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grey cells

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Everything posted by grey cells

  1. Well, all the Achaeans are still alive.
  2. Nearly comical! SG's a monster and I said he could be Odysseus. So is Kat a monster or Achaean or an independent? Can Hades toss anyone across Styx?
  3. Yeah! If Brandon is a monster and we recruit him, it would be a huge bonus. Well, good night guys! I think there's enough doubt sown in the minds of non-recruited Achaeans, thanks to Brandon, that every Achaean may not vote for SG.
  4. Yeah! He can. But only if he guesses the right action for that role on that particular night. For instance, he was right about you doing nothing. I just wish the other 2 had done the same, though Argus may not have his ability under control.
  5. I just hope, every Achaean doesn't vote for SG. One or two of us can vote for him, to protect Imp's faction. EDIT: Typo
  6. Somehow I think Argus could be Brandon. Not sure, but he would have guessed the secret condition,if he had the first half. If SG is Odysseus(looks very much possible), then IDNE, Twin Bro, AI just might be Nestor, Diomedes and Calchus not in the same order. Or one of them could be dawh, PT or JS who are pulling a trick and not voting for SG. The good thing if our assumptions re right is that Brandon is not a recruited Achaean, which makes him a probable candidate for an indpendant ot a Monster.
  7. Yeah! Maybe I will bait her a trap. SG is trying to escape from your grips Hades! We cannot let him escape, so without being too obvious we should stop others from voting for him.
  8. I am not saying Brandon is right, but he could very well be. SG is a tricky customer(do not want to bring in other games, but remember O/S Mafia?) He can very well come out in the night, like Brandon did last game. That way his group can believe him without any doubt.
  9. I am more and more convinced that SG is Odysseus. He knows the secret condition, and is trying to do just that. I am going to try to stop that by trying to confuse the non-recruited Achaeans. The good thing is we are now in a position to know some of the Achaeans having BTSC. Assuming this is right.
  10. I think I may have got it. Sounds far-fetched but could be possible. How about SG being Odysseus? Because the secret condition for his freedom could be: "Odysseus must be voted by every living Achaean". Something wrong about the sentence, but that could explain why he wants to be voted for. Just a conjecture at this stage and does Odysseus know his secret release condition?
  11. Oops! Forgot about that. Thanks Minotaur! Wait! This reminds me of the challenges we were set by Itachi last game. Let's start guessing, should be fun! Odysseus should be visited by every living Achaean? Doesn't sound right, not every Achaean can visit in the night.
  12. grey cells

    Could have some effect on the will I thought. Hey! A 30-year old woman can disguise as a 15-year old girl. Anyway I am groggy and should sleep before I say something really stupid.
  13. I am not sure about coming out yet..just an idea. And hey! I have to be killed three times(for my three heads ) before I die. Itachi: Another question! Am I right in thinking that the saving and blocking roles just have to be on the same side of the river, irrespective of the level, to save or block? Why I am asking this is because, Medusa couldn't have traveled 4 levels down to freeze me last night.
  14. I don't know about that. From the night post at least 4 Achaeans have BTSC compared to 2 on the side of monsters. So SG has a higher chance of being a monster, which is not to say he cannot be an Achaean.
  15. I agree we need to recruit Argus. Let's see off the day first. We are not even sure if PT is an Achaean or not. I was just pointing out PT's role last game. Let's see this day off calmly, without taking any risks. Guys I am planning on coming out tonight as a monster. What do you guys say? Just an idea for now, depending on Itachi's answer. Itachi: Can I say what the other monsters have to do on the game thread? And then recruit them. It's not against the rules I think, but still...
  16. Turning in for the night, guys! If Medusa is intent on killing me, she may again target me tonight. In that case I may have to reveal my faction on day 2! Not much of a setback though, we have to come out at one point or other. Just saying that, in case you guys are thinking of revealing yourselves today. Too many monsters revealing themselves could adversely affect us. So I suggest, you guys don't reveal your faction today. And Imp, I am sure you know that, but still don't come out as Hades. We need to keep your role hidden from the Achaeans as long as possible.
  17. grey cells

    A bit late I guess. But anyway MG's taken good care of the investigating division. Tal: Was there any will drawn by the deceased? Will it be revealed later? EDIT: And Vicky: Are you and Elizabeth step-sisters?
  18. If he's Hades we wouldn't know that. Only his faction will be revealed, i.e., Olympian, Monster or Achaean. SG's right regarding last game though(Brandon revealing his faction as Achaean) and it worked for us; better coordination in the night for one thing. Only Brandon came out after the first day, just minutes(close enough I think) before unreality(for Trojans). But the Trojans did not enjoy the same success we(Achaeans) did. That could have been due to various reasons, but the fact remains that it worked better for only one group.
  19. Great post Itachi! What's that about Prof. T winking? Any ideas Prof. After all, Perseus was the one who learned your identity, so unless.... EDIT: Medusa, you bad girl! You really need a haircut. Now don't let your hair hiss, it's no good.
  20. Bad news, I think! Hades BTSC group: Hades: Imp Cerberus: GC RMZ: Minotaur Achaean BTSC group: Odysseus: ??(Would be ironical, if it's PT ) Calchus: ?? Nestor: ?? Diomedes: ?? After the end of day 1 could be Athena or Apollo: ?? As much as I don't want to believe this, they could have easily pulled this off. The night post indicates as much, I guess. Odysseus' guesses last night could have been: 1. Nestor does nothing. 2. Diomedes does not kill. 3. A guess about Athena or Apollo(They already have Calchus, so for now they can only have Athena or Apollo until one of the recruited god dies)
  21. Well, I will go along with balancing! 1) SomeGuy- Voting for SomeGuy 2) Impervious 3) LIS - voting for Impervious 4) GC - voting for Bb 5) Prof. T 6) dawh - voting for Bb 7) Kat 8) Bb - voting for dawh 9) RMZ 10) ST - voting for dawh 11) Artificial I 12) Riranor 13) JS 14) Randro - voting for Randro 15) twin bro 16) IDNE - Voting for SG 17) crazypainter
  22. Welcome fellow monster! Good thing you didn't choose to save; not seen the night post yet. What were Siren and Argus upto?
  23. Welcome to the world of Mafia, AI! Good to see you too LIS! Couldn't have asked for anything better myself! Away from home now, but will be back within 18 hrs. Was afraid I couldn't be max. active. No worries Itachi! You won't need to replace me.
  24. Yeah! I don't know the full details, but the issue has been hanging about for a few days now. This millionaire Stanford sponsored T20 match/es between the big names of England and West Indies offering Millions if remember right. India were not in any way involved.:D

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