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Everything posted by Mekal

  1. Mekal

    Cruise Ship Mafia II

    there are many other Mafias ... but i might be hosting a Red Vs. Blue mafia in a bit...
  2. Mekal

    Host: LM 1) Peace* (congrats GC!) 2)Mekal 3)... 4)... I am so in!!!
  3. Mekal

    Cruise Ship Mafia II

    LOL... CSM3 probably won't be for another 3 months read the end...
  4. Mekal

    Cruise Ship Mafia II

    No... logs are coming up in a sec...
  5. Mekal

    Cruise Ship Mafia II

    I will post the logs in a bit... after i do my HW...
  6. Mekal

    Cruise Ship Mafia II

    Night 5: Apocalypse… with around 50 S.W.A.T agents… The Oasis of the Seas silently sailed into the port it departed from at the beginning of this long, tiring journey. Outside of the ship was dark, but if you looked closely you could see the outlines of around 50 S.W.A.T agents. Slowly, the captain maneuvered into the ships assigned plot of land and using his radio, contacted the dock workers to set up the gangplank. Right as the gangplank was finally secured in place, the dark, silent night burst into brilliant lights as police cars turned on and all 50 S.W.A.T agents got on board. With sirens blaring and spotlights lighting up the side of the ship, the S.W.A.T agents went to the assigned positions and awaited further orders… In the room of the S.W.A.T agent… Knowing what was going to happen, the S.W.A.T agent was in full uniform. He walked out into the hallway only to be intercepted by the commanding officer in Miami, Florida. “Hello… Limeliam.” Said the Commanding officer. “Have you found the prisoners yet?” Limeliam, the S.W.A.T agent said. “Prisoner” he corrected.”We believe that only one prisoner is alive, and we think we know who it is, the only problem is that he is hidden somewhere in the cruise ship.” On the 14th floor… “Looks like I get a consolation prize” thought Reaymond, the last prisoner. Reaymond was tailing somebody, and apparently somebody stupid if they thought that just because the police had boarded the ship that they were safe. Back down with the commanding officer… A crackling came through the radio and a quiet voice started to speak. “Brovo 5-25 requesting contact to commanding officer.” “Contact accepted… what is your status?” replied the CO “I have spotted the final prisoner and I am requesting back-up before I engage.” Came the quiet voice. “Back-up is on their way, what is your location?” “On the 14th floor, starboard side, near the front” Within seconds the CO and Limeliam were running down the hall to the stairway. With adrenaline pumping the shot up the stair way and quickly arrived at the 14th floor. At that point they slowed down and waited until a tactical team of 7 men arrived. Quickly but stealthily the team moved up to the front of the boat. The team moved into a corridor when they heard a conversation coming from around the corner, probably between the prisoner and his target. Around the corner… “So it looks like your going to kill me… Reaymond…” said Slick. The two men had been facing each other for a while, but it was only just then that Slick had broken the silence. “How do you know my name?” replied Reaymond Slick reached over to the tray right in front of him, and turned a laptop around. On the screen was a file on Reaymond displaying criminal information and a picture. Not to mention a big red blinking light saying “Missing!!!” on the top. “That is my computer!!!” yelled Reaymond. “I know, I found it when I was cleaning your room last night… looks like you have been causeing lots of strife on this ship.” Noted Slick “And it looks like that this “Strife” you speak of is about to come to you!” Then all hell broke loose on that corridor. 2 S.W.A.T teams came from both sides. One grabbed Reaymond and disarmed him, and the other team shielded Slick from Reaymond. And just like that, it was over. The S.W.A.T team pulled the Techie away into a police truck, and everyone was allowed off. 3 months later… in Miami, Florida prison… The prisoners were chatting about there old girlfriends and such, like what they going to do when they got out of prison, if they ever did. But in the shadows of the exercise yard, the Techie smiled… he already had a plan to escape… he just needed a few… volenters… CONGRATULATIONS INNOCENTS!!! Roles: GC-Terrorist CP-SM JS-RW woon-PG FIF-MT Kat-Framer dms172-Nurse (1) limeliam-S.W.A.T silverheart-Hitman PG-Nurse (2) Slick-RC Reaymond-Techie Panther-Threatener foolonthehill-MH
  7. Mekal

    Cruise Ship Mafia II

    Nice try Night post coming up in a sec...
  8. LOL... nice one slick
  9. Mekal

    table bookkeeper cabinet face mirror i am jut trying...
  10. Mekal

    lol... i am being the litle grudge boy... just with clothes on...
  11. Mekal

    Cruise Ship Mafia II

    LOL... okay... i just got back... i am cheacking through my PM's and the prisoner kill... and then i will start to write the night post... well... congrats on nobody dieing from not knowing the end..
  12. Mekal

    Cruise Ship Mafia II

    So what i could do is write the night post right now but i would be writing it in like... 5 minutes so it wouldn't be very epic at all... And i am planing on it being VERY epic... so that is why... sorry guys but the game WILL contenuie on sunday... Well besides this minor setback though, the game has done pretty well so far... i think... oh... and kat, Does your ghost popcorn have nicotine in it or something, cause i think i am addicted Please ma'am... may have some more 8(
  13. Mekal

    Cruise Ship Mafia II

    LOL... maybe... who knows
  14. Mekal

    Cruise Ship Mafia II

    Day 4: How to take a beating: 1. The vote was between JS, Panther, and Reaymond.(Decide possible prisoners) 2. JS quickly showed “Proof”, stopping votes against him before they started.(Don’t let votes come against you. It might start a bandwagon.) 3. Panther and reaymond were now on the chopping block. However, Panther was the most suspicious and was brought up to the Aquatheater® (Bandwaggoning DOES happen) Panther was forced by Slick and JS up to the pool of water that was the theater. He was pushed to his knees and while JS held him, Slick was shoving Panthers head under the water. Panther could have taken this for a LONG time. He had lived in that prison since he was in college. As he was dunked under water again, he thought about the beginning of all of this. He was first put in jail after threatening his teacher to raise his grade, and when he didn’t, he killed the man. He had managed for 11 years in the prison before that fateful day almost 3 months ago. He remembered those days on “the freedom of the seas” before finally getting thrown off the ship. He also wondered if he could do it all again, would he? Suddenly, a sudden jerk pulled him out of his reflections and into the present. “WHO ARE YOUR PARTNERS!!!” yelled Slick. Another voice, JS’s, came in.”He won’t tell us anything.” “Your right.” Replied slick. And then they pushed Panthers head underwater. Not letting him come up again. Sea God: Mekal 1)GC [Dead][Terrorist] 2)CP [Dead: killed by S.W.A.T agent] 3)JS- 4)woon 5)FIF [Dead: Killed by Room Cleaner w/ Role Manipulation of the Hitman] 6)Kat [Dead: Killed by terrorist] 7)dms172 8)limeliam 9)silverheart[Dead][Prisoner] 10)PG[Dead:Killed by Prisoners/S.W.A.T] 11)Slick 12)Reaymond 13)Panther [Dead][Prisoner: Threatener] 13) Foolonthehill [Dead:Killed by Prisoners] [Mission Handler] OKAY, I will be gone until Sunday for a campout. I am sorry about this but i didn't think it would last this long. I will resume with the night post on sunday at 5:00 Central Time.
  15. Mekal

    Cruise Ship Mafia II

    Sea God: Mekal 1)GC [Dead][Terrorist] 2)CP [Dead: killed by S.W.A.T agent] 3)JS-voting for panther 4)woon -voting for panther 5)FIF [Dead: Killed by Room Cleaner w/ Role Manipulation of the Hitman] 6)Kat [Dead: Killed by terrorist] 7)dms172--voting for Panther 8)limeliam--voting for Panther 9)silverheart[Dead][Prisoner] 10)PG[Dead:Killed by Prisoners/S.W.A.T] 11)Slick-voting for panther 12)Reaymond 13)Panther okay... i am writing the day post... i am not sure how epic i can make it... Sorry Panther...
  16. Mekal

    That is actually pretty good! you should try my map from a while ago... let me find it... ah! here it is...
  17. Mekal

    Cruise Ship Mafia II

    Night 4: The Winter Solstice The room cleaner knew that it wasn’t safe at night, but what he did know is that in one room, he had found a gun, a grenade, and extra ammo. So, he headed down to the 5th deck and swiped his master keycard, giving him acess to the prisoners, or so he thought, room. He walked into the room, opened the closet, and pulled out the small drawer. Inside were the items he was looking for. Five minuets later he was two decks above holding an atomized P-17 Sig Saucer. Down in his room… The Hitman opened his “Secret” drawer and looked inside only to follow the action with a shout of rage… his weaponry was gone. On the 12th floor… The room cleaner had stopped by his room to look at the computer and cheack his targets room, then he was on his way. Moving stealthily through the halls, the RC moved up to room 1203, and then by swiping his keycard, he opened the door and walked in. Frozen_In_Fire was sound asleep in his bed. Around him were papers that looked as if he was requesting a room transfer, or a refund for his ticket money. “Well at least HE has some sense” thought the RC. Too bad. And then FIF was shot in the heart. “It’s a shame, blood is hard to clean…”said the RC quietly to himself. Sea God: Mekal 1)GC [Dead][Terrorist] 2)CP [Dead: killed by S.W.A.T agent] 3)JS 4)woon 5)FIF [Dead: Killed by Room Cleaner w/ Role Manipulation of the Hitman] 6)Kat [Dead: Killed by terrorist] 7)dms172 8)limeliam 9)silverheart[Dead][Prisoner] 10)PG[Dead:Killed by Prisoners/S.W.A.T] 11)Slick 12)Reaymond 13)Panther General announcements: Okay, i am going to go along and help you witht the Scav hunt, Look up the member thats name fits this statement: For me you try and find soultions
  18. Mekal

    Cruise Ship Mafia II

    oh... wow... short night post tonight... its coming in just a little bit...
  19. Mekal

    Cruise Ship Mafia II

    I am going to let the first post slide, but one more post and there will be consequences...
  20. Mekal

    Cruise Ship Mafia II

    it is also a half horse and half dolphin in greek mythology...
  21. Mekal

    Cruise Ship Mafia II

    Day 3: Epic… no… EXTREAMLY, OVEREXAGERATED, AWESOME, BEASTLY, AND TOTALLY OUT OF THIS WORLD EPIC!!! The lynching was to held inside today. The dark thunder clouds outside did not look very promising, so, gathered in the royal promenade were the remaining 9 people. Finally, the two most likely candidates were pushed to the front. Dms and Siverheart were shoved onto the stage to give there defenses. Dms went first… “I will tell you one thing. I AM INNOCENT!!!” he yelled into the microphone that rested on the stage. Kat pushed Dms away from the microphone and started to contradict his statement “Are you going to listen to him? How many people have tried to say something like”oh, I am innocent” when they turned out to be a baddie?” The people started to chant, “D-M-S!!! D-M-S!!!” Dms retook the micro phone from Silverheart and started talking again. “Okay, fine, you guys have forced me into this, I am the nurse. Just look at my posts!” As people heard this the chant slowly started to change until it finally turned into “SIL-VER-HEART!!! SIL-VER-HEART!!!” Silver heart knew there was no way to convince this crowd otherwise so quickly. So, she reached out, grabbed the person in front of her, limeliam, and put a gun to his head. “If you don’t let me out I will send this man to the grave!” The crowd turned perfectly silent at this turn of events, only being interrupted by lightning outside. After almost a minute, Siverheart started to countdown. “Five!!! Four!!! Thr…” Her five second countdown was stopped by a silver container rolling down the opening sea of nine people. “What is this!!!” yelled Silverheart. But as soon as she asked the question the canister started to emit a white smoke, slowly fogging up the room. “All right!!!” she continued. I want all of you into a single filed line, and I want you to exit into that store!!! Then, after I get away, I want you to…ehhaageeeragea” Her voice was cut off and replaced by a horrible choking sound. Slowly, as if falling through water, SH fell to the ground with blood pooling around the dead, cold body. Behind her, Panther stale the knife from her belt and stabbed her in the back. Note: Epicness of the day post requested by the Silver cat… Sea God: Mekal 1)GC [Dead][Terrorist] 2)CP [Dead: killed by S.W.A.T agent] 3)JS 4)woon 5)FIF 6)Kat [Dead: Killed by terrorist] 7)dms172 8)limeliam 9)silverheart[Dead][Prisoner] 10)PG[Dead:Killed by Prisoners/S.W.A.T] 11)Slick 12)Reaymond 13)Panther Night 4 has began.
  22. Mekal

    Cruise Ship Mafia II

    okay... day post coming...
  23. Mekal

    Cruise Ship Mafia II

    Okay... sorry SH, but VOTING IS CLOSED. I am writing the day post now and i will hopefully have it up with in the hour...
  24. Mekal

    Cruise Ship Mafia II

    I would just like to say... Sea Gods can eat ghost popcorn also ... So kat, give me some Popcorn... Okay... no more off topic posts from people alive... it's just that the ghosts can't help it... (They have messed up minds from the transaction...) I have a tennis lesson in a little bit, then I will write the day post...
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