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Everything posted by BMAD

  1. 4y = -y +5(x-2) -10z Instead of the more traditional approaches of solving with respect to a variable, solve it with respect to 5. Prove your answer is correct by using substitution with your answer into the number 6. E.g. since 5 + 5/5 = 6 then Solution for 5 + solution for 5 ÷ 5 Should equal solution for 5 + 1
  2. Probably only shapes that can be properly circumscribed
  3. I think polygons are different because they are not equal distance to the center. Which is important in my approach and really matters in the forming of possible triangles across the center
  4. it would seem that the answer is that it matters since a pentagon can't easily be divided into four identical pieces.
  5. I encourage the use of the cloud...like dropbox for your files in the future. Did me wonders when my computer died. Welcome back
  6. I dont understand. But orgy: Round 1 everyone hooks up with 1 person, odd person out watches round 2 everyone hooks up with someone else Continue in this fashion until all the boys and girls were with each other.
  7. are we assuming a regular pentagon?
  8. after googling it is evident that: Every man and every woman have relations with each other at least once at a party.
  9. heterosexual activity only.
  10. The "woman like me" was simply meant to let the reader know that they are to be of that subset and not the male group. Given the different population sizes, it does play into the approach. It is to tell nothing else about my personal habits.
  11. To be clear the sexual activity will occur in a round robin sense
  12. You are in an orgy, involving 4 men and 5 women. Every member of the opposite sex will have sexual relations (e.g. heterosexual contact only). Someone in your group of 9 has an std. This Std is of the nature that on contact of the genitals it is spread immediately meaning that a person who just came in contact with it can now spread it to others. Assume you are a woman like me, if you only have one form or means of protection from a single encounter (I.e. that encounter is safe). When should it be used? What is the probability of you getting an std? If you are the only one with protection, what percentage of the group would most likely have an std after the orgy?
  13. You are essentially trying to find what two digit number has the most factors. I believe Fabpig is right.
  14. I do not know if you recognize it but this is a variation of one of your puzzles (I believe a year old now?). You asked us to try and solve a travel salesman problem that maximized travel as one moved progressively closer to their target. Mine is similar to yours except yours was movement on a grid.
  15. Assuming that Santa must always get progressively closer to the south pole. What is the slowest (longest duration of travel) he can travel and remain forever at night? So far both you (bonanova and TSLF) claim it is 1 year. I am asking if this is correct.
  16. A man dismounts his horse. He approaches a square, wide and tall tower. He sees a dead elf lying nearby on the ground. He enters the tower to try to find out why he died. The door closes behind him. Sensing danger, he tries to open the door, to no avail. He then hears a drunken voice: My name is Drunken Tower. I am sober though. I just like to talk in a drunken voice. I am above all mean since I won’t open the door until you are gone. You see, you must climb all the way to my top. Otherwise, you will die of thirst. I will close my trap door behind you and I won’t open as long as you’re on my top. And then, a giant will arrive and start to walk around me, occasionally changing his direction. He is my friend with whom I have telepathic connection and he eats those I eliminate. He didn’t eat last time because he is allergic to elves. I will quickly tilt about 40°, which is something I can do because of an inadequate foundation on ground being too soft. If you're unprepared, you will undoubtedly fall, as there will be no place for you to firmly hold on to, since my trap door is evenly leveled with my flat top. The giant will stop walking 1 s before I tilt. He will neutralize the gravity with his strength by keeping me inclined for about 25 s and then straighten me up. The giant likes to test his strength. After I finish talking to you, I will use my magic to make you deaf for one week, and so you won’t be able to hear giant’s heavy steps. You strike me like someone who likes riddles. I too like riddles, and so I will tell you that there is a way for you to survive this w/o luck. The man fathoms the clue and manages to leave the tower. He mounts the horse and flees away. How did he do it?
  17. The 400 metre dash sprinting event will be held at a field track with 5 lanes. 25 athletes will be participating in total, of which, obviously, only 5 can be running together at a time. Define the minimum number of dashes required to determine the 3 fastest athlets of all, so that they are awarded the gold, silver and bronze medal. Which athletes will be running in each dash? We assume that each athlete performs exactly the same in each dash. The results of the event will be determined by the relative classification of the athletes and not by their exact times. We only need to determine the 3 fastest athletes and not to follow the exact procedure which usually is followed at such events. (Obviously we cannot use a stopwatch).
  18. I never get these right but ehh, why not try.
  19. Care to share how you found your solution?
  20. 1. Assume that all people get in the same elevator until that elevator hits capacity. So with two elevators, the first opens on the 50th while the next skips and goes to the 49th. They would keep doing this alternating pattern until or unless the lower elevator hits capacity and goes down only one floor. 2. I think this question is answered above. 3.the elevator can only go one additional floor once it reaches capacity. 4. Optimation: think of your own algorithm that achieves this..... the amount of elevators needed to allow for the quickest "movement" of users to their destination while penalizing your solution based on your elevator selection....think of it as diminishing returns
  21. True but this task is about moving as slow as possible. Though he can travel that fast, which is how he is able to deliver all those christmas gifts, we want to know what is the slowest he could go. Well i don't know.. i read about the twin brothers where one travel at relativistic speed.. and when he returned the brother that stayed got much older.. What i do not get or missing is "why are we assuming he can travel faster than light?" I believe the American term is that it is a Red Herring. Just because my car can travel 90mph doesn't mean that I will or should. So just because Santa Clause could travel faster than the speed of light doesn't mean he will or should. He may need to on December 25th in order to deliver the presents but otherwise he would probably prefer a leisurely trip as he goes south for his vacation.
  22. Suppose we have a coin that "tries" to be fair. To be more specific, if we flip the coin n times, and have X heads, then the probability of getting a heads in the (n+1)st toss is 1-(X/n). [The first time we flip the coin, it truly is fair, with p=1/2.] A short example is in order. Each row here represents the i-th coin toss, with associated probability of heads and its outcome: p=1/2: H p=0: T p=1/2: H p=1/3: T p=1/2: T p=3/5: T It certainly would seem that the expected value of X should be n/2. Is this the case? If so (and even if not), then think of this coin as following a sort of altered binomial distribution. How does its variance compare to that of a binomial [=np(1-p)]? Does the coin that tries to be fair become unfair in the process? Or does it quicken the convergence to fairness?
  23. There is a building with 50 floors. Every morning 100 guest, 2 on each floor, come to use a single elevator. The elevator has a max capacity of 10 users. The elevator begins on the 50th floor and travels down. Once the elevator achieves maximum capacity, the elevator travels only one additional floor. At this floor, everyone on the elevator exits and those waiting (who have not yet ridden in the elevator) get on the elevator, then the elevator continues with only these new riders. Everyone above the 1st floor desires to make it to the first floor while those on the first floor wish to make it to the fiftieth floor. How many additional elevators should this building have (assume all elevators begin on the fiftieth floor)? Provide a quantifiable justification to support your answer (e.g. defend why 2 elevators are better than any other case, or 3, or 4 or...so on.)
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