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Everything posted by curr3nt

  1. curr3nt

    --- Are we to assume a uniform deceleration?
  2. curr3nt

    Seveny Rollo

    Is it the short story or the currency? Is it...DRABBLE?
  3. curr3nt

    I insist? Normally I do not insist. As for this one... it seemed not to be actual homework. I choose this time to believe he was checking his work. And if he actually lied then I figure class will get quite a bit interesting if he doesn't actually learn how to work with equations.
  4. Can I buy a vowel? If not, how about the first letter. -edit- I spent some time looking up Jake Hunter for some hints... I think it comes from Memories of the Past but I couldn't find anything that provided more info about the puzzle in that game.
  5. curr3nt

    Sixy Rollo

    Gah...Thalia got the word.
  6. {=> I figure you are trying to get us to say arrow...but that isn't helping me any.
  7. I know! => is a spy vs spy guy without his hat smiley.
  8. curr3nt

    The closest physics formula I can find is s = vt + at2/2 but v <> a so how can they both be y?
  9. curr3nt

    Is this the formula? x = (y * z) + (y * z^2)/2
  10. curr3nt

    So... why is the physics teacher giving math problems? -edit- forgot spoilers.
  11. BAYS If 1 then ?A?? since not B?YS from BOYS. If 0 then S??? because it is not ?AYS and SAYS = 1
  12. SAYS If 2 then SA?? because not ??YS from BOYS. If 0 then ??ME since ME have to then be correct in SAME = 2.
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