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Everything posted by Brandonb

  1. Brandonb

    Matrix Thrill-ogy

    Something cleared him for me... I don't remember what it was, but I'll get back to you later about it. I g2g.
  2. Brandonb

    Matrix Thrill-ogy

    Waaaaiiiiit a minute! Randro Filled in for Twin Bro? LOL!!! Sorry, my list of those three agents was a little off The 3rd baddie is renan. (Thanks for posting and reminding me that you were there ) Edit: So the final 3 are -Randro -JarZe -Renan Edit2: Can we please all put our votes in for randro so their crazy vote manipulation thing doesn't come back to bite us?
  3. Reaymond made a post a few back
  4. Brandonb

    Matrix Thrill-ogy

    Wow, ok, I'll take your word. Remember that post? Yeah... randro is that person I was referring to (thought now he's much more than 'close' to 100% ). So I guess you beat me to the fallback guy The Architect - Lost in Cyber Space 1 - Social Darwin (SD) - voting for Joe's Student 2 - JarZe (JZ) 3 - IDoNotExist (IDNE) - Voting for Joe's Student 4 - Izzy(IZ) DEAD - Tank 5 - Twin Pop (TP) DEAD - killed by Neo 6 - Izzy v2.0 DEAD killed by agents 7 - Andromeda (AND) - voting for randro 8 - BrandonB (BB) - voting for randro 9 - Crazy Painter (CP) - DEAD - killed by Agents 10 - Joe's Student (JS) 11 - Grey Cells (GC) - voting for randro 12 - Impervious (IMP) - DEAD - killed by Neo/Merovingian 13 - Renan (REN) 14 - TwoaDay (TAD) - voting for randro 15 - Randro (RAN)- - voting for TwoaDay 16 - Star Tiger (ST) 17 - Some Guy (SG) 18 - Prof.Templeton (PT) deleted (Johnson) Well, since the Agents killed Izzy, and Andro vouched for JS... Rando JarZe Twin Bro
  5. Brandonb

    Is everyone watching?
  6. Brandonb

    Matrix Thrill-ogy

    Filter what results?
  7. Brandonb

    Matrix Thrill-ogy

    Trinity is confirmed! But remember, she has BTSC with Neo
  8. Brandonb

    Matrix Thrill-ogy

    I have another one that is getting very close to 100%. So we always have a fallback
  9. Brandonb

    Matrix Thrill-ogy

    Ok then The Architect - Lost in Cyber Space 1 - Social Darwin (SD) 2 - JarZe (JZ) 3 - IDoNotExist (IDNE) 4 - Izzy(IZ) DEAD - Tank 5 - Twin Pop (TP) DEAD - killed by Neo 6 - Izzy v2.0 DEAD killed by agents 7 - Andromeda (AND) 8 - BrandonB (BB) - voting for Joe's Student 9 - Crazy Painter (CP) - DEAD - killed by Agents 10 - Joe's Student (JS) 11 - Grey Cells (GC) - 12 - Impervious (IMP) - DEAD - killed by Neo/Merovingian 13 - Renan (REN) 14 - TwoaDay (TAD) - Voting for JarZe 15 - Randro (RAN) 16 - Star Tiger (ST) 17 - Some Guy (SG) 18 - Prof.Templeton (PT) deleted (Johnson)
  10. Brandonb

    Matrix Thrill-ogy

    Well that's crappy for Izzy, but good news for us! The Agents just eliminated one of the people that we thought could be an agent, so that should save the rest of us alot of wasted time. So Smith, Thompson, and Brown are all still alive... I wonder what the Oracle found out last night? Anyone of the questionable people turn out to be guilty or innocent? The Ghost thing didn't act last night... I really should sync up with Dozer since I was blocking TP last night too. Good news about that is that TP claimed that he knew that someone else blocked Imp on night 2. Which means he was claiming the role of Dozer. But Dozer obviously blocked TP last night, so I believe our ghostly problems are over! I think we should leave JarZe alive so that Neo has a target for tonight. So... who's today's lucky contestant? Edit: bold
  11. Brandonb

    Matrix Thrill-ogy

    Just a little something to toss in there... I think Impervious was Smith (since I blocked Imp last night, and Smith was blocked in the post) otherwise I think we would've heard from Dozer by now who he successfully blocked. Also... TP, you are already dead. You just don't know it yet. Edit: Eww, looks like the 1* bandit struck again! Hmm... I wonder who that could've been
  12. No one's gonna give that much info away <_< , so you may just need to take a shot in the dark.
  13. Brandonb

    Matrix Thrill-ogy

    Oh c'mon, everyone knows who I am. PT relieved me of that problem before I joined
  14. Brandonb

    Matrix Thrill-ogy

    I wouldn't be so quick to be so inviting... there's a decent chance that Izzy's now a baddie...
  15. Brandonb

    Matrix Thrill-ogy

    Actually, I think Izzy could come back into the game to fill in ANY inactive role. Since she did not have an info gathering ability (unless it was secret) that gave her privileged info. Plus, since she was lynched everyone now knows what role she had, so she wouldn't have privileged info about who she was.
  16. Brandonb

    Matrix Thrill-ogy

    aww c'mon... you cannot honestly say that! You know for a fact that he is the single most dangerous baddie in the game, but you voted for someone else with no proof behind your Vote... you cannot conscionably say that you didn't just defend him. Maybe you should be the one to go tonight...
  17. Brandonb

    Matrix Thrill-ogy

    Hey LIS. Does the Frenchman have to choose b/w killing OR using the virus?
  18. Brandonb

    Matrix Thrill-ogy

    I can't believe the voting is turning out this way <_< The Architect - Lost in Cyber Space 1 - Social Darwin (SD) 2 - JarZe (JZ) - Voting for Izzy 3 - IDoNotExist (IDNE)- voting for Twin Pop 4 - Izzy(IZ) - voting for Twin Pop 5 - Twin Pop (TP) - voting for Izzy 6 - Rainthinker (RT) 7 - Andromeda (AND)- voting for Twin Pop 8 - BrandonB (BB)- voting for Twin Pop 9 - Crazy Painter (CP) - DEAD - killed by Agents 10 - Joe's Student (JS) 11 - GC (GC) - 12 - Impervious (IMP) - DEAD - killed by Neo/Merovingian 13 - Renan (REN) - Voting for Izzy 14 - TwoaDay (TAD) - voting for JarZe 15 - Randro (RAN)- voting for Izzy 16 - Star Tiger (ST) - voting for Izzy 17 - Some Guy (SG) 18 - Prof.Templeton (PT) Lynched (Johnson) Obama? Nuclear? Only on our Economy But that's a debate best left n the 'Others' forum
  19. Brandonb

    Matrix Thrill-ogy

    Umm... That's very thoughtful of you... But uh... So yeah... TP needs to go.
  20. Brandonb

    Matrix Thrill-ogy

    Again... I am Anonymous... BTW, TP. Nice attempt at trying to deflect. You're still going down.
  21. Brandonb

    Matrix Thrill-ogy

    You seriously believe that the host can confirm your role for you when you get into the hot seat? There's no difference b/w asking the host to confirm and action of privileged information, and asking the host to confirm your role to everyone... so like I said on your first "hint" WRONG Try again... but you can't. B/c you do not have a 2nd hint Edit: BTW, I'm anonymous
  22. Brandonb

    Matrix Thrill-ogy

    Seriously, you know they cannot do that. But on the upside of that post... you have made it pretty clear that you do not have a 2nd hint... so I guess that means you are just going to cling to the first false hint until your demise oh well
  23. Brandonb

    Matrix Thrill-ogy

    Hint #1, WRONG Try again
  24. Brandonb

    Matrix Thrill-ogy

    Thanks! BTW, I just remembered... would Apoc please detain RT, CB, or TB? They have been painfully inactive, so detaining them will not hurt anything, plus at least one of them is an Agent.
  25. Brandonb

    Matrix Thrill-ogy

    LOL, I have threatened your life! There's nothing more I can do to pressure you! You would have started hinting by now if you had anything to offer, and stalling is not getting you anywhere. Izzy, don't worry about extending the day. This is the kinda crap that happens in every game. People wait until the deadline to start talking b/c they figure that they don't need to do it earlier. Extending the day will only promote that problem. So by ending the day ON TIME people will start to actually play the game for real instead of waiting till the last few minutes to discuss stuff. So please, just change your votes to TP so there will only be one possible innocent death tonight
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