The TRUE story of Mekal's death...
It was a sunny after noon and Mekal was burning up in his over the top house, his air conditioning had broken this morning and it took them a WHOLE SIX HOURS for the AC company to get here.
So Mekal went to his wardrobe and looked through it to find his swimsuit. after going through his well stocked wardrobe he came to the bathing suit drawer at the back of the closet.
The first thing he pulled out was a extramly small speedo. "there is no way i will ever were this" he said to himself as he threw it over his shoulder... he finally got to his silk bathing suit and he put it on. He walked down to his Olympic size swimming pool and jumped in...
3 hours later...
He fought back the unusual sleepiness... around an hour scince he got out of the pool he started getting sleepier by the second. after fighting the pull of the dream world for a while he finally sat down on his lawn chair and with extream ease... fell asleep...
it was his last sleep he would ever fall into...