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Everything posted by Mekal

  1. hey, can someone help me with the comment. i cant get anything out of it. justs jiberish
  2. oh god. i still havent gotten past the mysterious comment. i tryed translating it a bunch of deffrent ways and i still dont under stand it. now i find out you have more clues !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how long will this go on!!!
  3. good point, mind you, that web of clues gets ALOT denser as you go in
  4. You do realize that nobody except for those trained in HTML will get that, right?
  5. Mekal

    well my internet is working, so here is my FC 4081-5354-9775
  6. wow, your clues are driving everyone insane, not to mention it effectively stoped all nonsense posts.
  7. for that part, look carfuly at the philosophers entire page...
  8. ignore this post, im just trying something rrertwe
  9. is this driving anyone else crazy? im still stuck on the clue. THIS IS KILLING ME!!!
  10. okay, scince i take pity on you, if you really want to find the y_key, just pm me, so i dont have to post it on a public forum Note: this will ruin the main part of the hunt.
  11. okay, i got it... now im stuck on the next part.
  12. well, in honor of the new mafia theam... i say we all gang beat sinistral until he tells us.
  13. wait, so do you have it, and then saw how i got my anwswer, or did you not have it at all?
  14. *sarcasm* oh thats real helpful.
  15. what did you get? i Keep on getting ADM, what about you guys?
  16. Ya, im stuck on the last step. but the search engine that UR wants us to use is called Entrez. not sure if you guys are already using it though...
  17. Wow, i got really far, then i got stuck, that thing is annoying.
  18. okay... thats helpful. i still have nothing on that riddle, but im trying to dissect it.
  19. So thats what you meant by clues, hmm, i wonder... nope. nothing. Will the philosopher post after every day or something like that? and what did you mean by look up UR in wikipeadia
  20. Mekal

    I would totally play execpt for the annoying fact that half the time the internet works and half the time it doesn't but if i could get my WiFi running i would play! EDIT: oh, wow, i just looked at the last post date, you guys probably wont even see this message
  21. Mekal

    I would totally play execpt for the annoying fact that half the time the internet works and half the time it doesn't but if i could get my WiFi running i would play!
  22. i know those post aren't allowed, thats why i am posting them now, so i don't feel like posting them in the actually game
  23. *Mekal's random post* I Just got three shots in my arm! Oh Joy! *currently sarcastically smiling*
  24. Mekal

    okay, my turn. Hi my name is Mekal Bormer, i am 17 and i like to play tennis, swim, go rock climbing, and play the trumpet. i am go to a karate dojo and i am a junior(a senior in a week or two)in Highscool. i like to write( though im not that good at it (it took me a good 5 minutes just to write my personal statement). i am a serious Catholic and thats about it.
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