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Everything posted by onetruth

  1. onetruth

    Hmm...this riddle seems to be everyone's first post.
  2. onetruth

    If the answer has nothing to do with Shrek, I'm still gonna think only about Shrek, because my kids watch those movies every dang day.
  3. onetruth

    I do agree, the lines seem really blurred. John McCain has never known what he is, Republican or Democrat. But I think most people need a group with which to associate. It doesn't just happen in politics. It happens in all aspects of life...from boy scouts/girl scouts, various interests clubs in schools, church denominations, etc. It happens when people are classified by ethnicity, social status, etc. People are grouped together by others. People join clubs to have fellowship with other people that have similar interests. AA and NA...groups of people working together to (hopefully) get over addictions. Whether our political parties remain the same or not, I believe there will always be parties in place. And it's not like America really only has 2 parties. A person doesn't have to be either or. But I think the great, ideal candidate comes along very rarely.
  4. I do think it's wrong to do right in order to get recognition. I don't, however, think that it's always wrong to expect to be appreciated in at least some cases. This is why a good parent will teach her child to say, "Thank you" when appropriate. The parent expects her child to be grateful. I expect my close friends to be as grateful when I do something for them as I am when they do something for me. That's part of the reason we're friends. We mutually build each other's character by having those types of expectations of each other. But we don't do things for each other for the recognition or to hold each other in debt...we do it because we love each other. LIS, I think it's ok to vent once in a while about being treated unfairly. And then suck it up and deal. For example...I am one of the hardest workers in my office. I have a post that no one else can do, and for a while I was working with the CEO of the company directly to kind of get my post in order (which caused some jealousy in some of my supervisors). Well, one of my supervisors is a married man, who would constantly hit on me. I have always turned him down (despite the fact that the other girls my age have no problem sleeping with the married supervisors in the company). Now he's bombarding me with warnings about various little things, most of which aren't even things relating to my post or me. Basically, he's pinning other people's screw ups on me. So it's frustrating. I vent to one or two people I'm close to. For working my butt off and getting in trouble. And then I go on and deal with it and continue to work my butt off because it's the right thing to do.
  5. onetruth

    For me, enough money would be having enough money after taking care of basic necessities and bills in order to help out others (pay a bill for them, buy them a meal, etc).
  6. onetruth

    In my experience, people don't like to be around spoiled brats, whether they're children or adults. I'm sure everyone has their moments, but the it's how the person handles things generally. And I think it's extremely detrimental to a kid if his/her tantrum leads to him/her getting his/her way. When they grow up, they won't know how to deal with real problems. My kids are only 2 1/2, but they hardly ever throw tantrums. As in only a small handful a day...lol Usually a firm spanking and a talking to gets them to stop. They may still cry, but they stop screaming and kicking and throwing themselves on the floor. I explain to them that it's okay to be frustrated, but it's not okay to hurt others or themselves in the process. And that it's not okay to embarrass Mommy in public (I know I'll get criticism for this, but I don't care. My kids understand me and aren't hurt by that, or I would find something different to say). I get that when they're really upset about something they need to let it out however they need to (within reason). I took them to a play area, and some girl started hitting one of my boys. My son started hitting her back, but I made him stop (I want him to learn early not to hit girls...because I don't want him to be like his dad). He got so upset that he started crying and hitting me. But I didn't consider it a tantrum. He wasn't just trying to get something that he wasn't allowed to have. He was really upset that he couldn't defend himself. I wish I'd handled it differently. I should've yelled at that little girl or something, since I couldn't find her parents, so he could see me defending him. But people throwing a tantrum because they aren't getting what they want? That's just hurtful and embarrassing, and I don't think it's right at all. That being said, I sometimes feel like I throw tantrums a lot. Alphaprime73...none of this was directed to you, k? It was just my thoughts on the question.
  7. onetruth

    If I could have beer delivered to work when I'm work late, that would rock. But back to the original question...I'm sure it's a matter of convenience. You're on your way to a party and you have to get gas, so you may as well get the beer while you're there. Kill 2 birds with one stone.
  8. onetruth

    I have so many embarrassing stories because I spent so many years drunk or otherwise intoxicated... I used to hang out with all this homeless kids. At one point, I broke my ankle. When I finally got the cast taken off, it was still really tender, and any injury to it meant I'd be off my feet for a few hours. One of my friends thought it would be funny to lift me up. As he was already inebriated, I begged him to put me down so that he wouldn't hurt my ankle. He freaked out and dropped me. I pretty much collapsed right there. Someone grabbed a shopping cart they found on the street and tossed me into it. Forget that they tried to make me pee behind the cart on the middle of Santa Monica Blvd. (My reaction was, "I don't just have to unzip and aim like you guys. I have to pull my pants down and squat!"---I was the only girl with 3 guys.) At some point in this journey that we were taking (to buy cheap wine and beer), my drunk homeless friends got in a random fight with a bunch of obnoxious yuppies (or maybe everyone was drunk and just wanted to fight). That would've been fine, if they hadn't left me in a cart in the middle of the street to chase those guys down the block. Everyone was looking at me like I was something awful, and I was worried about a car...lol Then, we found a roof to go drink our cheap wine on. I really had to pee, but by this point, everything was closed that had a public bathroom. One of the guys told me to go around the corner of the roof to pee. But first he gave me toilet paper and reminded me to wipe front to back. When I walked away, he asked if I had to...poo...because he had more TP if I needed it. I came back and found out that one of the guys (the one who had jacked up my ankle earlier) had taken a dump off of the side of the roof. Lovely. After too much cheap wine, I had to throw up, and they told me to puke off the side of the roof. I remember 2 things. 1, I made them promise me that it wasn't the same place the guy went poo, and 2, I kept asking why my vomit was red, because I thought it was blood. They assured me it was just the wine.
  9. I think it's understandable. It is frustrating to go out of your way for someone else and have them ignore it. Kind and generous people are sometimes looked at as being weak, and so they are sometimes taken advantage of, or at least appear to be taken advantage of. When someone does something to help someone else, and the recipient of the help isn't grateful, the recipient thinks he's gaining an unfair advantage, but really it's the giver that is gaining character. In short...yeah, it sucks, and it can be frustrating, especially if it's a friend or someone else close to you, because it can seem like a one-sided relationship. But still you grow as a person, so gratitude or not, you still win.
  10. onetruth

    21 has multiple answers, since it depends on how you read "brother-in-law." If the defendant is a man, for example, it could his wife's brother, or his sister's husband. Either way, I think it's a conflict of interest and they need a new judge.
  11. onetruth

    I know the spider one is a common urban legend, but I actually do know someone (LOL) who had a bot fly lay eggs. It was on his head, though, and he thought he had a tumor. I was looking up info to post on here about bot flies so you'd all believe me, but I'm eating, and apparently I'm a wee bit sensitive when I see insect larvae crawling out of someone's body. How about the Alka Seltzer and seagulls one?
  12. Is this like that recent riddle about the men who were in a competition to see who was the most ___est person? They were all told to raise their hands, and the one who didn't won for the most ___est person. I don't feel like searching for it.
  13. True. I suppose it really does depend on the individuals involved.
  14. onetruth

    Even with a knowledge of words, people can mean completely different things and still use the same words. Since religion was mentioned, my example would be the difference between a Christian and a Mormon. They may use the same words, but mean completely opposite things. A Christian would say, "Jesus is God and died to save us" and mean the Jesus is the only God, and that there is no other God and no other way to a relationship with Him. A Mormon would say, "Jesus is God and died to save us" and mean that Jesus and Satan are brothers, and Jesus was part of the salvation process (Joseph Smith being the final player in salvation), and that Jesus is only the first being to become a god, while the rest of us still have a chance to become one as well. For me, figuring out those (sometimes subtle or well-hidden) differences is extremely important to understand what's being said to me, make certain that I'm understood.
  15. onetruth

    Edited because I'm lame
  16. I guarantee that I am the most humble person here!
  17. This is my guess as well.
  18. onetruth

    He used "I is" in a different way.
  19. lol @ Itachi and LIS
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