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Everything posted by maurice_2.0

  1. maurice_2.0


    B _ _ _ _ STEPS - 0 ALPHA - 0 BRAVO - 1 SIGMA - 0 SLEEP - 0 CRAMP - 0 CRAVE - 0 BLEEP - 1 +5 PG
  2. maurice_2.0


    _ _ _ _ _ STEPS - 0 ALPHA - 0 BRAVO - 1 SIGMA - 0 SLEEP - 0 CRAMP - 0 CRAVE - 0
  3. maurice_2.0


    _ _ _ _ _ STEPS - 0 ALPHA - 0 BRAVO - 1 SIGMA - 0 SLEEP - 0 CRAMP - 0
  4. maurice_2.0


    _ _ _ _ _ STEPS - 0 ALPHA - 0 BRAVO - 1 SIGMA - 0 SLEEP - 0
  5. maurice_2.0


    _ _ _ _ _ STEPS - 0 idk, pg. I just try to be reasonable.
  6. maurice_2.0


  7. maurice_2.0


    lol whoops SORRY
  8. maurice_2.0


    SNARE if 1 then O is 3rd if 2 then R is 4th we know S. SNORE = SCORE means not N SNARE = SNORE means not A OUNCE = 0 means not E (A can't be third, so no if 3...)
  9. yeah colors is more like MS Word than MM or the old BDen. could be easier, but eill take getting used to.
  10. maurice_2.0


    SNORE If 3 then N is 2nd since SCORE = 2, if 1 then C is 2nd for same reason. If 2 and if SLAIN = 0 then _ _ OR _ as SLAIN = 0 means not S SCORE = SNORE means not N OUNCE = 0 means not E
  11. maurice_2.0


    SLAIN If 1 then S is first due to PLAIN =0
  12. Host - maurice Red - Blue - dee Green - Purple - Orange - LimeGreen - Turqoise - Brown - HotPink - Gray - Framm
  13. Anyone here ever play the board game Balderdash? I was thinking this would make for a fun forum game and there are some similarities to Mafia, methinks. For those who have not played the gist is this. Player A selects a card. That card has an obscure word and the definition. Player A reads aloud the word and then proceeds to write down the definition while all other players write down their own definition. Usually they do not know the definition. This is fine as that is not the goal. Player A shuffles all of the definitions and reads them aloud. Points are scored for guessing the correct definition, other players guessing your definition, actually writing the correct definition, and Player A scores if nobody guesses correctly. The version I have also has Names, Dates, Acronyms and Movie Titles. The subject is chosen by the roll of a die. So here's my thought. We get 6-10 players to sign up, I will serve as a perpetual "Player A" I will roll a die and select a card. Then I will post the "word" and subject matter. Players have 24 hours to pm me their "definitions". After those 24 hours, I will post the "definitions" and players vote on them roster style a la Mafia. You do not score points for voting for your own "definition". Chatter is encouraged. After 24 hours I will announce the correct "definition" and post scores. This will go on until somebody scores 20 points, I'm thinking 2-3 weeks. Scoring is as follows: - Players submitting the correct definition are immediately awarded 3 points - Players are awarded 2 points if they guess the correct definition. - Players are awarded 1 point for each other player who incorrectly chooses the fake definition they submitted. - The Host is awarded three points if no one guesses the correct definition. If there is interest, I would like to start Sunday. I'm thinking I may try to create a game board, but don't hold me to that. I would like players to select a color, however. If you'd like to play place your name next to a color. The rules we will play by are in the spoiler below. Isolating to make signups easier Host - maurice Red - Blue - Green - Purple - Orange - LimeGreen - Turqoise - Brown - HotPink - Gray -
  14. maurice_2.0


    MYTHS GOING - 0 SLEEP - 0 NIGHT - 1 AUREI - 0 SIGHT - 1 GHOST - 0 SIENT - 0 HOURS - 1 ALPHA - 1 THIGH - 0 MUSHY - 2 MYTHS - 5 +30 Framm +12 maurice Maurice - 255Nana - 170 Logophobic -142Marksmanjay - 88Araver - 86 Phaze - 43 Framm - 30Plainglazed - 25
  15. maurice_2.0


    _ _ _ _ _ GOING - 0 SLEEP - 0 NIGHT - 1 AUREI - 0 SIGHT - 1 GHOST - 0 SIENT - 0 HOURS - 1 ALPHA - 1 THIGH - 0 MUSHY - 2
  16. maurice_2.0


    _ _ _ _ _ GOING - 0 SLEEP - 0 NIGHT - 1 AUREI - 0 SIGHT - 1 GHOST - 0 SIENT - 0 HOURS - 1 ALPHA - 1
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