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Everything posted by itachi-san

  1. There is a variant of this puzzle here, but it's not quite the same. If I missed it in a search then my bad. There is a bum who loves cigars, but unfortunately he can't afford to buy any. He realizes though that people rarely finish their cigars. He finds out that on average there is 1/5 of a cigar remaining when a person throws it away. Therefore he can make 1 cigar if he finds five cigar butts. Yesterday the bum had a very lucky day and found 25 cigar butts. How many cigars was he able to make?
  2. Heh, ok... well, 1,1,1 is not correct and there is definitely a much more substantial reason for the answer.
  3. Nice one Nikyma. This is definitely the fastest way, unless he asks her to run to him of course.
  4. A King sat on his throne. Beside him stood his Princess who was to be married to 1 of the 2 suitors who both stood 25 ft. in front of them. The King set up a test to determine the wiser of the suitors. He ordered his knights to bind each man as best they could in 2 different ways. The first suitor was sat in a chair with his hands bound behind him and his feet tied together with sturdy rope. The second suitor's ankle's were chained to 2 500 lb. weights. The suitors were then told that the first of them to kiss the hand of the Princess would be the one to marry her. Which suitor was able to kiss her hand first and how did he meet the King's expectation?
  5. Be careful not to jump to conclusions here. Nothing is said about poles. And also, caricatures do not have to be only black and white (which is mentioned in multiple posts).
  6. Well, sorry to disappoint, but the answer has still not been given. It might help to try and match your answer with every line of the riddle. It should fit for every line, or else it wouldn't be much of a riddle
  7. This puzzle was not EASY.
  8. This one isn't cracked yet? This should help: bonanaova has the closest guess.
  9. You got it! ..I think. Yes, the answer is:
  10. OK, well not what I had in mind. This is a good one and funny, but it's a bit too loose fitting.
  11. Oh, sorry, no. That's not correct. I was hoping this would be an easy one <_<
  12. itachi-san

    Because I'm skeptical before I look at any puzzle:
  13. OK, maybe this one is too hard or it just plain ain't that good, so here's another hint to get the snowball rolling again:
  14. There's a first time for everything except for the act of disproving the first part of this sentence.
  15. And Mr. Burns of course
  16. Here's an easy one to make up for the last one I posted. From the dark and dank I rise I make you not believe your eyes I make some plumbers grow in size And many think I appetize
  17. OK, here is my original answer. It is a concept in (but originated before of course) The Simpson's episode: "Raging Abe Simpson and His Grumbling Grandson in "The Curse of the Flying Hellfish", one of my personal favorites and also probably the best name for any episode. Also, please no complaints about the obscurity of this word because I mentioned that at least 3 times. Noct proved the riddle could solved with commonplace words anyway. Having said that, my original answer to this was:
  18. I have to say that these answers fit quite nicely Noct. Though not my original intention, you indeed have answered the riddle so congrats! Other agreements like treaties and the like, fit as well. I will post my original answer tomorrow, since I would say this has been adequately solved. Here are some final hints for my answer if you want to keep at the guessing game:
  19. I guess one person's loathing is another's fun, or something like that... Nice try, but the answer cannot be singular due to the 4th line.
  20. Nice one! This is far and away the best guess yet and it is surprisingly close to being another answer for the riddle. It's also really funny Definitely funnier than the answer, if that helps.
  21. OK, I'm not even sure if I'm sold on this idea, but I do find it interesting. It would be an icon (like a check mark) that the Original Topic Posters could use at any time when they are either satisfied with a response being the intended answer to their puzzle or if they have posted the solution themselves. The column for Post Icons would be ideal for this, but it would obviously have to have the ability to be added after the Topic was posted. The Topic would still be open for discussion of course, but everyone would be aware that the OP was satisfied. I can think of 2 great purposes for this option. One would be for people scanning the archives. I've noticed that the users are growing rapidly for this site (which is great) and therefore so are the number of Topics. Having this option would make it easy to find old Topics that have yet to be satisfactorily solved according to the OP. Secondly, the check mark would let people know that a puzzle that had them stumped is finally solved. I feel that this option would greatly reduce the amount of spoilers posted and the incentive to post spoilers because everyone would know without even opening a puzzle if it has been solved or not. This way a puzzle could hang around unsolved for a very long time and not get lost in the distant pages of the archives without people knowing it has yet to be solved. Just a long drawn out thought
  22. No, but good guess. Just so you don't keep trekking down this path, it is the wrong direction.
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