Oops I accidentally did CL-2 Mekal+2 instead of vice versa. This is the roster from the end of round 1, but CL+2 and Mekal-2 Duel Master: Unreality 1) Frost - 3 2) Frozen in Fire - 4 3) CL - 6 4) PG - 5 5) GC - 5 6) Panther - 5 7) Dragonjest22 - 4 8) foolonthehill - 6 9) Mekal - 3 10) Dawh - 5 11) Alyanna - 4 all set
  18. unreality

    Izzy: Physics is bull? Hehe I don't like my Physics class much either ;D Frost: define consciousness I think there's definitely other conscious creatures out there. Even my dog is conscious. Consciousness, society, morals, etc are not that big of a deal ;D What shows more is something like agriculture or structured language or something. I'm sure there's many other civilizations out there
  19. Crap! Sorry! So Dawh Cursed CL and Shielded Mekal instead of vice versa, so CL - 2 and Mekal + 2: Duel Master: Unreality 1) Frost - 3 2) Frozen in Fire - 4 3) CL - 2 4) PG - 5 5) GC - 5 6) Panther - 5 7) Dragonjest22 - 4 8) foolonthehill - 6 9) Mekal - 7 10) Dawh - 5 11) Alyanna - 4 But then CL's Quid Pro Quo II takes effect and removes 1 from dawh: Duel Master: Unreality 1) Frost - 3 2) Frozen in Fire - 4 3) CL - 2 4) PG - 5 5) GC - 5 6) Panther - 5 7) Dragonjest22 - 4 8) foolonthehill - 6 9) Mekal - 7 10) Dawh - 4 11) Alyanna - 4 This is allowed against you despite the Vacuum since Spells of Choice have no target Since GC's Flummox already took effect (and failed) against Dawh, Dawh's Flummox against GC did nothing since GC's Flummox attempt had a higher priority. So, again, the final stats: Duel Master: Unreality 1) Frost - 3 2) Frozen in Fire - 4 3) CL - 2 4) PG - 5 5) GC - 5 6) Panther - 5 7) Dragonjest22 - 4 8) foolonthehill - 6 9) Mekal - 7 10) Dawh - 4 11) Alyanna - 4 sorry
  20. unreality

    Ghosts, spirits = obviously not Psychic phenomena = I highly highly highly doubt it, though the brain does give off "waves" I think, not sure what can be gained from them. We can't scientifically regard it until we have furthered our understanding of the brain and how it works, though I don't think that anything "psychic" is remotely possible. It's possible for theta waves and other brain waves to give information (which is how an EEG works) about the brain, such as activity of the thought areas, but not what's actually being thought, because that deals with matter-based activities such as electrical and chemical signals, whose activities aren't encoded into any waves they give off, or at least I don't think so. And then our own brains would have to be able to (1) receive those info-waves and (2) somehow decipher them Aliens = this isn't "paranormal". Of course there is life on other planets, with a universe at our size, it's no doubt. Whether any have landed on Earth, well that's doubtful. And the "little green man" concept is too. Probably 99% of alien life forms are bacteria of some sort or still in the unicellular stage of evolution, though there's probably many other planets with much more evolved life such as Earth, perhaps more so. We're not special We think it's a big unexplainable coincidence that we HAPPEN to live on a planet that can support life, with all the perfect things that need to come together... but, uh, duh! Of course we live on a planet that can support life, because we're alive! lol It's no coincidence. By definition, we are alive and thinking about these things, so we must be on a planet that can (and does) support life There are many such planets in the universe, and many of them undoubtably support thriving ecosystems and varied climates. Their systems of life may also be incredibly different from our own edit: Just saying, that in my book, there is no such thing as 'real' paranormal, because as soon as something 'paranatural' becomes real, it's now 'natural'
  21. It's harder than I anticipated to make the emulator. Everything is great as of now - all of the commands except EDIT are working perfectly. The complicated workings of SPLIT, MERGE and BOMB and everything else dealing with executors, executor order, etc, are working perfectly fine, as are all other commands except... *drumroll* You guessed it, EDITA/EDITB/EDITC. While starting to code for EDITA (I just got around to it), I realized a flaw in something earlier I had done - the code for separating the line after the space after the command into the three input vectors (a/b/c)... I used commas to determine the iv's apart, and it's been working ONLY because I've only used numbers so far, since I haven't made the function evaluator yet. I forgot that functions with more than one input value use commas to distinguish So I'm proposing a change which will affect all VNA code: semicolons between function input values I was originally considering semicolons instead of commas for the a/b/c values, but those are used much more prominently (and on every line) than those functions with multiple input. Also having separate punctuations (semicolons and commas) will help make the code easier to read so something like this: COPY c(3), add(b(1), mul(7, a(1))), com(b(2),b(3),1,5,7) would become: COPY c(3), add(b(1); mul(7; a(1))), com(b(2); b(3); 1; 5; 7) that is, all commas within functions become semicolons Sorry about the limited string-manipulation capabilities of HyperCard, it's my only medium for programming right now Is everyone okay with this switch? edit: if it would be easier to look at, we could make it so that all input values of a function are followed by a semicolon, but only optional for functions with one input value. So that same line would look like this: COPY c(3), add(b(1); mul(7; a(1););), com(b(2); b(3); 1; 5; 7;) Though the optional thing may be hard, it would probably have to be after every input value, including the single-input functions: COPY c(3;), add(b(1;); mul(7; a(1;););), com(b(2;); b(3;); 1; 5; 7;) Or it could be a symbol other than semicolon. Whatever you guys want
  22. Foolonthehill: Yeah it's not odd/even or anything - Freeze only works if only one person freezes you, multiple Freezes (no matter how many) cancel out Hehe almost all of those who froze Frozen commented on how everyone else was probably going to as well ;D And yes it would be possible for someone to freeze you next round and you would frozen two rounds in a row (which would suck ) for anyone seeing this post, the Round One results are at the end of page 3
  23. So it comes down to what you value more... foreign or domestic affairs?
  24. If it's killer as in "kill the emulator", that's not the goal ;D The goal is to kill the opponent program, not the emulator interface lol Which is why the following are not allowed: EDITX 0,x,x Where X is A, B or C and the little x's are anything. You can't edit the edit line lol just as a(0) in the 'a' spot, b(0) in the 'b' spot, c(0) in the 'c' spot, or anything that equates to be one of those is not allowed either
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