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Everything posted by OmegaScales

  1. First, let me clear up the bathroom confusion. It is a bathroom, but Sarah slipped inside and severely injured herself. From then on she never went in there. So technically, for Sarah, it's not a bathroom, but a bad experience. It has nothing to do with the case. Her father was just making a point. You call up and ask your friend to track Sarah’s cell phone, because you are not going back in. You decide to call up Brian and Richard to find out what the texts they received said. None of them are particularly interesting, but you notice that after 10pm on Friday, she sent three short texts, then three long ones on Saturday, and three short on Sunday. She cleverly sent an SOS. She had been kidnapped! Answer this riddle to get results from the cell phone tracking. "What goes down a chimney up, and up a chimney down?" I know I made it too easy, just answer it.
  2. Do you have a credit card or something similar? If so, can you use it to unlock the door?
  3. “Do you mind if I ask who your enemies-“ Richard interrupts you rather loudly. “YES! I do mind.” Marie gets up and goes behind her husband. She starts massaging his shoulders, quietly singing a song you can’t quite make out. He apologizes in a softer tone. “Sorry. I got involved with some… bad blood when I was younger. If it comes down to it, I’ll handle them, detective. Okay? You go to your friend in the police department and ask her to put out the BOLO. Explaining the current details of the case, she is very careful as to the specifics of the BOLO. You are about to ask her to background Richard Knight when the chief of police notices your presence and asks you into his office. You always hate talking to him alone, since he keeps hitting on you. He’s not that bad looking, but he can be creepy. “Detective, I have a little problem of my own that you may be able to help with, but first things first.” At this point he has that creepy twinkle in his eyes, but it soon disappears. “I have an associate working for the Knight’s. He told me that if you came over to warn you not to dig into the Knight’s background, or you will suffer greatly.” “Okay, I understand.” You get up to go, but he blocks your path. That ominous twinkle is back. He tries to grab your arm, but growing up with 3 brothers prepared you for situations like this. He goes down fast and you’re out of there before he can even get to his knees. According to your research, which is rarely faulty, the last person to see her was her boss, Elizabeth Wittman, the manager of the local hotel, 7’s Heaven.*New location available* You head over to interview her. “Mrs. Wittman-“ “Please, call me Eliza.” She sounds very Australian. “Okay, Eliza. Now, for the record, Sarah Knight was last seen leaving around 2200 hours, or 10pm, by you, Elizabeth Wittman, on Friday April 14, 20XX, correct?” “Correct.” “And she works here every day?” “’Cept Tuesdays an’ Thursdays.” “And she always leaves around the same time?” “More or less. She likes to keep her day organized. Get in ‘round 10 in the mornin’, do the first floor rounds, check her Facebook if she has time before lunch at 12pm, third, fourth an’ fifth floor rounds by 7pm, an’ tenth floor after dinner. I’ve had at least one other employee with her so she doesn’t hurt herself what with the babe an’ all.” “And you didn’t see anything suspicious lately?” “Not a one. An’ just to be clear, I’m not making her work, she wants to work to get as many tips an’ such as possible. I offered to give her maternity leave, but she don’t want it jus’ yet. Wants to wait for the right time.” You have access to all the things a detective gets, and you have friends in most branches of law enforcement.
  4. “When did you realize something was wrong?” Mrs. Marie Knight responds first, and you can make out a bit of a Turkish accent. “We realized something was wrong yesterday. She had always called us on Sundays, but not this time. We only got a text message from her cell phone.” “Did she have any enemies or secret lovers? Richard chimes in this time, and paying slightly more attention now, you make out another slightly Turkish accent. “Our enemies are hers, as she is a Knight. As for secret lovers, we highly doubt it. She has always been faithful to whatever or whoever she chose. When she was five years old, she said she would never go into the third floor bathroom, which is right next to her room. Surveillance shows that she never did.” “Did she do anything immoral or illegal?” “She only ever defied us once. That’s how she wound up living with her boyfriend, without us backing them financially. As for illegal, she would not likely do that,” Richard seems to tense up a little. “What does she look like? Can I get a picture if possible?” Marie comes forward, “This is her.” [Got Picture of Sarah Knight] “Do you have any idea as to why she may be missing?” Marie says, “She might have been kidnapped for a ransom. Her boyfriend might not have much, but we would gladly part with our money to keep her safe.” “How many weeks pregnant is she?” “She is about 20 weeks pregnant.” Extra Note: Doctors and such prefer weeks of pregnancy as months are not a stable way to measure time. Looking at Sarah’s picture, you feel a sense of déjà vu, and for a good reason. She looks very similar to you. The same dark green eyes, same crimson hair down to the shoulders, even the same smile. A birthmark jumps out at you though, right between the eyes. Her eyes that is; a crescent moon shaped brown mark on her otherwise golden skin. Just like her mother. The photo is one week old. Side Note: Less than 2% of the global population has green eyes.
  5. As you enter the Knight's mansion, you can't help but to marvel at the scenery. Beautiful flowers and statues adorn the entryway, and the gates shine brilliantly. A butler motions for you to come over. A quick examination of his silk dress apparel shows that he is paid very well. He says, "You must be Miss Leslie. Master Richard says to make yourself comfortable and that he and the Mrs. will be with you shortly." After a few moments of admiring the lounge, the doors open and a tall, handsome man enters, followed by a tall, bejeweled woman. “Well, detective, it is certainly a pleasure to meet you," he eyes you over quickly while saying this. "Although under the circumstances… So what would you like to know?”
  6. *ALL NAMES AND LOCATIONS ARE A PRODUCT OF MY IMAGINATION! ANY RESEMBLANCE OR MENTION TO ANYONE IN REAL LIFE IS PURELY COINCIDENTAL!* This has been inspired by the Brian Dennis series. I will use a WIT and riddle system similar (if not exactly the same) to it. You are a young (about 25yo), female detective. While relaxing in your office, feet up and everything, a rather young man walks in, no older than 21. He’s wearing a white t-shirt that used to have a rather clever remark on it, but is now too worn out to read. His blue jeans have small holes near the knees, and are frayed around his ankles. He has a tattoo twisted around the entire length of his right arm and on the back of his hand in the shape of a dragon. He wears a He eyes you over, obviously taken in by your extremely attractive body. After a few moments, he gathers himself and says, “Uh… excuse me, are you Leslie Young?” “How may I help you?” you ask in a flat, quick tone. You never liked working, but you need to make a living somehow, and no other fields are quite your cup of tea. “Uh… um… well, I kinda… you see… my, uh… girlfriend-“ “Nothing to be nervous about, just pretend you’re talking to an empty chair.” He takes a deep breath. “Okay. My girlfriend, who is pregnant, has been staying at my place, but for the last few days, she hasn’t come back. I’ll get texts from her, but whenever I try to call her, she doesn’t pick up. I’ve talked to her parents, but it’s the same for them. We haven’t had any particularly nasty fights, so I don’t think she’s ignoring me, and… I think she’s maybe… Uh… I think she was kidnapped. I’m scared that I won’t see her again, until…” He starts to cry, and that’s your cue to take the case. “Okay, okay, I’ll help you out. Just… please don’t cry.” “Th-thank you. Oh, my name is Brian Marillas, and my girlfriend is Sarah Knight.” Locations: Marillas Residence Knight Residence Your Office Items: SIG SAUER® P250 Notebook What is your first move?
  7. Um, do you mean Brian is literally trapped in a safe? Or do you mean it metaphorically?
  8. When you read and post on threads like this...
  9. Ask Mateo if he's heard anything from Ruralia about his son. Watch for signs of lying (looking down and left, body movements, also speech and tone). Also ask if anything is missing/gone and when he last saw Sergio.
  10. Wow... your dad can be a buzzkill, huh? He a professor or something?
  11. OmegaScales

    When you go to your friend's house just to pick something up, but end up spending hours playing FFIX. I wish he'd let me borrow it... I suppose it's because I still haven't returned VIII yet... TMI?
  12. OmegaScales

    I'll make it a lawyer joke!
  13. ... The only way I can think of to make this easier is to give the answer. Please, someone at least guess!!!!!
  14. I'm slightly autistic too! You sound like a younger, female version of me (kinda). Usually, when I'm bored, I try to work on getting 100% completion in one of my games, but that's just me.
  15. OmegaScales

    When you get something and you hold it above your head (I-got-a-plastic-rupee!). When you think you can fly a real plane just by using an analog stick and a few buttons.
  16. It probably would have been good to do this earlier. Assuming they did run off together, they could have gotten pretty far by now. It would be a good idea to send out a BOLO to other counties, even out of state. However, even if that does find them, it doesn't solve the mystery, does it? In that case... Find out what kind of surgery Sergio's mother had, and reasons why it might stress him out. I'm thinking maybe genetic disease or an accident, two things that could put stress on anyone.
  17. EM/Em. It is also a nickname for Emily (not that this is YOUR name, cause you don't tell anyone).
  18. And about my theory: Things similar to that do happen. Not kidding.
  19. OmegaScales

    When you dream that you are in one. When you imagine new storylines for your favorite games, such as Sephiroth stabbing Kairi through the chest (from the back) and Sora jumps at him, he tries to block it, but a flash of light erupts from Sora's Keyblade as it hits Sephiroth's sword, knocking Sephiroth through a mountain before slamming into another and falling to the ground unconscious. Too much?
  20. Look through both Amanda's and Sergio's personal effects for any of the following: birth control methods, pregnancy tests, personal notes, missing clothes/wallet(s), etc.
  21. Isn't there that Edward girl in Cowboy Bebop?
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