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Everything posted by itachi-san

  1. 1) GC 2) NM 3) Janesia 4) Frost 5) Frozen 6) Wally West 7) Cherry Lane 8) Crazypainter 9) itachi 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15)
  2. I think the "invisible ink" trick -as Surge titles it, is getting old. Thanks for following the rules though.
  3. itachi-san

    well, are you Poseidon or Neptune? That makes all the difference
  4. Day 1: Kisame: Laughing isn't very like you. What happened? Itachi: Oh, just a certain cat was let out of the proverbial bag, don't worry about it. He's not your target anyway. You're going to kill the one named Mekal. Kisame rose from his spot. *sigh* "I can't believe you're making me do your dirty work, but I'm not going to complain too much. All this concentration on the Technique, I really need to vent." Kisame descended the hill with the grace of a mountain lion and stopped in front of the gathered crowd. He then made a hand sign and immediately Mekal's eyes were wrapped in a Blindfold. Kisame began to sink into the Earth and disappeared from sight. All except his great Sword Samheda. The Sword stuck out of the ground like a shark's fin and rapidly approached the shivering Mekal. Just when it reached him, Kisame burst forth from the ground and everyone took a step back. Kisame: I love frightening dangerous prey. My Great Sword Samheda is crying for blood. Yours of course. Kisame swung into Mekal and split him in half. When Mekal's torso fell to the ground, the Blindfold slid off revealing a strange eye. Mekal: I'll... kill you... now. No one makes.. a ... fool... Kisame turned to face him, but had his eyes closed. "I've learned from dealing with Itachi all these years to never look my opponents in their eyes. His techniques are even deadlier than yours kid. Or should I call you Rolo?" Before Mekal had a chance to answer, Kisame planted his sword right through his head. The shockwave was entirely absorbed by his mystical Sword though, so no one was harmed. With a satisfied grin, Kisame returned to the Hill and began focusing again. Recruiter: Itachi 1) Prince Marth 2) woon 3) Joe's Student 4) Kat 5) Prof. Templeton 6) CL 7) GC 8) dawh 9) Y-San -DEAD (Killed by Alucard) 10) Surge 11) FIF -DEAD (Killed by the GO) 12) Mekal -DEAD (Lynched and found to be Rolo) Spike's Bounty will be Surge *ahem* Bb Night 2 begins! I need pms from everyone except Spike.
  5. Itachi couldn't help but chuckle as he focused on his technique. "I knew that face looked familiar. I couldn't put a name to it, but I was certain I had seen him before in this contest... ah, that makes sense. Such cunning is a valued asset to the Akatsuki, though you failed to secure your secret identity so they cancel out." Itachi then cleared his mind of the humorous situation and dedicated all his energy into the Sealing Technique with Kisame.
  6. Recruiter: Itachi 1) Prince Marth - voting for Surge, unblindfolded, and vote Spike get Mekal 2) woon - voting for Surge, unblindfolded, and vote Spike get GC 3) Joe's Student 4) Kat 5) Prof. Templeton – voting for Mekal, blindfolded, and vote Spike get CL 6) CL – voting for Mekal, blindfolded, and vote Spike get Surge 7) GC - voting for Surge, unblindfolded, and vote Spike get Mekal 8) dawh – voting for Mekal, blindfolded, and vote Spike get Surge 9) Y-San -DEAD (Killed by Alucard) 10) Surge - voting for Dawh unblindfolded, Spike - CL 11) FIF -DEAD (Killed by the GO) 12) Mekal - voting for Surge, blindfolded, and vote Spike get UNKNOWN OK, so it's a tie with the Blindfold... Normally, I'd flip a coin, but Kat said that she wanted no Blindfold in her only post. I'm just shying away from slaying Kat or Joe's Student actually. I'll give the Day 1 more hour. As it stands, it will be Surge, Unblindfolded: Spike's Bounty is Mekal
  7. itachi-san

    Sorry, but I think I have to drop out of this Probey. It looks fun, but I have to decline.
  8. Night 1 Addendum: Y-San picked up the body of the one who had saved her, but then heard a loud booming voice. Alucard: MUAHAHAHAH! You thought your Night was over? What? Did you forget the rules like a certain busy/sleepy Recruiter? HAHAHAHA! Y-San dropped the body and ran as fast as she could. Alucard: I see you Y-San. There's nowhere to run. There's nowhere to hide. Y-San ran and ran, but it seemed like she was running in circles. "Is this a mind game he's playing?" she thought briefly just before he appeared right before her eyes. Alucard: First I'll take your blood, then I'll take your soul. He grabbed her and pulled her into his arms. He sank his teeth into her neck. When he was done feasting he howled at the moon. She dropped to her knees from the loss of blood and the foreboding feeling that he was not done with her. Alucard: Let me line you up just right. There! That's it! The perfect pose! He reached deeply into his cloak and pulled from it what seemed a never ending pistol. He aimed it right at Y-San's head and pulled the trigger. She exploded backwards and a mist of blood covered Alucard. Alucard: Ferocious, aren't I? What a Night. The red sun will rise tomorrow. Recruiter: Itachi 1) Prince Marth 2) woon 3) Joe's Student 4) Kat 5) Prof. Templeton 6) CL 7) GC 8) dawh 9) Y-San -DEAD (Killed by Alucard) 10) Surge 11) FIF -DEAD (Killed by the GO) 12) Mekal
  9. Itachi: are you questioning me? Edit: Well, you should have, because there was more action. You died.
  10. Night 1: The streets of the Hidden Leaf Village were quiet. There was a slight breeze that wafted through the air. It brought the scent of Ichiraku's famous ramen. Spike picked up the scent with a big whiff and his stomach grumbled. "Ugh, I can't wait until tomorrow when I get paid... I've got to eat." He broke into Ichiraku's and devoured all the left-over food he could find in a feeding-frenzy. He then waltzed out of the closed shop whistling with his hands in his pockets as if nothing ever happened. He looked around to see if anyone had saw his undignified eating spree, but no one had, so he slurped the last noodle from his chin and began to walk slowly over to his target. "Now that I'm full I can smell something else... there's something not quite right about the Village tonight... aside from it being filled with a bunch of foreign murderers of course. Ah well... I'll just take it out on my victim." Spike continued whistling all the way to dawh's house. He stopped at the front door and kicked it in. Spike: Alright, I'm in no mood for funny business tonight... But there was nobody there. The house was completely vacant. Spike's eyebrow twitched in annoyance. Then he regained his composure, holstered his gun and walked off into the night, kicking stones as he did so. --- Y-San was walking through the incredible forests of the Village when she heard an ominous voice. ???: MUAHAHAHA! I've got my eye on you. Y-San leapt out of the way, just as Alucard was about to grab her and sink his teeth in. She stood ready to face the monster one on one. Alucard: Oh, how I want you as my pet. But you're tougher than I thought. I think you need a bullet in you to soften you up some. Alucard raised his massive pistol and aimed right for Y-San's face. He closed his eyes and fired, but an unfamiliar grunt made him open his eyes. "Someone popped out of the woods to save her?" Y-San knelt over the body to see if her protector had indeed died from the shot. Alucard looked at the scene impassively, made a humorous exhaling sound, and then vanished leaving Y-San alive. --- FIF ran and ran, but no matter what he did he couldn't shake his Attacker. "Who the Hell is this guy?" he thought. "My blood is really rushing. This is fun." FIF quickly reloaded his gun, got up to face his Attacker and turned, but the stranger was right in his face. Oddly, his Attacker was covering his left eye. But then, he dropped his hand and what looked like a fantastic bird came flying out of his eye and hit FIF's gaze. GU: You're done attacking me. It's time for you to die. FIF: You're right. It's exactly that time. FIF raised his gun to his head and blew himself away. His body fell to the cold ground in a pool of blood. The GU laughed for a long time and stepped on the body making his way back to the secret base the GO had established. --- Kenshin ran up to Joe's Student's house. He glanced in the window with such precision that no one would have been able to see he was there. Kenshin prepared himself and dove in through the window. Joe's Student looked ready for him though. Kenshin raced toward him, sword unsheathed. He delivered a killing stroke, but it seemed too fast. After the scene began to take shape, Kenshin saw that someone had come to Joe's Student's rescue and took the blow for him. Kenshin felt a wave of despair hit him from missing his intended target and killing another. He lowered his eyes and ran from the house. Recruiter: Itachi 1) Prince Marth 2) woon 3) Joe's Student 4) Kat 5) Prof. Templeton 6) CL 7) GC 8) dawh 9) Y-San 10) Surge 11) FIF -DEAD (Killed by the GO) 12) Mekal Day 1 Begins! Everyone needs to vote for a Lynch, Un/Blindfold: and Spike's Bounty.
  11. itachi-san

    Sea God:Mekal 1)Crazypainter 2)Cherry Lane 3)Slick 4)Joe's Student 5)Itachi 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) I'm in, I'm sure a break from hosting will be welcomed
  12. That's why you should never talk about a show unless you have seen it in its entirety
  13. Yeah sorry I left that bit out, but it is in the rules from the First Game so it shouldn't be that big of a mystery. At Night you can Attack, or Attack and use an Item (1). Or you can Defend. (Will add to rules) The Heroes have 1 Blindfold and 1 False Name each (already is in rules)
  14. To me it was a pic of Itachi, maybe it looked different to others? I don't get it, so I just replaced it to be sure
  15. Heh, that's just Itachi. Staring you down. Trying to intimidate you into making a silly move tonight.
  16. Twelve familiar Characters assembled back in the Hidden Leaf Village. Thanks to Itachi's resurrection and soul transfer techniques they were able to join the Battle Royale again, only this time they most likely had different identities. Some souls were beyond even Itachi's reach and had been replaced with entirely new faces. As the players assembled they noticed two figures in the black Akatsuki robes sitting atop a nearby hill concentrating on something. One of them, Itachi, opened his eyes, rose and descended to the field when all twelve of the participants had arrived. Itachi: My organization, Akatsuki, has once again asked me to hold this contest for recruitment purposes. We will not accept one-hit wonders, so you must prove that you can survive such a battle again, however far your skills carried you last time. Let's see if you can pull it off with a new character or even the same one again. I will explain the rules more clearly this time. Villains: Each has their own agenda for winning The Geass Order: (GO) knows each other at the beginning. They all use Eye techniques and attempt a kill each night without exception. They have a 100% successful kill against a Defenseless or unblindfolded opponent. They win by killing everyone else. There are 3 members with unique Geass Abilities. During an Attack and during an UnBlindfolded Lynch each Geass User (GU) has unlimited use of their Geass power. Defense Geass: Each GU has 2 Defense Geasses. The first Defense happens if they are attacked before they use their Ability. They will be able to turn the tables on their attacker and Attack them instead with a 50/50 chance of success. If the Counter Attack is not successful, the GU will not be able to be found. This Counter-Attack can only be prevented if their Attacker is wearing a Blindfold. Also, this Attack would be in addition to the GO's Night Attack. The Second Defense happens if a GU is attacked during the Night that they use their Geass Ability (and still have one Defense left) or after that Night, then they will overuse their Geass in a desperate attempt to save themselves. This will result in the GU's head exploding, sending a shockwave of power at their attacker who then has a 50/50 chance of surviving the clash. The Blindfold is ineffective against such a blast. If someone is wearing their Blindfold when a GU Attacks or Counter-Attacks then there is a stalemate and no one dies, but the victim has a 50/50 chance of learning the Identity of a random GU. Geass Abilities: If used, they will use up one Defense Geass. Blindfolds are ineffective if a Geass Ability is cast on a player. LeLouche: His Geass Ability is Definitive Order. One time, LeLouche can order any player's entire Night actions without them knowing. Rolo: His Geass Ability stops time for everyone but the GO and can prevent the death of any one GU of his choice that Night. If used, that GU cannot be found. This ability can only be used once. C.C.: Her Geass Ability can be used once to turn another player into a member of the Geass Order [Marianne]. There is a 50/50 chance that person accepts. If they decline there is a 50/50 chance they learn CC's identity. Marianne: Only created if CC's Ability is successful. Her Geass Ability can shape change herself into the player the GO Attacks. She will then create a moment of shock for her victim, and be able to break any Defenses and successfully kill their target if that player is unblindfolded. This of course, can only be used once. Each GU has one False Name If Ed Elric's Alchemy is perfected for the specific GU he targets he will break all Defenses and kill him/her with 100% success and no damage to himself. Light: uses his Death Note to kill someone each night. He wins if L, Alucard, and the GO die. Light cannot kill Ichigo and has a 50/50 chance of his Identity being leaked to Ichigo if he tries to go for him. Light has a sick sense of justice and believes he is doing good, but will kill anyone who gets in his way especially the great Detective L. If Light targets someone who is using a False Name, then he is fooled and enters an extraneous name into his Death Note. His intended victim then has a 50/50 chance of learning his identity. Light has a 100% success-rate of killing a Defense-less player who is not using a False Name. Light has 2 defenses: Two times, he can write in his Death Note that an Innocent bystander dies for him. Light has 1 Item: a Blindfold Ichigo is never fooled by Light's Defenses though and will break his Defense and certainly kill him with 100% success. Alucard: The most powerful Vampire. He wins if everyone else is dead and/or bitten. There is no Defense from him for anyone. When he Attacks he has a 50/50 chance of either killing his victim or biting them and converting them to becoming his future subordinates. Conversion will not take effect during this Game though and changes nothing to the converted character. He cannot attack the same person twice. His 2 Defenses are the Police Girl dying for him and by accepting a mission from his Master, he cannot be found. Alucard has 2 Items: a Blindfold and a False Name Yuna can break his defenses and summon him back to Hell no matter what. Heroes: win by killing all the Villains Spike: (Bounty Hunter) There is a vote each odd day for who Spike will go after that Night. This is because Spike needs to get paid and the Village can only raise enough money every other day for him. On odd nights, Spike finds his softer side and works for free and of his own volition. If Spike Attacks he has a 100% success-rate against Defense-less players. There is a 50/50 chance Spike has done his homework though and will maybe find out if his prey is a Villain or a Hero. If he finds out they are a Hero, then he will be inactive that night. His 2 Defenses are his comrades Jet and Faye, who will die for him if he asks. His 2 Items are a Blindfold and a False Name L: (World's Greatest Detective) Figures out a random Villain every odd day. Each night, L can mobilize the world's Police Force to apprehend his suspect. Knowing these people though, there's no way any of them are going down without a fight to the death, unless they have defended themselves. L has a 100% successful kill against a Defense-less player. When I PM L his role I will include a tip from one of L's informants. The informant isn't very reliable though so there is a 50/50 chance that the tip is bogus. It will be up to L to Attack or Defend on the first night. If L is Defended properly any given night, there is a 50/50 chance he has set the perfect trap for his assailant and will Identity them. L's 2 Defenses are a stealthy retreat to his secret base where he cannot be found and a SS Agent who will die for him. L's 2 items are a Blindfold and a False Name Ichigo: (Death God/High School Student) Is pissed Light has a Death Note and wants him dead. The only person Ichigo can kill is Light and will kill him no matter what. If Ichigo goes for someone else there is a 50/50 shot his identity is revealed to them or their identity is revealed to him. Ichigo's 2 defenses are his comrades Renji and Rukia who will die for him. Ichigo's 2 Items are 2 Blindfolds (since Light cannot Kill him) Ed Elric: (Alchemist) Every odd day he formulates a way to effectively counter a random Geass User. If he attacks a GU that he knows how to counter he will kill them no matter what with no harm to himself. Ed has a 50% chance of successfully killing a player he Attacks under any other circumstance. Ed's 2 Defenses are his Brother Al and his comrade Mustang who will both die for him. Ed's 2 Items are a Blindfold and a False Name Naruto: (Ninja) There is a 50/50 shot he will either kill or befriend a Defenseless person he Attacks. Naruto has a knack for befriending even the cruelest of people sometimes. Either way he learns their identity if they are Defenseless, but he cannot target a Friend again. Naruto's 2 Defenses are his Sensai Iruka and his Sensai Kakashi who will both die for him. Naruto's 2 Items are a Blindfold and a False Name Kenshin: (Samurai) There is a 50/50 shot he will kill a Defenseless player he Attacks. If he doesn't, he is so ashamed he will not try to harm that person two Nights in a row. Also, due to his keen battle instinct, Kenshin will know how many Villains still remain after each Night. Kenshin's 2 Defenses are hiding off in the country with his Lover Tomoe and training in the woods so no one can find him. Kenshin's 2 Items are a Blindfold and a False Name Yuna: (Summoner) There is a 50/50 shot of her killing a Defenseless Player. In true Final Fantasy fashion her experience gets greater each time she Attacks. The second time she Attacks she has a 75% of killing, the third is 100% unless they use a Defense. Also, Yuna can send Alucard back to Hell if she targets him due to her incredible summoning power with other dimensions, breaking right through any of his Defenses. Yuna's 2 Defenses are Ixion and Bahamut who she will summon so that they can her up in the Heavens for that Night and she will not be able to be found. Yuna's 2 Items are a Blindfold and a False Name --- Each Night you can Attack, Attack and use an Item (1), or Defend. Each Item and Defense can only be used once throughout the Entire Game. The Day Cycle is an assumed 12 hours whether you have voted or not. Assume the Night Cycle is 12 hours as well, but I will be lenient on these from time to time. Nights can be finished once everyone has pm'd me. Lynching will be death by the Akatsuki. On odd Days there are 3 votes. Lynch, Blindfold Lynch, and Spike's Bounty. The Blindfold Lynch cannot be used twice in a row, but it is the only way to lynch a GU. If a GU is tried for a lynch without a blindfold on they will use their Geass to free themselves and kill a random Hero. Simply put, the only way to cleanly kill a GU is a Blindfolded Lynch or Ed Elric if he's prepared. Spike's Bounty will be voted on whether he is alive or not. On even Days there are only votes for a Lynch and whether or not to use a Blindfold on the Suspect. Spike acts on his own for Odd Nights. Every player has to send a Night PM every Night, unless you are Spike and have been given a Bounty. --- Recruiter: Itachi 1) Prince Marth 2) woon 3) Joe's Student 4) Kat 5) Prof. Templeton 6) CL 7) GC 8) dawh 9) Y-San 10) Surge 11) FIF 12) Mekal Itachi: The First Night of the Battle Royale has begun! Everyone must pm me their actions. With that Itachi didn't disappear. He calmly turned from the Characters, walked back up the hill, sat next to his partner, Kisame, and began to focus on something again. As an afterthought, Itachi closed his eyes and addressed the group before they dispersed. Itachi: And do not include any pertinent information when posting as a Ghost. Don't think you're free from my wrath even beyond the grave. The somewhat shaken group then slowly separated out of sight from each other, each making sure that they had not been followed. No one noticed the Geass Order's clever hand signals to signify where they were going to meet up and discuss this night's events.
  17. itachi-san

    I'd like to play, but i can only do it if it's after ABR2. It starts soon and you're playing btw hopefully, you can push the start forward a few days? Maybe do like I did with Speed Mafia and just start it right after?
  18. hmm. I'm not sure I get it, but you're rolling in the wrong direction. There's definitely only 1 answer, if that helps any.
  19. Nope. Think outside the gambling.
  20. great guess that's not Blackjack finally!, but there's too much uncertainty. Some of those ages can be different. nice try though
  21. usually 5 times is a charm, but it's still not Blackjack
  22. itachi-san

    Do You YouTube?

    Seth MacFarlane just made this funny Mario parody also, this classic: redneck surfing
  23. Rodney Dangerfield one-liners: he was the man and he got no respect! Last year my birthday cake looked like a prairie fire. When I was a kid my parents moved a lot, but I always found them. I met the surgeon general - he offered me a cigarette. I'm at the age where I want two girls. In case I fall asleep they will have someone to talk to. My problem is that I appeal to everyone that can do me absolutely no good. One day as I came home early from work... I saw a guy jogging naked. I said to the guy, "Hey buddy, why are you doing that?" He said, "Because you came home early." One year they asked me to be poster boy - for birth control. My wife made me join a bridge club. I jump off next Tuesday. I went to the doctor because I'd swallowed a bottle of sleeping pills. My doctor told me to have a few drinks and get some rest. When I go through a tollbooth, I keep going. I tell the guy, "The car behind me is paying for two." I haven't spoken to my wife in years. I didn't want to interrupt her. I looked up my family tree and found three dogs using it. My doctor told me to watch my drinking. Now I drink in front of a mirror. My wife had her drivers test the other day. She got 8 out of 10. The other 2 guys jumped clear. I asked him, "Who said you could fool around with my wife?" He said, "Everybody." I went to see my doctor. "Doctor, every morning when I get up and look in the mirror... I feel like throwing up. What's wrong with me?" He said, "I don't know but your eyesight is perfect." I'll tell you one thing, I know how to satisfy my wife in bed. I leave. I'm so ugly... I worked in a pet shop, and people kept asking how big I'd get. One time my whole family played hide and seek. They found my mother in Pittsburgh! With my old man I got no respect. I asked him, "How can I get my kite in the air?" He told me to run off a cliff. I told my wife the truth. I told her I was seeing a psychiatrist. Then she told me the truth: that she was seeing a psychiatrist, two plumbers, and a bartender. I told my old man I was tired of running in circles, so he tied my other foot to the floor. When I was born, the doctor came out to the waiting room and said to my father, "I'm very sorry. We did everything we could. But he pulled through." I came from a real tough neighborhood. Why, every time I shut the window I hurt somebody's fingers. A girl phoned me the other day and said, "Come on over, there's nobody home." I went over. Nobody was home. During sex, my wife always wants to talk to me. Just the other night she called me from a hotel. …went to a bar for a few drinks. The bartender asked what I wanted. "Surprise me", I said. So he showed me a naked picture of my wife. My wife only has sex with me for a purpose. Last night it was to time an egg. I was such an ugly kid… when I played in the sandbox, the cat kept covering me up. My wife has to be the worst cook. In my house, we pray after we eat. I could tell that my parents hated me. My bath toys were a toaster and a radio. I have three kids, one of each. I asked my wife if she enjoys a cigarette after sex and she said, "No one drag is enough." When my old man wanted sex, my mother would show him a picture of me. I went to look for a used car and found my wife's dress in the back seat. I told my psychiatrist that everyone hates me. He said I was being ridiculous… everyone hasn't met me yet. I'm a bad lover. I once caught a peeping tom booing me. My wife was afraid of the dark… then she saw me naked and now she's afraid of the light. Why, her cooking is so bad that the flies pitched in to fix the screen door. I leave dental floss in the kitchen and watch the roaches hang themselves. I'm so ugly - my father carries around a picture of the kid who came with his wallet. Last week my tie caught on fire, some guy tried to put it out with an axe.
  24. itachi-san

    Do You YouTube?

    Star Warz Gangst Rap - Movie footage Original Flash video for the rap I love these so much
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