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Everything posted by curr3nt

  1. FOOL If 2 then POO- since not L it has to be P from POOL = 3 If 3 then -OOL since F can't be correct because for POOL to = 3 L would have to be correct.
  2. If POOL = 3 then -OO- since neither DO-K or RO-R would be valid.
  3. If POOL = 2 then -OO- Since DOOR = ROOK = 2 Just DOOR and ROOK we could have -OO-, DO-K or RO-R but POOL = 2 forces -OO- --edit: Added -OO- to the list with DO-K and RO-R for clarification.
  4. Trouble with a capital T and that rhymes with P and that stands for POOL --edit: I left out the two "and" originally
  5. DAWN I checked the first round and 25 points were given out to the guessers. So +5 is given for the word.
  6. Luke-warm? I think proper words are definately not allowed for hidden words. If I tried to get a point off a proper name then I think someone could cry foul. Since I didn't try to score from LUKE or YODA I doubt any would really complain.
  7. BUCK - If 0 then ?A?? since BACK = 1
  8. LUKE, I am your father! I somehow missed a page or posts...
  9. Maquis should have gotten +20 I think.
  10. Don't push me cause I'm close to the EDGE...
  11. Host: Molly O'Mae 1. 2. EDM 3. 4. Flamebirde 5. mew 6. 7. 8. TheChad 9. A. B. C. D. Backups: 1. Shad 2. curr3nt 3. Backup because I'm not sure I can resist the dark side of the force. Having a bit too much fun...
  12. WAIF GLAD - 0 DUDE - 0 BIRD - 0 MALT - 1 MILK - 0 BALD - 1 RANG - 1 LAMP - 1 LIAR - 0 GAME - 1 CASH - 1 PART - 1 EARS - 1 YAWN - 1 TACK - 1 TAXI - 1 ZANY - 1 WAXY - 2 WAIL - 3 WAIF - 4 +5 Molly +5 Hidden +15 Maquis + 19 curr3nt Giving a point to Hidden even though TAXI doesn't have a Y. ZANY covered the Y.
  13. ?A?? GLAD - 0 DUDE - 0 BIRD - 0 MALT - 1 MILK - 0 BALD - 1 RANG - 1 LAMP - 1 LIAR - 0 GAME - 1 CASH - 1 PART - 1 EARS - 1 YAWN - 1 TACK - 1 TAXI - 1 ZANY - 1 WAXY - 2 +5 Molly
  14. ?A?? GLAD - 0 DUDE - 0 BIRD - 0 MALT - 1 MILK - 0 BALD - 1 RANG - 1 LAMP - 1 LIAR - 0 GAME - 1 CASH - 1 PART - 1 EARS - 1 YAWN - 1 TACK - 1 +5 Molly
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