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Everything posted by TwoaDay

  1. TwoaDay

    thats right, if he exposes the fraud he will lose all his money. if i were him, after i recieved my money i would expose the fraud but if i did that somebody would probably find a way to sue me. well eating one is the right answer
  2. TwoaDay

    i do not agree that for destiny to exist everything must be predetermined. i know this is confusing(my fault) but i think that certain events will not happen and certain events will but on a daily basis, desicions like "what should i wear today" and "what should i have for breakfast" are not predetermined and generally unimportant.
  3. i like writersblock's answer but if you are in a dark alley wont it be hard for him to aim at you with a gun? it wouldnt matter what you said as long as he tried to use a gun and you ran away
  4. TwoaDay

    heres what i think. Im not very religious but i think what will happen will happen. your'e choices are not made for you but you will always choose a certain choice. refering to the door example, you were not forced to choose the green door but that was what you were going to pick no matter how hard you thought about it. If destiny is a definite reality then there is no way to change it. im not saying i belive or do not belive in destiny for sure but if it does exisist whatever you do is "known" already and trying to change that is useless and does not change anything. Now that im thinking about it, what if there is no destiny. that means what you do is not predetermined. this would also lead me to belive that amything uneeded or catastrofically useless and pointless could ocurr at any time. The lack of any form of destiny could also mean the lack of any higher entity I agree that there could be a balance. i do not think that there is absolutly no destiny but i do not feel that we are forced to do everything we do. i think destiny keeps balance and order. I also belive that sometimes human nature is explained as destiny. after writing this and thinking about it, i have concluded that there is a balance of destiny and free will im interested to see what other people will write.
  5. TwoaDay

    the 1/5 left over is from the last statue that you made. you use the five leftover pieces to make one more but there is a leftover from that one too
  6. Just to put this out there theres like 48 pages of people saying fill the hole with water, use a vaccum, and use double sided tape. sorry if i missed this but why wouldn't a vaccum work if the bottom is sealed. and even without seeing it in the problem the pipe must have an end or the ball would fall farther than a a few feet
  7. wow i tried to look at it so the nose would be in but its impossible thats really cool hhow you can play tricks on the mind
  8. TwoaDay

    wow thats a long palindrome too bad i cant recite that to my friends
  9. the head is not inside the cow its behind or in front of it looking the other direction
  10. TwoaDay

    o i get it i was just doin one choice for each way to get free i guess i didnt really understand the question i get it now that i saw the answer if you have anymore of these you should post them, there fun
  11. mabey you could drop an unlit match on a piece of paper an look at a fire
  12. TwoaDay

    yep thats what i meant
  13. TwoaDay

    yea those sound better good job
  14. TwoaDay

    correct, i suggest he he eats the slip he picks to make sure they dont deny him
  15. TwoaDay

    my guess for 1st 4th and 5th is pkqpq 2 and 3- kpqpq 3 and 4- kqpqp somebody else will probably figure out the actual probabilitys and the right answers but quickly looking at it this is what i would do
  16. TwoaDay

    A contest is fixed. Everyone knows it, including the contestants. One of the contestants, however, makes it to the final round. The master of ceremonies presents the following challenge: "this box contains two slips of paper. One says 'winner' the other says 'loser' you have to select the one that says winner without looking. The contestant knows the challenge is fixed so he relizes that both slips say 'loser'. How can he select one slip and win the challenge? he cant declare the contest a fraud because hed lose what he has already won.
  17. fractions are more exact so simply saying 12/61days is the best/easyest answer
  18. 16 e's in the sentence but if you dont count the "e's" theres only 14
  19. wait a sec. how do you walk, or do anything, without thinking, and if i was walking on ice i would be scared that i might fall in and would be looking out for cracks and other weaknesses
  20. TwoaDay

    i agree, thats what i was trying to say but you made it easy to visualize and understand
  21. TwoaDay

    i think: three is right thats my first guess for 4 but now i think the two letters taken away might not be the last two five looks good but there might be a better answer i dont think 1 is nothing
  22. in our world this would technically not be a paradox but i get what unreality is saying because if fortune cookies were always correct and the fortune must happen as stated it would be a paradox
  23. TwoaDay

    perfect, thats exactly got i got it good job
  24. TwoaDay

    both are correct who wants to figure out how many he could make with 125 ounces (if you use the same method brhan usewd its pretty easy)
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