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Everything posted by Mekal

  1. Mekal


    Host AIs: Y-S4N and L1S Roster: 1) Frozen - voting for onetruth 2) Mekal - voting for onetruth 3) ThunderChicken - DEAD [?] (killed by...Everyone???) 4) onetruth - cannot vote 5) twoaday 6) Kat - voting for onetruth 7) Crazypainter voting for Brandonb 8) GC - voting for onetruth 9) Nayana- voting for Frozen 10) Slickster - DEAD [bioEngineer] (killed by M4F14) 11) Dusty - voting for dawh 12) Dawh 13) Sinistral - DEAD [?] (killed by Zero) 14) taliesin - voting for dawh 15) woon - voting for Kat 16) Ben Law - voting for Brandonb 17) Phaze - DEAD [?] (killed by Mimic) 18) SoKrisky 19) Brandonb - voting for Dusty 20) Joe's Student - voting for onetruth just saying... i voted for onetruth WAY BACK... i twill be another hour till i get on... i have alot of homework
  2. Mekal


    hey... just a queston... does the mimic get BTSC with the other QA''s if he killed a QA that had BTSC? probably not... just wondering...
  3. Mekal


    im quiet because i go to sleep then go straight to school and depending on the day i might so straight to tennis... anyway... so first off... they must have cleaned up the pr1s0ns in the future because BB posted alot and HE never got gangbeat <_< second off... my vote go to onetruth... all you have said is"how could i be a baddie..." ... thats bound to make people suspicus... who knows...
  4. Mekal


    if only we could do that... anyways... i just got back from high shool... so i am still catching up... but TC... good game... you played well...
  5. Mekal

    that youtube video is FREAKEN HILARIOUS!!!! i was laughing so hard!!!
  6. Mekal

    hmmm...im thinking PG... or mabey TC... or even better...
  7. Mekal


    okay... deeper thoughts... 1)when Y-S4N said that phaze was useing the "i am a mafiso" strategy... i started thinking what roles that could apply to... no innocent would say that... they would have no reason... so phaze must have been a mafioso, so BB most likely wasn't lying...
  8. Mekal


    okay... so BB was got arrested... Dawh was released... and TC and OT(onetruth) are now supposed mafia... did i get all that... ill post my deepeer thoughts in a minute...
  9. Mekal


    Hey, i am going to sleep... ill see you guys in the morning... if not then after school... just make sure you have GOOD evidence on the one you lynch... dont just bandwaggon... also... i will take away my vote... AND I EXPECT THE ROSTER TO BE UPDATED WITH MY VOTE REMOVED.
  10. Mekal

    SURE... JK... it fine... just don't make a habbit of it...(that makes it 2 times... i need to get back at you soon )
  11. Mekal

    On the hotest summer ever our AC broke and it took them over 6 weeks to get here... its all part of my unlucky experiences...
  12. Mekal

    The TRUE story of Mekal's death... It was a sunny after noon and Mekal was burning up in his over the top house, his air conditioning had broken this morning and it took them a WHOLE SIX HOURS for the AC company to get here. So Mekal went to his wardrobe and looked through it to find his swimsuit. after going through his well stocked wardrobe he came to the bathing suit drawer at the back of the closet. The first thing he pulled out was a extramly small speedo. "there is no way i will ever were this" he said to himself as he threw it over his shoulder... he finally got to his silk bathing suit and he put it on. He walked down to his Olympic size swimming pool and jumped in... 3 hours later... He fought back the unusual sleepiness... around an hour scince he got out of the pool he started getting sleepier by the second. after fighting the pull of the dream world for a while he finally sat down on his lawn chair and with extream ease... fell asleep... it was his last sleep he would ever fall into...
  13. Mekal

    wouldn't that show up on the toxin report? gosh darn it... PG is taking way to long to tell you that you are wrong... i guess you got it right...
  14. Mekal

    i lost count... and thats not including getting my evasion of taxes found out... getting arrested... getting gangbeat... and landing in the hospital...
  15. Mekal

    what to know what i really hate... well even if you dont here it is... i really hate it when someone gives you a clue that doesn't help you at all...
  16. Mekal

    I remember that we all thought that PG was a masked lover so we lynched her and then..i.....died...............Are you SURE you didn't kill me?
  17. Mekal

    ya, i must have died very oddly... but just a random question...WHY ME!!!!!!! are you still holding a grudge from one of those mafia game?
  18. Mekal

    Hey PG... aren't you braking your promise that you were going to try to break your BD addiction... wait a sec... i got a new idea...
  19. Mekal

    im sorry... now that i am a ghost i can no longer remember my human experiences... though this is what i think...
  20. Mekal

    lets see... so far i am a Alien Cat merman thats allergic to suntan oil and chlorine... oh oh!!! don't forget that i am no longer able to have kids... anyway... wait a second... how am i talking... I AM TALKING FROM THE GRAVE!!! NOBODY CAN HEAR ME!!! well... while i am in this state of eternal condiment... i would like to say that you are all bozo's for letting me die... JK
  21. Mekal


    i wasn't saying that you were... i was saying that if you lie detected that statement that the person who made that statement wouldn't necessarily be the UH... nothing about you...
  22. Mekal


    i think that is lie detecable... but it could mean you are a m4f14, or a QA... also... the other mafia games make good reading...
  23. Mekal


    umm... I never voted for BB... actually i was against it... although why would the droid try to look like another person?... it is an innocent role, right?
  24. Mekal


    I think that the Mimic really was fooled by phaze saying that he was a mafioso... and he killed him to become one to help with his win condition... so maybe the Mimic is a newcomer...
  25. Mekal


    Okay... since i feel like voting now(since nobody seems to have any evidence) and i don't approve of the band waggoning for ANYONE... i used a random # generator and got...
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