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Everything posted by Brandonb

  1. Isn't this like paper rock scissors? count me in
  2. Brandonb

    List of Players Lost in space akaslickster - akaslickster rookie1ja - rookie1 grey cells Ravi Brahmbhatt sandmanchua Brandonb - brandonb esjohnson - esjohnson sagekid Trogdor pw0nzd
  3. Another thing about the inability to know the action until the person is chosen, is that the janitor would not be able to save him/her self if using the doctor role.
  4. On the main page, at the bottom, right below the list of active members is a link that says "Last Click." It tells you who is doing what. This new Forum that Unreality created is private and only allows the mafiosos to enter and post to eachother (once they inform Unreality of their alternate screen names to get in). There is no way to tell who is doing the posting unless you are inside. There is also another one for the QAs if they get the chance to use it.
  5. It may cause a big problem because the person chosen may die or be helped, if that's the case then it may be too much of a risk to use the ability at all. A janitor should know what they are doing.
  6. Hehehe I like it (and the jack of trade for the following reason). Instead of rolling a die, you draw from a deck or cards. (this is done EVERY night) A=Doctor (Saving someone or him/her self) 2=Body Guard (Save but is binded to the 1/3 rule) 3=Sphinx (turns into a sphinx and protects one person. If baddie trying to kill the person blah blah blah) 4=Spy (PMs you one player, you reveal their role) 5=Bomb (can use lie-detect ability & If killed at night, there is a 1/2 chance it will be a dud and a 1/2 chance blah blah blah(though maybe just the lie detector instead)) 6=Godfather (see the faction of 1 person (a faction is: mafia/innocent/QA/GR)) 7=Thief (steal from 1 person and assume their identity the next day) 8=Warlock (can bewitch one person and if that person is a Quarky Agent, they explode the next day) 9=Grim Reaper (Gets to Kill) 10=Lose the turn for that night J= Free Choice of any role Q= Lose the turn for that night K= Lose the turn for that night *or something along these lines, maybe instead of the bodyguard thing it's another "lose turn." This needs to be done before they choose the person, otherwise they may kill the person they intended to help.
  7. The previously mentioned and a few new ideas for names for the role: "The Metamorph" abbreviated "MM" "The Jack of all Trades" abbreviated "JT" "The Chameleon" "The CopyCat" abbreviated "CC" "The Emulator" "The Mimic"
  8. Another thought about Unreality's "ghost" idea. Rather than give the ghost role to the first person that dies. How about when someone (anyone) dies they get to choose a number 1-6. Unreality then rolls a standard six-sided die and if it hits the number then that person gains the Ghost role. So there could be more than one ghost, or there could be none. The role of "Ghost" would not allowed to vote in a lynch, nor can it use any of its old abilities, nor can it reveal its previous role. However, the ghost CAN participate in all conversations on the board, including the strategic ones. AND, if it was a mafioso or QA, it is still allowed to participate in nighttime discussions (maybe). Just a thought. OR INSTEAD As a tweak to the town crier... The town crier (though it may need a different name, like "The Medium") gets to PM with all of the deceased people about everything in the game, including the roles of the deceased if they care to share them (if they are telling the truth that is). This makes for a very dangerous but possibly very confused innocent. Edit: My favorites are The Medium and The Changeling/CopyCat
  9. True, I guess it only applies to a lynching. But I still think it would eliminate the need for a 1st day/night invincibility which brings up another question. Is Itachi (if he plays in Maf IV) going to be invincible for the 1st day and night?
  10. Oh yeah, the other idea... Instead of the reaper being invincible for the first night and day (b/c if he is targeted, then he is outed anyway b/c he gets out of the killing) The death worshiper. Basically the idea is just that if a predetermined event occurs (like if the first reaper is killed by another baddie instead of in a public lynching, or if a certain role gets lynched), then the death worshiper becomes the reaper when/if the reaper dies. Maybe, the Worshiper knows who the reaper is, but the reaper does not know who the worshiper is. So the worshiper can try to sway a lynching in favor of the reaper in order to gain the power of the reaper. So the worshiper can target the reaper for the lynching, but if the worshiper gives away who s/he is, then 1-the reaper will kill the worshiper, or the lynch mob will just take out the worshiper in the next lynching. I'm not sure about this second idea, but the first one seems pretty sound. Plus it should help with the reaper being able to fulfill the objective of killing the vigilante.
  11. I had a couple ideas for other roles.... sorry I'm not a big fan of the character that just randomly tries to protect him/her self at night. 1) the copycat. Any night (but no two nights in a row) the copycat asks Unreality to role the die for what night characteristic the copycat gets to use. Such as BG(to have the same 1/3 chance), Doctor(to save), Reaper(to kill), Bomb(lie detect) the specials of the various mafioso roles, etc. Then the copycat gets informed of what ability it gets, and is asked who to use it on. Once assigned the ability the copycat is not allowed to decline the use of that role. (Must kill, Must save, Must use the BG chance). 2)I forgot the other one, I'll post it later if I can remember.
  12. That's pretty much impossible. The GR can't be killed in the first lynching anyway, which means that he would have to killed in the 2nd lynching. Which then means that there would have to be back to back to back innocent lynchings (making it five lynchings). If at that point the GR came back to life then #1, everyone would know who that guy guy that just came back into the game was the reaper (which they would know anyways if he had been lynched in the first place) and #2 Then since the reaper kills on even numbered nights he wouldn't be able to kill the night he was brought back, so s/he would be lynched the next day again before s/he could make the kill. That late in the game it would be practically over anyway. All he would end up doing is wasting a potential lynching (that is if s/he was killed in the 2nd lynching in the first place).
  13. What if one of them had the ability, that if lynched, would give the other two QAs the ability to PM whether or not they had figured out eachother's identities? But only if Lynched. This would only work (or have any real benefit) as long as the thing that you did unreality (on LP), was banned from the upcoming game. Not to mention use your ability. There were people that voted expecting that was all that was required, but you also need to do as LIS described and use your ability. Question for Unreality. In the upcoming game, the QAs are able to kill every night if they have a majority. So.... 1)If if gets down to a single remaining QA does the killing return to an ever-other night type thing? 2)I didn't mention it in the previous game b/c I didn't want to destroy the setup. But isn't all the QAs have to do is target the confirmed innocent (Mayor) right from the beginning? I didn't say it last time, but it would be the first thing I would do. Which would then give them instant mafia status.
  14. Brandonb

    Mafia III

    That's the idea behind the 24-12 time limits. Everyone must wait for the time to expire. So there is no reason for people to wait on stragglers, and when everyone says what they need to say, then they can get back on to check the thread when the predetermined time limit expires.
  15. Brandonb

    Mafia III

    oooh, yeah. since the inspector won't be able to reveal himself, what if he was allowed to use the lie detector every-other day that he wasn't receiving a mafioso identity? (too much perhaps?)
  16. Brandonb

    Mafia III

    true, there would be less demand for using it up front in dialogue in the game. but I still think it would make things complicated as far as people still clamming up. though that is a huge improvement
  17. Brandonb

    Mafia III

    I understand that the idea of making a full day-night cycle fit into a real-time 24hr period is difficult for the different time zones. But the no-rush thing also makes it difficult to sort through page after page of people talking about stuff that's relevant, but still not important. I still feel that something needs to be done where a cycle doesn't move so fast that it's easy to track who is doing the PMing during the game-night and therefore nail them. So if there was a definite time for the cycles to start and stop then people could plan around this game better. Since we can agree that a 24 hr cycle doesn't work for the different time zones, and I'm sure everyone would agree that a 48hr cycle would be terribly painful and slow. I'm wondering about a 36hr cycle. 24hrs for day, 12hrs for night (or maybe 18-18). Every time zone gets hit at some point at a decent time, and the times alternate every-other day b/c of the 12hr night. There would be no rush in the game, people would know when the posts were going to come, and I believe it would help with some of the idle chatter b/c people wouldn't bother logging on just for M IV and therefore getting impatient. Also, the deal with people sitting out and stuff. The above mentioned method would allow for people everywhere to get on at their convenience. People would not be unjustly determined inactive, b/c with this method, EVERYONE would have to vote in the lynchings. One missed vote =boot (unless sufficient posting (not just logging in) in the mean time to undeniably show participation). I have to agree with LIS, the lie detector may have been partly to blame for people clamming up. Don't get me wrong, I love the lie detector ability, but it really seems to be a problem for the momentum of the game. So I'm voting in favor of lynching the lie detector ability. I do think it would be cool for the bomb to have some other ability, but if the bomb can only be the bomb, then so be it. I for one still think this game has been great. There are still a few flaws (like seeing who is PMing in the "online list") but all in all this is a great game. I'll second the kudos given to Unreality for starting the Mafia games. It was a great idea and you have been doing a great job conducting them. I know there have been bumps along the way, but you still are doing your best and we appreciate it, thank you Unreality. Itachi, well played man. Hope to see you in M IV. What are your thoughts on the specific time constraints I listed above? Would that make it better in your opinion? Good game all, lets not get down because of how this one turned out. After all, we are going back to awesomeville. Where the rules are clear and the games are fun. Edit: BTW, I see that we are about to hit 1000 in this thread. But I was thinking, isn't the "signup" thread still kinda just an extension of this one? So the way I see it, we are almost up to 1500!
  18. Brandonb

    Mafia III

    What if we made the rules for day/night really simple for Maf IV? Day is day, (call it 9am-10pm Unreality time) and night is night, (10pm to 9am Unreality time). I know that ending at 10pm Unreality time seems early, but that allows for people to get their night posts in at a decent time.
  19. Brandonb

    Mafia III

    grr, I had you Itachi. I voted for you, you were supposed to be my 2nd mafioso.
  20. Brandonb

    Mafia III

    BS! I didn't kill Nayana! I changed my kill to Itachi!
  21. Brandonb

    Mafia III

    I understand Nayana. But strategically you are the best kill. So without the help of LIS, you die
  22. Brandonb

    Mafia III

    I still agree, but I do not want to take the chance that there are 2 mafiosos. If LIS would lie detect Nayana then I would kill Itachi. However, since he is not posting, you all can and should take out itachi tomorrow.
  23. Brandonb

    Mafia III

    I am sorry if you truly are the sage Nayana. Count yourself a winner when the innocents win, but I cannot allow you to live without the OK from LIS. Tman did too poor a job as the Sage, so you must understand that it's nothing against you. Tman has been on my hit list since day one, but I had others that seemed more pressing (pw0nzd and Scott). But for the purpose of finishing this game, killing you is the best move. I understand that Itachi is a great role-deducer, so I still do not have him out of my sights. Right now it's 1Maf to 9innocents. Frankly, if you turn out to be an innocent, (1Maf to 8innocents) then there are only two possibilities for who the last Mafioso is. No big deal, even when the Maf kills an innocent tonight (leaving 1 MAF to 7 INNOCENTS), and if we take out an innocent in the lynch tomorrow(1-6), then another innocent gets taken by the maf tomorrow night(1-5), then the next day's lynching should be the end of the game. and even of they STILL lynching the wrong person(1-4), and the mafioso takes out another(1-3), then the following day will still come around for another lynching. So without LIS's lie detector, the odds are still best if I kill you tonight. B/C even if you are an innocent, and KOP gets the info about a dead mafioso, then there will still be at the most three more lynchings. If the innocents can't get the single remaining mafioso within three lynchings, then we most certainly do not deserve to win.
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