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Everything posted by TwoaDay

  1. TwoaDay

    if you draw a venn diagram(the two overlapping circles) it might make this problem a little easyer
  2. TwoaDay

    thats right brhan but i thought of it like this
  3. TwoaDay

    youre both correct good job
  4. TwoaDay

    A survey agency reported their results in the local newspaper. The report ststes that exactly one hundred local lawyers were interviewed. Of the 100, seventy five own BMWs, Ninety five own volvos and fifty own both. Within a short time after the report, sevral lawyers argue that the results are incorrect. How can they tell?
  5. im so glad i found it making gadgets was a really good idea i also got the chuck norris facts gadget you guys should try it if you dont already have it their really funny
  6. TwoaDay

    A palindrome is a number or word that reads the smae backwards as it does forwards. 606, 4334, racecar, and the sentence "mr owl ate my metal worm" are palindromes. While driving his car, Bob(so much of a palindrome lover that he changed his name from John to Bob) observes that the odometer reading forms a palindrome. It displays the milage 13,931. Bob keeps driving. Two hours later, he looks at the odometer again and, to his surprise, it displays a different palindrome What is the most likley speed that bob is traveling?
  7. TwoaDay

    if your the prisoner im sore you wish you had to win two out of three but since its two in a row KQK
  8. TwoaDay

    Two cultures of aliens live on the planet Trekia, the carpals and the tarsals. The carpals always lie. The tarsals always tell the truth. A traveler arrives on trekia and meets a party of three aliens. she asks the aliens to which culture they belong. The first murmurs something that is too soft to hear. The second replies, "it said it was a carpal." The third says to the second, "you are a liar." From this information figure out which culture the third alien belongs to.
  9. TwoaDay

    His thanks bonanova i guess when he steps he must put one foot right infront on the other
  10. TwoaDay

    In art class, students are taught how to shape a 1 ounce bag of clay into a small statue. During this process some of the clay remaines unused. For every five statues made there is enough extra clay to make one more statue. If a student has 25 ounces of clay what is the maximum number of statues he can sculpt? What if he had 50 ounces?
  11. TwoaDay

    i heard this joke but it was a duck asking a resturant for duck food
  12. TwoaDay

    i will, and sorry about the extra posts
  13. TwoaDay

    o isee i checked the answer i dident get the two windows part. what if the small child a. cannot retrive the phone b. gets hurt by the glass and causes noise or c. makes noise anyway
  14. TwoaDay

    I think they should crack the window to get the guys attention and then ambush him when he comes in the they can go get the phone (probably wrong)(just a guess)
  15. TwoaDay

    o thats sorta like my 4th answer it sounds right sk8terkat can you confirm?
  16. TwoaDay

    the tops of heads, feet and with some the top half of the body, are switched but since it is not drawn too precisely the different combinations work and you dont always notice it
  17. TwoaDay

    those were really cool i liked the ones where something changed or dissapeared when you stared at a point
  18. wow, i was right, i just went throught the possible combinations and t-t-f worked making the golden box the answer
  19. i think its gold but i may be wrong and it may be none
  20. funny he would have won the battle too
  21. TwoaDay


    you find a way to legally kick one out and then everyone gets a room
  22. TwoaDay

    easy, the third knows he and the second dont both have yellow because the first didnt answer, the second knows this to but since he didnt answer he must have seen that the third had red. the third knows this so he knows he must have red. ( i hope i got the first, second and thirds right, it was confusing)
  23. TwoaDay

    solution one: he starts one step down the hallway 2: he jumps 3. mabey by one foot each step you mean he uses one of his feet to step each time and his steps can be any length 4. or (someone could explain this better) taking four steps gets him five feet
  24. TwoaDay

    no thunk outside the box (or look at the answer) try again
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