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Everything posted by Anon26

  1. Anon26

    What do you mean?
  2. Whats the BMI of you guys? (Just want to get an idea how worse off I am)

    1. Show previous comments  35 more
    2. peace*out



      ...only go there if you arent vegan/vegitarian

    3. Anon26


      I am not a vegan,

      and I cant go right now, MAFIA is intense.

    4. Auramyna


      Intensity ForTheWin™ ;)

  3. Anon26

    Team 2 name voting (only team 2 players voting, pls): 1. (Name Team2: Jalebi by Anon26) - [PRO 1] Anon26 [CON 0] 2. (Name Team2: A-Team by Araver) - [PRO 2] Araver, KlueMaster [CON 0] 3. (Name Team2: the blue pantalones by Nox) [PRO 0] [CON 2]Araver, KlueMaster 4. (Name Team2: Illuminati by Akriti) - [PRO 1] Akriti [CON 1]Anon26 5. (Name Team2: Team 2nd Place by maurice0 - [PRO 0] [CON 1]Araver 6. (Name Team2: BlasFamous by KlueMaster) - [PRO 1] KlueMaster [CON 0] Illuminati is not right !!
  4. Anon26

    Pantalones mean pants right?
  5. Anon26

    Yeah and Akriti and Araver starts from A as well, So we are A-Team!
  6. Anon26

    @Akriti, KM, and Araver: Please suggest a good team name, Rasgullah was nice Dunno about kaju katli I know whats Jalebi, but whats Poha? I think Jalebi is right. After all scavenger hunt is all twisted and fun!
  7. Well, so Exams have been ended quite a time back, and thought to update the status ;P

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. peace*out


      I dont know why, but i enjoy being bored :P or at least the option to be bored. :P I like not doing anything

    3. TheCube


      I want to do something. Why do you think I nearly stay on the forum allday? Its because I want to respond to a post.

    4. peace*out


      then write on my wall!!!!!!! i pretty much do nothing all day :P

  8. Anon26

    Dej Mar, you almost got it, except just the last part.
  9. Anon26

    Team 1: Thalia, Silver Surfer, TheCube Team 2: KlueMaster, Anon26, Akriti Team 3: Yuli, Izzy, Maurice, Hirkala
  10. Anon26

    @KM: on the right track
  11. Anon26

    Count me in. In team 2
  12. Anon26

    Well the word to word translation is nearer, but the sentence translation you did, have a very different meaning. A hint: the "،" thing, after the word " ساتھیوں" is a comma in Urdu. I would let loose another hint if it is still hard
  13. Anon26

    So I am answering as my super hard language is just blocking this nice thread, would be posting the answer soon.
  14. Well I had intention of word "black". Dont get how "bell" fix in. fountain, wings, Raphael - Angel (Raphael the angel, Angel's wings, The angel fountains) Chris, Dark , Bread - _________
  15. Mountain was intended, Peak, girlfriend, ghost - white ? (<<big question mark, I am quite sure it isnt it.) pepper, beauty, sea- __________ (easy)
  16. Anon26

    Newbie Mafia

    Count me in as a backup, like if the son of rage and love remained inactive or someone leaves, I didnt sign up before coz I was already in HP2 mafia. but then..
  17. Anon26

    I died! I had some work today so Just opened the computer now and was happy to see that there were only 4 more pages to read, But happiness was short lived
  18. @PG: you are right, I really liked this one among other threads. This is so hard. I google and did hell what not. But couldnt come up with something. I know I would feel real stupid if answer is revealed.
  19. Anon26

    I was wonderin as well.
  20. Anon26

    So it started. @peace: The link is not in the signature,
  21. I havent posted for a while Just posted so people atleast know I am alive! So people I am alive and playing
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