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Everything posted by onetruth

  1. onetruth

    Should this be in others? It is an interesting question, though. Edit: Content
  2. Automobile ======= automobile auto mobile tom mob bile a i obi boot moot loot bit moat boat limb tool tomb tome mile tile lime time tumble lit lie tie about bout out mate mail male bait late tail boo moo too toe beam team meat beat tea eat ate bloom boom boil toil tube met bet meal teal ab able tab table lab label lube tub lob am lamb loam balm bale tale bail bat mat malt blot bolt molt mute lute blue bluet lout bout limbo at lot atom album amble mule taboo aloe alto oil lei elm emu tao loom built belt melt but bite mole tame it abet aim alb blame bleat iamb lam lame lea mite oat to tam bloat loom bleat ale ail labium label uses 2 l's.
  3. I think it's a flower?
  4. onetruth

    Are you from South Africa? I went there several years ago (7 years...OMG...I'm getting so old...lol). It was strange to have some of what I normally consider "black" people to be referred to as "coloured." It was especially strange to hear what I would consider a black person (but who would be considered colored there) to make fun of someone else for being black (all in good fun...they were teasing each other). I was also considered colored, even though I'm Asianish. I've never heard the term "colored" as an offense term, but of course anyone can say a word with animosity.
  5. onetruth

    ROFL to every point!!!!
  6. lol...that's not nice!
  7. about bout out mate mail male bait late bail tail boo moo too toe beam team meat beat tea eat ate bloom boom boil toil tube met bet meal teal that's enough for now.
  8. onetruth

    Cannot access website. Reason: Administrative Custom Settings *grumble, grumble* I don't know what you look like, maybe not Pee Wee, but Herman Munster? I'll have to find out what PG finds so irresistable when I'm not at work. *grumble* People have said that I look like Tia Carrere...but she's waaaaaaaay hotter than me! Someone in Egypt said I looked like Queen Nefertiti...which I thought was interesting since they didn't have photographs in Ancient Egypt, and the only bust that is possibly Nefertiti is bald...but apparently she was supposed to be very beautiful, so I'll take it as a compliment.
  9. I guess there goes my chance to play! lol I am busy with my best friend's wedding this weekend, so I couldn't have committed until Monday anyway.
  10. I'm so bummed. Now that I finally have time and am reading Mafia VI, I so wish I could play! Of course, by tonight, I won't have anymore time to read until Monday. I don't think I'll ever have enough time to play, so I'm seriously disappointed! unreality...you should come up with a shorter version, just for people like me who have less time on their hands...LOL I ask for too much!
  11. onetruth

    Did your family get so big you had to start sharing birthdays? My boys were born on my mom's bday. She was with me. When the first came out, I said, "Happy Birthday." When the 2nd came out, I said, "Merry Christmas, I just had twins. I'll be too poor to buy you a gift, so this will have to do."
  12. onetruth

    Myself included.
  13. The whole "visual distractions" thing makes me think it's just a drug trip though...lol
  14. That's awesome, puzzlegirl. Your kids are beautiful (and I wouldn't say that unless it were true!). I've always wanted to adopt. It's not going to happen anytime in the next several years, but I'm not going to let go of that dream (Psalm 37:4). I've gotta find myself that husband first, and when I find him, I'd also like him to consider adopting my boys. Although I'm not sure about that, since I promised their father's parents that I wouldn't change their last name when he passed away. I've actually heard that international adoption is cheaper, something that never made much sense to me.
  15. Hi, my name is onetruth, and I'm an alcoholic. "Hi, onetruth." I'm a single mom of 2 1/2 yr old twin boys. I work for a court reporting agency that is owned and run by Scientologists, so the days can be interesting, to say the least. My interests include reading, camping, BrainDen, the evil Myspace, moonlit walks on the beach, and candlelit dinners. I am looking for a man that is interested in being my friend. He must, of course, love children. I prefer someone who is financially independent, as I already have 2 children to care for. He must be patient when one little boy poops his underwear because he refuses to use the potty to poop, and when the other little boy pulls his pants down to pee on the pharmacy floor. He must also cook, clean, drive, and never look at any woman other than me ever again. Also, he should be aware that I have no contentions with stalking him. He will be followed. His actions will be reported to me. If you're interested or scared, give me a call.
  16. onetruth

    So, turns out my "real age" is 32. That test is a farce! lol. It doesn't take into account the fact that I gave birth to twins less than three years ago (yes, I weight a little more than I should, but I've lost a lot of weight over the last year, and I'm not fat...plus I had 13 lbs worth of baby in my stomach!), that I'm a single mom that has had to carry them and bend over countless times when they were infants to change them and bathe them, and otherwise strain my whole body. Mentally, though, I am and old woman. I will admit that much...lol I am older than 32 in my mind! lol. A year ago my friend and I were in a wedding, and we got back to our room at 10:30 the night of the wedding. When we woke up the next day, she called out, "I feel like I partied all night!" And my response was..."Me too! And the sad thing is that we skipped the after party!" Truth is, I really don't relate to anyone at my work under, say, 45. Cuz I'm too old to party now. I guess I am older than my age...lol Sometimes anyway.
  17. onetruth

    That was so ridiculously cheesy that I laughed.
  18. onetruth

    I thought it was a parking meter...lol
  19. onetruth

    Hey guys, please use spoilers!
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