OK, so we know a few things now...
The first night, a prisoner was killed... maybe 2 of them. So there are 1, maybe 2 baddies still alive.
Jane was most likely the Prison Guard
Itachi is most likely the SWAT
The Mission Handler is still alive.
This was the roster
Judging by the votes for Woon, almost all of the votes were against him. If there was only one other prisoner still alive, they certainly would not vote for someone other than Woon. They would vote against Woon or not vote at all, so that they wouldn't look suspicious (though more likely that they would submit the vote). This means that CL, Itachi, Kat, GC, Janesia, and myself are the possible baddies.
So lets take a look at who Woon voted for... could he have been voting for his buddy as a method of clearing her? I mean... the vote came out of NOWHERE! He just randomly made it... So CL are you the last baddie?
.................Oh wait, there's more...
CL's first vote on day 1 was for who???? you guessed it! Woon! But was there any reasoning for it? Nope! Has she been been pushing against him at all? Nope.
So again I ask, CL, are you the last baddie?