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Everything posted by flamebirde

  1. Host: Molly O'Mae 1. Miss Kitten 2. EDM 3. WitchOfDoubt 4. Flamebirde 5. mew 6. Cave 7. smoth333 8. TheChad 9. MikeD A. akaslickster B. plasmid C. D. Backups: 1. Shad 2. curr3nt 3. Just two more people...
  2. C'mon, just a few more people...
  3. flamebirde

    One Up Me

    This analogy isn't an analogy at all, ironically.
  4. Holy moly... good luck managing to color that.
  5. Go ahead, you might want to try a trainer's manual mafia first.
  6. I think I got something on the riddle.Thalia's description/ semi-solution lead me to believe that the riddle is referring to 1) Brian's killer, 2) Sinwa Terrence, and 3) our dear Ms. Daniels. Maybe Daniels is some sort of an undercover cop, and was trying to catch the killer with Terrence as bait. Although, this is farfetched... Also, with Cavenglok's hint, I think that it might have something to do with the fact that the hotel is old. EDIT: Why would you have a party when there's been a murder there...? EDIT2: Oh, crap. we should interrogate Steam again and have a "talk" with James Cross, the one who saw the body. Completely forgot about them...
  7. "C'mon, Framm, slap the bulge!" Flame shouts, trying to hold the massive creature's attention.
  8. flamebirde

    Going to a Party

    Can I bring a diamond? If I can, the rule is that they have to have some sort of metal/stone.
  9. You and I both. That actually was my answer when first asked this riddle.
  10. *BUMP* Check if Ms. Daniels has any sort of record. I'm willing to solve a riddle!
  11. flamebirde

    One Up Me

    When, in the course of human events, has "a" ever been spelled wrong? Oops, I meant to write "I".
  12. OOC: Whoops, you're right. It's only in humans, and right now I am a shark. <----- That felt wierd to write...
  13. *Hands TheChad a flame retardant suit* Not Flamebirde retardant suit, mind you. anyone else's votes I can buy?
  14. "Yo! Daranga thing! look at me so I can distract you!" Flame shouts and rushes at the beast. OOC: How can we communicate if sound doesn't travel through water?
  15. flamebirde

    Newbie Mafia

    Of course! I do that all the time!
  16. =P you'll never find me... also, add my (Third) vote for Curr3nt.
  17. Is your avatar.. Cuneiform?!?!?!

  18. What...? Cookies aren't vegetables unless..... Have you asked the UN to rule cookies as vegetables?!?!
  19. flamebirde

    Okay... How's about COWED?
  20. flamebirde


    PORES If PORES---> 1, then P???? Proven because from SORES to PORES is a one letter shift.
  21. Who is the "all" in this case? All the players? MiKi, WOD and I? Everyone!?!?!?
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