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Everything posted by Brandonb

  1. What do you call a cow in a field with no legs? What do you call a cow in a field with two legs? What do you call a bull, "gratifying" itself out in the field? What do you call a Buck with no eyes? What do you call a Buck with no eyes and no legs? What do you call a castrated Buck with no eyes and no legs?
  2. Brandonb

    Yeah, that's what would make it difficult to start, b/c there are actually only 9 different words in the quote and a name at the end. However, that's also what will allow someone to finish it quickly once they get cracking. And if you are familiar with the quote, then the repeated words make it exceptionally easy to recognize.
  3. Brandonb

    It's pretty straight forward. Decode the message, each letter is consistantly-(always) replaced-(maybe) by a different letter in the alphabet. And don't forget the spoilers! AKZGU LZC UGHS GDNWU PMZGF; LZMPNQKZ LZC UGHS GDNWU UIPCAF; FLGHH LZC UGHS GDNWU XZNXHZ. ~GHDZKU ZPCFUZPC
  4. BTW, do the lovers still get to PM?
  5. Brandonb

    Two favorites immediately come to mind. 1984 - by George Orwell Da Vinci Code
  6. Yeah, if the baddies are that bad off, why not just leave it be and call it a game?
  7. The indoctrination thing just seems like a massive hedge in favor of a baddie win. This game is already going to be in favor of the baddies b/c the PM issue has been handled (HUGE flaw in the last two games), and there are more baddies vs fewer innocents. Plus the vigilante/ninja role has been weakened. Plus there is no bodyguard/nor DW. It seems to me that if in fact the indoctrination action came about, the baddies were obviously doing something terribly wrong and should lose anyway. Oh, plus the inspector cannot come out with their ability no matter what, plus the detective role is gone. As it is, this game will pretty much be a sure-thing for the baddies. (do not underestimate how big of a problem the PMing thing was. This alone will change the game in a huge way).
  8. I kinda like it, I was thinking that the only innocents that should be able to PM eachother freely in the first place were the doc and the healer. Though the double-death lynching thing would be horrible for those roles.
  9. Another question, if the ratio changes to 2-4 (which have to happen before the day post b/c the previously deceased mafioso would have died either in the previous lynch or the previous night) then that next day, if the mafiosos get to lynch an innocent (2-3), then it's game over (the following night would make it 2-2). So my question is... would the converted person be forced to die at that point? (maybe a suicide out of guilty feeling for betraying the innocents?) making it a fair 1-2. And Another question, does it have to be 1mafioso against 5 innocents? or could it be 1 mafioso vs 5 people of all the other various factions?
  10. Just a tweak how about: both submerge: sponsors happy that the vehicles aren't destroyed, +2 each both keep going: crash for -1 each one keeps going, other submerges: keep going gets +1 for winning, submerger gets -1 for losing (instead of two)
  11. Haha, I read the intro and guessed that the message said something like "Attention Citizens of Awesomeville! You are in danger! We-are sending our best blah blah blah (another role that joins later in the game). Then I thought, yeah right, when pigs fly! (Because Unreality has been so adamant about no late joiners this time). But just then, as I was reading... a pig flew.
  12. Though with the "charge ahead" method I will not last till the end of the game.
  13. So, should the title of this thread be changed again? To "Mafia IV Signup"?
  14. Yeah, make 6-the janitor's choice. Edit: TY Nayana
  15. Yeah, check my previous post.... 900!
  16. Exactly! However, since there is a decent possibility of the janitor declining (at least 1 in 6), maybe the 6th side of the die should be the janitor's choice. Since if the janitor declines then it is the same thing as cleaning anyway.
  17. why not just allow the janitor to decline after he/she knows the action?
  18. I like the idea of someone that could have their ability change every night. But not someone that has no control over it.
  19. OK I have an idea. The janitor is a terrible wild card as described. Maybe the Janitor picks the person before he/she knows the ability about to be used.... but at least allow the Janitor to decline at that point and waste the turn that night.
  20. This game is about strategy though. Having a complete and total wild card kinda kills the strategy for that character.
  21. Yeah, I wasn't the one that came up with it though. Someone else in Maf II had the baddies on a very short list from the start using that little trick.
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