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Everything posted by itachi-san

  1. Wow! You are soooo close Prof! Spot on with #2, and the shortened version of #3. #4 you are right on track. You're rounding third and there's not much space between you and home!
  2. Part 2: Continue to Part 3
  3. A young couple was invited to a swanky masked Halloween party. The wife came down with a terrible headache and told her husband to go to the party and have a good time. Being the devoted husband, he protested, but she argued and said she was going to take some aspirin and go to bed. She told him there was no need for him to miss the fun. So he took his costume and away he went. The wife, after sleeping soundly for one hour, suddenly awoke without pain, and as it was still early, she decided to go to the party. She decided to wear a different costume than she had told her hubby thinking she would have some kicks watching her husband to see how he acted when she was not around. She joined the party and soon spotted her husband cavorting around on the dance floor. He was dancing with every nice woman he could, and taking a little kiss here and there. His wife sidled up to him and being a rather seductive woman herself, he left his partner high and dry and devoted his time to the new "action". She let him go as far as he wished; naturally, since he was her husband. Finally he whispered a little proposition in her ear and she agreed, so off they went to her car and they took care of business. Just before unmasking at midnight, she slipped out, went home and put the costume away and got into bed, wondering what kind of explanation he would have for his notorious behavior. She was sitting up reading when he came in, and she asked him what he had done. He said, "Oh, the same old thing. You know I never have a good time when you're not there." Then she asked, "Did you dance much?" He replied, "Nah, I didn't dance at all. When I got to the party, I met Pete, Bill and some other guys, so we went into the den and played poker all evening. But from what I heard though... the guy that I loaned my costume to sure had one helluva time!"
  4. Quite the pessimist aren't you? Once you get to know BD, you'll get where I'm coming from There will be many parts to this, not just 2, so everyone will have figured out that vanishing surprise in no time anyway. The only way for this to work is for people to play along and so far it doesn't look too promising, I'm sorry to say. If you post, post a guess along with whatever else you have to add from now on -this pertains to everyone. The first part given is a riddle in itself after all... anyhoo.. welcome to the boards crimson ghost! here, the glass is always half-full
  5. Off to bed. the good news: You are very close on # 5 very, very close indeed the bad news: # 2 is way off
  6. itachi-san

    Pirate Mafia

    Let's see... which character would have easily been able to take a long period of time off and also want to lay low on voting. Ben McKraken me thinks. He's a shady one. What say you Ben? Edit: all that drinking and no rum? I didn't know Krakens like Scotch
  7. That sucks. I tried getting into it and watched about 20 eps. but I just couldn't keep at it [too slow]. Now that I hear it's ending in Inuyasha style (nothing getting resolved) I'll never watch it. I started watching Darker than Black though and that seems pretty sweet so far. Also, Naruto Shippuuden is getting seriously awesome right now!
  8. That's 4 guesses. I posted to say that I really do recommend you explain your answers. To solve this riddle will definitely require teamwork, so the more detail the better.
  9. You're on the right path, but no bigger hints quite yet.
  10. Well, I can't stop you from memorizing but I suggest that you don't make a conscious effort to do so. Yes, please don't quote any part of the riddle. I will ask from that to be removed. Also a new rule) answers to previous parts will be asked to be removed as well. IE, if you answer part 1 after part 2 is posted I will ask for that to be removed as well. -I'll add this to the OP At least 5 guesses are allowed. If I'm sleeping and 20 guesses get posted that's fine. However, I do recommend that each answer be thought out and explained because there will most likely be times when only 5 get in before I sign-on and post the next part.
  11. great questions. 1) The second part will only appear after the first part vanishes and so on for the future parts 2) you can only make 1 guess per part, which you did. so at least 4 other people must now guess before part 2 is revealed and thanks unreality
  12. This riddle will be given in many parts and has to involve a few rules based on our BrainDenizens' instinctual sense of justice and honesty The rules may seem odd, but they are necessary if this is going to work. 1) Do not under any circumstance right down or copy onto another file any of the parts of this riddle. 2) Do not reply to any of my posts in this topic. If this is done, I will ask that that part of your post be removed. 2.1) Only answer the visible part of the riddle. Answers to previous parts will be asked to be removed. 3) After at least 5 replies (questions don't count) are given to each part of the riddle, that given part will magically disappear 4) Therefore you will have to base your deductions on the answers posters have given, whether they be right or wrong 5) Even if a correct answer is not given, I will erase that particular part if there are at least 5 guesses 6) At any point, if someone guesses the entire riddle, then game over, you win! Part 1: Continue to Part 2
  13. itachi-san

    Pirate Mafia

    Looks like CL took your spot on your plank akaluckster . I think we all have been playing these games long enough to know that people change up voting timing now and again. You're insistent that a Pirate can't vote first... why? Because you're ineffectively trying to convince me of that. well, that's not happening. all of your posts have been extremely confusing and pose a lot of false truths. you and CL are tied on my list. bye bye pirates.
  14. itachi-san

    Pirate Mafia

    hehe, one pirate is about to walk! And what of Ben Law aka Mr. Silent (possibly talking softly, but carrying a big stick?) Pirates: CL, Slick, and Ben Law? I just have a gut feeling Mekal was the Kraken.
  15. itachi-san

    that means he's also the bestest
  16. itachi-san

    Pirate Mafia

    Well, that makes no sense again Slick, but since I think I know who JS is and CL's post was indeed odd, for more reasons than JS specified, i'll change my vote to make sure she goes down. I'm thinking we have 3 pirates: Slick and CL are top-priority in my book. Might as well get one of em now. 1) Cherry Lane voting for - Cherry Lane 2) Wally West - DEAD - [swashbuckler] - Planked 3) FIF - DEAD [?] 4) Crazypainter 5) Joe's Student voting for - Cherry Lane 6) Ben_Law 7) Itachi -voting for - Cherry Lane 8) Unreality - DEAD [?] – Killed by Kraken 9) GC - voting for Joe's student 10) woon voting for - Cherry Lane 11) Mekal – DEAD [?] – Killed by Pirates 12) Slick voting for Cherry Lane Maybe we are in the best case scenario, but I still doubt it. GC's vote is weird, but I think I know his character, so I'm a bit confused. I'd like to hear from Ben Law a bit more.
  17. nope, but it's nice to see a guess after about 500 looks it's a toughie. i got tired of these Braindenizens answering my riddles so quickly
  18. itachi-san

    Pirate Mafia

    Can you guys be more specific? We literally can't afford to kill an Innocent today...
  19. itachi-san

    Pirate Mafia

    1) Cherry Lane 2) Wally West - DEAD - [swashbuckler] - Planked 3) FIF - DEAD [?] 4) Crazypainter 5) Joe's Student voting for - Cherry Lane 6) Ben_Law 7) Itachi - voting for Slick 8) Unreality - DEAD [?] – Killed by Kraken 9) GC 10) woon 11) Mekal – DEAD [?] – Killed by Pirates 12) Slick Wow, um. This isn't going well lol. I'm really under the impression that unreality was an Innocent, but Mekal could have been the Kraken, especially if the order of events is important. I'm gonna stick to my guns and vote with my prime suspect again. And I think we still have 3 Pirates out there. Joe's Student, could you highlight what CL said that was suspicious? and CL, I'd like to hear some defense. Slick seems to never want to defend himself (at least nothing worth-while), probably because he can't
  20. it probably will start after the 5th. postponing yours is up to you. there's like infinity games at once now anyway.
  21. Sweet! Glad to have you aboard. I'm definitely leaning toward 24 hour max for each Day or Night. And yeah, 3 more characters should mix things up nicely
  22. itachi-san

    Pirate Mafia

    So your inside info made you vote for the Swash-buckler? Maybe your inside info is that you know who isn't a Pirate... I think I know why you're not worried and I'm worried that you're still alive quite frankly.
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