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Everything posted by TwoaDay

  1. TwoaDay

    chess players are patient
  2. TwoaDay

    youll point a gun at them and tell them to let you win ;P
  3. TwoaDay

    lolz, silly bear, the rabbit pwned him
  4. wow its 3 in the morning, i gotta sleep
  5. TwoaDay

    i created this thread as an experiment to see if anyone will post thier dreams online. ill start i dreampt that my gerbils had babies and they looked like they were made out of cardboard there were tons and they got out of their cage and then.. THEN... i woke up i know its weird but im sure some of you guys have had weirder ones
  6. yay almost halfway there
  7. wel, i gotta sleep, ill check in tommorow
  8. i was asking based on your personal experience edit: o and i read enough of mafia 4 to understand how it works, i pick up on things pretty fast
  9. like i dont want to forget when day and night posts are
  10. Host: Frost 1) Unreality 2) Brandonb 3) Frozen 4) Slick 5) twoaday
  11. yea i read the rules and though i will not be the most active player i wont be inactive my only question so far because i haven't played mafia with you guys yet is is it easy to keep track of time?
  12. TwoaDay

    agree with him all you want your both wrong we need someone really smart to clear this up
  13. TwoaDay

    its the order, not the seats, of course the can sit in different seats, ther are just only 2 orders
  14. TwoaDay

    are you guys happy now, i'd like to see you try to prove me wrong now
  15. TwoaDay

    lol we must have been typing at the same time
  16. TwoaDay

    here you can find the answer on this page http://books.google.com/books?id=i3LewGIwA...result#PPA89,M1
  17. TwoaDay

    this book http://cgi.ebay.com/Great-Critical-Thinkin...807061921r25486 says two and shows them as shapes around a circle
  18. TwoaDay

    roflol thats a good idea
  19. TwoaDay

    they are all (i think) correct, the problem is that they are all variations of the two answers and it is dificult to find how they are changed
  20. TwoaDay

    no i dont have time
  21. TwoaDay

    theres only @?$%^n 2
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