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Everything posted by OmegaScales

  1. OmegaScales

    When I want to explain how I know about Sea-Salt Ice-Cream, and why I made it. It is really good btw, and I suggest making some. When you start talking about the zombie apocalypse and how you are going to survive it.
  2. Okay then. quote 7 was said by How about 8 now?
  3. The carnivorous plants are just to prove that the island is not normal, and it took twenty years for them to be found, not prepare for training. Basically, not just anyone would be able to handle what they can. In case you're wondering, training includes detection and distinction of plants and animals, terrain handling, and what to do in dangerous situations such as quicksand or being attacked. It also includes human dangers and medical training, such as dissecting animals properly and the animals' regular anatomies (just for the animals on the island). If an agent was not able to learn all this in five years, they would be thrown out of the program.
  4. The agents don't actually know what causes the rapid growth, so they wouldn't be able to tell Leslie if it would also affect the animals' behaviors. “Can you tell me about the dangers of this island?” “It is mostly normal marsh and jungle dangers except more so, and you can’t always tell where the jungle or marsh ends and the other begins. The animals and plants are also more dangerous than normal.” “Plants?” “Poisonous plants, carnivorous plants, certain other plants that you have not even heard of; all of these are dangerous for humans here.” “I thought carnivorous plants only grew where the soil is thin or has little nutrients…”This time it’s your turn to be “psychic”. “… I know. This island is not normal.”
  5. What kind and brand of axe was used? Could it have been taken from his camping supplies?
  6. Why did it take so long to train? There are more dangers here than you think, and we also needed medical training. Would Leo try to escape for another reason, perhaps? Negative. Can you tell me anything at all about what you have found out about the animals? They not only grow larger than normal, but also live much longer. The falcon is actually the youngest, and is actually preparing to lay her eggs, which might be causing her to absorb more of whatever is causing the rapid growth and account for her extra increase in size. The oldest we know of is the leader of the jungle cats at over 100 years old, around five times the normal expectancy, and it is still active. Other than that, we can say nothing. "I would like to know if you have found whatever is causing the rapid growth. Not what it is, just if you have found it." "We have not. The extra absorption theory is still just a theory."
  7. “Does he always try to escape?” “Affirmative.” “Why don’t you want Leo to take the staff?” “It is not that we do not want him to, but that our protection detail is very strict. Should Leonardo manage to escape us and steal the staff, we will be deemed unfit to protect our targets and be replaced. The same would happen if we let him do that. If that were to happen, the research that we have been working on for the past ten years will be considered corrupted and the projects will need to be started over from the very beginning. The beginning is a five year training course to deal with this island, and it took twenty years before us five started training. So, we would be looking at around thirty-five years before our replacements would get to the point we are at.” [i’m gonna throw this question in since no one seems to see the obvious.] “Wait. I just thought of something. Why are five different intelligence agencies working together?” “Common goal.” “Which would be?” The CIA agent freezes up for a minute before responding. “Our primary goal is to recreate the rapid growth of the animals in crops worldwide. However, we cannot divulge what we have found, or our secondary goals… I can tell you that none of our missions involve stealing the staff.” As if he read your mind.
  8. When you play a recording of the known digits of pi in your car avery morning on the way to work, and memorize all (or a whole frickin' lot) of them. (I don't do this, but I heard about someone who did.) When you keep saying, "That is not pi, that is an estimate of it" when someone says, "Pi equals 3.14." When you make a pie in the shape of pi. (Didn't actually do this, but thought about it for pi day last year. By the way, the closest to pi a single day has come to was on March thirteenth in the year one-thousand five-hundred ninety-three.) Yes, I love pi(e).
  9. Once you can prove Leo innocent or guilty, he is no longer a suspect. Do you need more evidence? Find it. Can you prove him guilty or innocent? Show me the evidence. [i will be the "judge presiding" (as if I only know what you tell me about the case, and nothing more) if you think you can prove someone guilty or innocent. I will not, however, tell you why I don't think you have sufficient proof if I rule it so.] “If you had not seen the blueprints, would the plan have worked?” The ASIO agent replies with a slightly hypnotizing Australian accent. “Taking into account the angle of the sun, the amount of cloud cover, the humidity-“ The CIA agent interrupts him. “John!” “Sorry. The chance of the plan working at that stage of development and taking other factors into account brings a 48.76% chance of success. It was obvious that he had been working on it for a while, and thought that the plan would work out, though there were still a few things he hadn’t thought to take precautions for. If I were him-“ “John!” “… Sorry.” You laugh inside, and continue asking questions. “So, you don’t think he could have stolen the staff?” “Well, he would have had more time to work on his plan if we hadn’t found-“ “JOHN!” He blushes and looks away. “… Sorry… No- I mean, negative.” “I’m wondering why he would want to steal the staff in the first place. Any ideas?” All at once they say, “Negative.”
  10. “Do you know anything about the animals here?” The GRU agent stammers “Y-yes. Th-they are af-fected by a c-certain ch-chemical found o-only on th-this island. Th-there is a S-saker Falcon, whose n-nest is b-between the v-volcanoes, that is af-fected by th-this ch-chemical m-more than an-ny other c-creature here. W-we c-cannot t-t-tell you a-anymore th-than that.” “You guys are only protecting Leo and the other gang heads, right? “ The CNI agent answers. “Affirmative.” “You don’t know anyone watching the other suspects of my case, if there are any?” “There are none.” “You don’t think Nina could have stolen the staff somehow, do you?” “Negative.” “I’m just wondering, where did you find those blueprints?” “We arrived early, and the blueprints were left out in the open.”
  11. During the week in question, you guys stopped Leo from running off 23 times. Can you tell me how he tried to get away? The CNI agent says Nine times, he tried just running away. Five times, he was in a bathroom and tried climbing out a window. Four times, he tried to distract us. Three times, he tried to confuse us. Once, he tried to hide. The final time, he had a very complicated plan that involved the sewer system, ten pounds of cement, a speaker system, motion sensors, and a pack of tissues. It took almost every possible scenario into account. I stress the almost part because we found the blueprints.
  12. Little late, but here you go. “Could I see your badges?” The guards, just about to leave, freeze up for a few seconds before turning and showing you their badges. CIA (US), CNI (Spain), Mossad (Israel), ASIO (Australia), and GRU (Russia). “Why are government agents protecting a gang leader?” The CIA agent responds. “Compromise. We protect each gang leader on the island, and they allow us to run our operations without interference. All other information about our stay here is confidential.” “Okay, but I do have questions about my case. Answer them quickly and honestly, and you can get back to your operations without me interfering.” The Mossad agent responds. "Fine. Quickly though.” EDIT: Focus on asking the agents questions first. They will leave once you ask someone else a question.
  13. It's called a neuralizer, and they are actually top secret government agents that even the president doesn't know about. Mission Immpossible also has government agents... I suppose you came close enough. I was actually thinking BADGES that government agents wear. Agents are trained to try to stay ahead of their opponents, so it would make sense that they know what people are thinking, right? Now I know you guys are thinking, "Wait, what? Government agents protecting a gang leader?" or something like that, but remember that the island belongs to no country, meaning it has it's own government system. This means that any country can station an agent there for any reason, even to protect a gang leader. I need to get to sleep now, so I'll post the next part in about 7-10 hours.
  14. In a way. One guess left, so here's the hint: WIT(cont.) Final guess. Remember that you can discuss what you think it is. If I see it anywhere in the discussion, even if it's not the final answer, you get it right.
  15. No. WIT(cont.) 2 guesses left
  16. Yes. Now the person who said that was whom?
  17. You are right on the first part, it is not ear peices. Your guess, if it is a guess, seems more like a thought. What Leslie sees is on them, not in the room, if that is what you are implying. I will give 24 hours for everyone who participates to come up with and agree on each guess, since two heads are better than one. WIT(cont.) 3 guesses left
  18. OmegaScales

    wHY DID THE CATBury the spoon in the moON? EDIT: Warning- By the time you finish reading this, you will have been dyed blue. If you wish to prevent this from happening, then stop reading right now. Seriously, I am going to be dyed red before even finishing this paragraph, and I will come and dye everyone that reads it. So if you don’t want me to dye you green, then stop reading right now. I mean it. Stop. Now. Seriously. Stop it. Okay fine, keep reading.
  19. ... Okay then. 7. Should thou not enjoy a person, place, or object, amend the aforementioned. Shouldst thou not be able to alter the aforementioned, modify thine outlook. 8. Het tergaset rolyg ni vligin sile ont ni vrene galflin, ubt in siring eyerv mite ew lafl.
  20. You should introduce yourself like so: Scales. Omega Scales. You order drinks shaken, not stirred. You can use a whip to solve most of your problems. When someone shows off their awesome sword skills, just shoot them. You should nickname yourself after your dog. You can survive a nuclear explosion by locking yourself in a lead lined refrigerator and get out after it is thrown and bounced without getting any bruises.
  21. No, it's something I didn't tell you that they had. I'll give four more guesses. I will give a hint if there is one guess left, and a riddle if you don't get it in time.
  22. As you are about to ask another question, the bodyguards, staring through black, custom-made sunglasses and dressed in black suits and ties with white shirts, turn to leave. Each had a different accent, skin color, and slightly different but in-sync professional attitudes. WIT They apparently don't want to stick around for more questions, and you need to do something quick. (see )
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