Well that's crappy for Izzy, but good news for us! The Agents just eliminated one of the people that we thought could be an agent, so that should save the rest of us alot of wasted time.
So Smith, Thompson, and Brown are all still alive...
I wonder what the Oracle found out last night? Anyone of the questionable people turn out to be guilty or innocent?
The Ghost thing didn't act last night... I really should sync up with Dozer since I was blocking TP last night too.
Good news about that is that TP claimed that he knew that someone else blocked Imp on night 2. Which means he was claiming the role of Dozer. But Dozer obviously blocked TP last night, so I believe our ghostly problems are over!
I think we should leave JarZe alive so that Neo has a target for tonight. So... who's today's lucky contestant?
Edit: bold