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Everything posted by Brandonb

  1. Should people just get to skip the freeforum part and go straight to the part where you need the genie? Or just end the quest now?
  2. Economics - Micro and Macro - Intermediate Everything else seems to be pretty well covered
  3. C'mon PT! You're so close!
  4. Of course that wasn't the end... <_< Oh well, I'm finally in. Woohoo #3* (Gotta love the Barry Bonds asterisk )
  5. STILL trying to figure out the password... 17hrs later <_<
  6. I'm bangin on the walls, but I just can't find the door!
  7. Brandonb

    Star Wars Mafia II

    Yeah, I would agree with that, but I couldn't imagine there being a single role that could bring a complete halt to the game like this. It seems more likely to me that this sort of freeze would require the absence of several key night actions (ie. the Empire). quite an interesting statement. Are you claiming to be Master Yoda?
  8. Brandonb

    Star Wars Mafia II

    This is getting ridiculous. It's now apparent down to better-than a 50/50 guess who the Empire players are b/c most of them are obviously the players that have not been active. The night should've just ended when it was supposed to, and let the inactives suffer the consequences. Otherwise, why bother sending in actions in a timely manner if people know that all you are going to do is indefinitely wait on them? <_< Seriously, we know that certain active players among us are Not Empire b/c they would have powerplayed the lot of'em to get this game rolling. Likewise, we can tell which players have been totally inactive, which is an incredibly good indicator that they are Empire. You may wanna restart this thing Reay. Otherwise, it's gonna end quick and easy in favor of the Jedi majority.
  9. Brandonb

    Star Wars Mafia II

    Soo.... Lets play ball
  10. Brandonb

    This morning I was making breakfast, and I began to think... scrambled or over-easy? My solution... Take the eggs out of the fridge and shake the eggs as hard and fast as I could with my hands, and however it came out was how I was gonna cook it. Turns out, even though I shook them for about two minutes as hard as I could, they still came out just fine (unscrambled). So this prompts my question... is it possible to scramble a chicken egg (mix the yolk and the white) together without penetrating the egg's shell?
  11. Brandonb

    No kidding I really need to get my fix. Please put me on the backup list in case Kat, Twin Bro or Twin Pop turns out to be a no-show. Edit: Wow... thanks... That was interesting
  12. Congrats Achaeans! And good game Trojans! I had a lot of fun and am eagerly looking forward to the next one! And a big thank you to Itachi! The stories were great and the role designs were pretty cool.
  13. Brandonb

    If I had to guess, he probably meant to click the spoiler button. lol!
  14. haven't gone through the distinct possibilities in my mind yet but I would have to say...
  15. Brandonb

    Don't forget about the energy that the vaulter puts into the pole when he flexes his abdomen and bends his body into an acute angle (when he kicks his feet up). This adds significant downward force into the pole beyond that of his run&jump. So even though some of the potential energy is lost in the transition, a great amount of force is added even after his feet have left the ground.
  16. Brandonb

    ...Seriously? You're gonna classify GLASS as a LIQUID... but JELLO as a SOLID? Seriously... trying to pass off Glass as being more viscous than jello... no way. Sorry, something here stinks. I'm not buying that load of BS. <_<
  17. Well, the longest lasting scenario for this game is that today A. Person survives the lynch, then tonight we kill A. Person but not PG. Meanwhile, Paris will be unable to kill any of us in return (b/c Odysseus will block her). Then, the next day will not even occur b/c we will have the votes to lynch PG, but she could get lucky and live through that lynch. So then we would just kill her that night. All this is assuming that A. Person lives through the day AND that we don't double up our kills on Paris tonight so that the first gets deflected to A. Person and the second would kill PG. So yeah... either way the game will end tonight.
  18. OK, I guess I'll start it... though I guess it doesn't really matter which one is lynched Host: itachi 1) A. Person 2) Prof. Templeton 3) Frost -DEAD 4) dawh [Olympian] 5) Cherry Lane -DEAD 6) Twin Pop -DEAD [Trojan] 7) LIS -DEAD 8) SomeGuy 9) Joe's Student -DEAD 10) GC 11) PG 12) reaymond 13) impervious -DEAD 14) O'mally 15) unreality -DEAD 16) Brandonb [Achaean] voting for - A. Person 17) Y-San -DEAD [Achaean]
  19. Brandonb

    I did not come up with these, but I figured that everyone could find them insightful and helpful.
  20. Crap, I'm late getting into this one. I thought the thread was something about the first good book that we had ever read... I was going to suggest Orwell's 1984. Eh, lemme go back and check up on the discussion in the thread Edit: well it looks like I'm coming in a little late for book #1. Hopefully I can get in on #2
  21. Oops, I meant... :P jk

  22. Yeah, considering I am so into the games section... I am rarely logged on in the non-invisible way when a game is in progress :P. But yeah... I felt a little 'board' so I figured I would log in the normal way. :D

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