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Everything posted by OmegaScales

  1. OmegaScales

    I really like mine. I did think it up on my own (it's rather redundant to post it since it's right below, but I'll do it anyway): When the fiery moon rises and the frozen sun sets, then the war between good and evil shall come to an end. Until then I, the guardian of both heaven and hell, the keeper of destruction and bringer of peace, shall dream these lives to death and freedom.
  2. Wudya mean I need a license for this? (over intercom) Okay everyone, get outta there. You're all fired. Oh, and just leave that guy. Someone will be around later to take him to the morgue. Ummmm... Anyone seen my sandwich? This reminds me of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre movie. Hey, anyone got a chainsaw?! (starts up chainsaw)
  3. Captain: "What are you talking about? You don't need a license to fly... Oooohhhh. Legally. I don't care. Hey! Get your hands off me!" "This is your captain speaking. Please remain calm and... RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!!!!!!! That is all." "This is your co-captain speaking. Apparently, the tuna was contaminated and the captain is unable to fly... Wait. I had the tuna. Ummmm... Anyone on the plane know how to fly?"
  4. First, I like this story. You wouldn't happen to be a proffesional writer, would you Anon26? lol Second, Leslie's dad is a cop, who occasionally deals with drugs, so she must at least have heard ABOUT drugs. Right? Third, there are certain times when a warrant isn't needed...
  5. The playground is currently the most likely spot from where he was kidnapped, and Leslie is already there. I am handing over the Detective Young series to Anon26 to do with as he pleases. Thank you and goodbye (at least for now).
  6. Inside the notebook, you found a note from your father saying that he had placed it back in the desk for you to find, and to bring it back to the station when you were done with it. Reading the last entry of the notebook, you saw a note Steven left as reminder to meet a man at the playground at three the day he had disappeared. At the playground, you asked a few other kids if they had been at the playground with Steven on Friday. None of them had been there. I probably won't be coming back here often, if at all. Truthfully, I have for some reason lost most interest in this site. I will hand over the Detective Young series to whomever answers the question I left on my page as I would.
  7. Probably won't be coming back here often, if at all. Truthfully, I have for some reason lost most interest in this site. I will hand over the Detective Young series to whomever answers the following question as I would. What is the most important accomplishment one can make in life?

  8. Sorry, I was very busy one week, then I got computer problems the second week. Everything’s good now, but I probably won’t be coming on BD as often or as long as I did before (until summer break). “When did his parents notice him missing?” “He didn’t go home on Friday night, or call from one of his friends’ houses.” “What are his favorite places to visit?” She looked at you confused. “Don’t you already know that?” “Yeah, but I’m pretending that I only know what I’m told.” “Okay then, he likes to play in the park on his way home, since he lives less than half a mile away, and his best friend lives two houses north from here.” [since they are in a small urban neighborhood (more like a compact sub-urban neighborhood), a lot of people in the school (Pre-K to 6) walk home.] You went to the nurse’s office and asked for some gloves. After you got to Steven’s classroom, you searched his desk thoroughly. You found a small notebook hiding in the very back of his desk, something that you believed should be bagged and tagged in police headquarters.
  9. First focus on where and when he was kidnapped.
  10. You cut the cute act and went straight to the questions. "When and where was he kidnapped?" She smiled. "That would make it too easy. Your father wants you to be able to figure it out as if you are the only one investigating Steven's kidnapping. Try again."
  11. Yes and no. The dream is of a memory, not just some random dream. At seven years old, Leslie had a cutesy voice and a serious voice, kinda like Conan/Shinichi in Detective Conan(Jap.)/Case Closed(Eng.). In your cute little-kid voice, you said, "Mrs. Lane, what happened to Steven?" She laughed before responding. "You don't have to be all cute with me. In fact, cute doesn't really work on me. But to answer your question, Steven was kidnapped at a certain time, and a certain place. Next question?"
  12. In a really cute little kid voice, you said, "Mr. A, why hasn't Steven been here? Did something happen to him?" You saw him hesitate for a second before responding. "I only know that he isn't coming in for a while. If you really want to know, maybe you can ask the principal, Mrs. Lane." You heard Maggie on your walkie-talkie and took it out. Mr. Antonucci, or as everyone liked to call him, Mr. A, left the room, saying he would be back in a few minutes. You turned the volume up and told her that you were there. "Would you please come over later? I don't want my dad to know that I told you about me overhearing the stuff." "My dad told me he meant for you to overhear it so I would find out. He wants me to try to find out more about the kidnapping." "Wow! A real case! Can I help?" "Ummmm, alright. I'll come over later so we can talk more about it without our dads listening in... right dad?" "... Sorry Princess. I just want to know if you are planning anything that might be dangerous." "I'll tell you about the dangerous things, but you don't need to know everything, do you?" "No, I guess not. Sorry Princess." You turn down the volume and put it away. At that point, Mr. A came back with Mrs. Lane. "Hello, Leslie. I spoke with your father a little while ago, and he told me what I am allowed to tell you. However, he wants you to ask me questions before I give you any information. So what are your questions?"
  13. You, Leslie Young, have just retrieved the ancient staff of the island known as Barrio del Sol, met up with Mike, the man whose private jet crashed into the island, and are now going to sleep. Last night you dreamed of a memory from your childhood, and tonight you have another… You were seven years old, and had just played Beethoven's "Moonlight Sonata" flawlessly. “How was that daddy?” “It was the best thing I ever heard! You should be a professional piano player!” “But I want to put the bad guys away like you do!” “Okay, okay, but you might need to have a cover identity sometime.” “What does that mean, a cover ‘idendiddy’?” “A cover ‘identity’ is where you pretend to be someone else so you can get information to put the bad guys in jail.” “Do you need a cover i-ten… i-dend… thingy?” “Not now, but I have used one before, and I’ll probably have one another time. Now go get ready for dinner. We’re having pizza!” “PIZZA!” Your dad, George Downs, always made the best pizza, better even than his Italian friends. The phone rang, and George picked it up. “It’s for you, ‘Princess’ Leslie. Don’t take too long or the pizza will be cold.” You took the phone. “Hello?” “Hi Leslie! I got something for you!” Maggie, now your friend in the police, always called you when a classmate’s pet was missing, lost a necklace, or something else like that. This memory is of something bigger though. “Did you hear that Steven isn’t gonna be coming to school for a while?” “Yeah, 'cause of that injury, right?” “Well, I overheard my daddy saying, ‘The kidnapped child is in my daughter’s class.' Don’t tell anyone I told you this, but I think that Steven is this kidnapped child.” You heard a door close on her end. “Okay, tomorrow is good, so I’ll clean my room now. Bye Leslie!” You realized something at that second. Your dad only made his pizza on special occasions, and there was nothing particularly special on that day. “I LOVE this pizza, daddy!” “Why thank you, Princess. I even remembered to put that special topping on for you.” “… I heard that Steven was kidnapped.” George and your mom, Regina, froze up and put down their slices. “That’s why you made the pizza, isn’t it?” Your mom put her hand on top of yours, and tried to comfort you. “We didn’t want to worry you, dear, but we want you to help, since you two are such good friends.” “Okay. I’ll help. What do I need to do?” Your dad put his hand over your free hand and looked into your eyes. “I need to know that you can handle the pressure of a real case before I let you help. I was surprised you actually told me you knew he was kidnapped. Maggie’s dad actually let her overhear about that, so she would tell you. That was step one, finding out about the kidnapping. Next is for you to find out where and when he was kidnapped. I already know, but you need to be able to find things out without my help. Tomorrow after school, I want you to start investigating.” “Okay.” The next day was a Friday, and school went as normal. The next week was spring break, and it gave you plenty of time to work on the case. After school, you started your investigation. Inventory: Notebook Camera Walkie-Talkie (Maggie has the other) Hint: The teachers might know something, and you can check out his desk. What first?
  14. Are those too hard, or is no one even trying?
  15. Dang! Forgot the poll again!
  16. “… I think I know what happened. Tomorrow, I need to see that nest. You know where it is elder?” “Yes, but why?” The agents leave quickly, as if you had a highly contagious disease. “I’ll tell you tomorrow.” Night comes quickly, and you fall asleep. You dream of your father and mother, of memories when you were only five years old. In the morning, you wake up with the sun shining on your face, and Dr. Maria serving you breakfast. After eating, you check out of the hospital and meet up with the elder. After a few hours of navigating through the forest-marsh, you hear growling and roaring. Through some bushes, you see enormous cats at the foot of some mountains. They turn and see you, then quiet down and back up a little. The elder walks around the bushes and stands at the foot of the mountain. “The nest is up there. If I was about fifty years younger, I’d climb up there with you, but it’s too steep for me now. Why are we here?” As you start climbing up the side of the mountain, you say, “I think the falcon took the staff for its nest.” After a minute, you reach the nest. You see the staff in the center of it, so you climb in and grab it. As you climb out, you see the falcon diving at you, and you jump down to the elder. The falcon is still focused on you, and you just manage to dive out of the way, tossing the staff to the elder. The elder manages to run off into the woods/marsh, but the falcon is diving straight at you again, and there is no way to dodge it in time. You brace yourself, closing your eyes, but feel nothing. You look up, and a very muscular man is holding back the falcon. “Quick! Even I cannot holds it off forever!” You run off into the woods/ marsh, but get caught in dry quicksand. After a few seconds, the man who saved you again comes to your rescue. He grabs a nearby vine, tosses it to you, and pulls you out. “My novia, Doctor Maria, said you was coming here, and that she was worried, yes? So she asks me to come in cases you get in trouble with big bird. You is not hurt?” “I’m fine. Thank you, Manny.” “I take you to friend who comes with you to island, because he worry about you. Say you probably on case, so I tells him what I hears from people, making him correct.” You had completely forgotten about Mike, and apologize when you see him. “It’s okay, Leslie. I would probably forget to meet you if something big came up, so I’ll let it slide.” “Um, thanks?” You laugh. “I will tell you what happened later, alright? I need to go see the elder.” “Does that include what happened to your arm? That must have hurt.” “Yeah. That too.” “I’ll meet you in the lobby of the inn near the hospital.” You catch the elder outside his house. “Ah, there you are. I called Manny, who said you were on your way. Sorry to just run off like that, but it did surprise me to see how fast I could move at this age. I knew you would be alright because I saw Manny rushing over. Otherwise, I would have stayed close.” “For a moment, I thought you would be surprised to see me alive, but you don’t seem like the kind of person who would just leave someone to die, so I thought you knew I would live. Where’s the staff?” “I’m keeping it in here, so the falcon doesn’t get to it again.” “Good thinking. So you said I could stay for the ritual, right? When is it again?” “About thirteen days. There is usually only me, my sister, and a few of the older residents. However, this year, it is on my 101st birthday, and everyone will be coming. You and your friends can have front row seats, since you helped recover the staff.” “Thank you. We’ll be there.” After meeting up with Mike once again, he pays for rooms for a couple weeks, and you tell him what happened. Around seven, the two of you grab dinner, and then head off to your rooms. You dream of your childhood again… Continued in “Dreaming of Young-er Years”
  17. I was be general. I don't really know what might affect a volcano other than an earthquake, so I just said it like that. The falcon did take the staff, but just to use it as a stick. I'll post the ending in a little while.There is a moral here: what may seem as complicated as rocket science on the surface may be as simple as cracking an egg beneath it. Or if you prefer: things aren't always what they appear.
  18. OmegaScales

    [it kinda would make sense if someone put blue dye in the hot tub.] Here's how to make sawdust: take two eggs, freeze it in the microwave, add chile powder, stir in some waffles, feed it to a beaver, and cool on the stove.
  19. “Do you know when the volcanoes will next erupt, if at all?” “They should not erupt during your lifetime, but something may change that.” “Who do you think took the staff?” “We have no idea.” “Is there any more information you can tell me about the falcon?” “She has been taking sticks to make her nest, some of which she breaks off trees. We also saw her flying with the fabric from your parachute. She doesn’t really seem to care about anything other than making her nest at this point. Is she of interest to you?”
  20. Yep. 9. ETTH UBRO WILE LITH ISFE THNT THAT EIER OASN WENS TSRI ATTH ERTH REEA MASO ANNY ERSW BCSA 10. Sv dsl zhph rh z ullo uli urev nrmfgvh, yfg sv dsl wlvh mlg zhp ivnzrmh z ullo ulivevi.
  21. Each gang wants to control the island, and they need to get rid of the other gangs to do that. They can also scare the other gangs by taking down the agents, but they don't try that because of the deal they made. Each gang leader mostly stays in their houses because the houses are made for protection (bullet-resistant plating and glass, high tech security systems, etc.). It's really standard gang rivalry stuff.
  22. That's for you to decide. Are you done questioning the agents?
  23. OmegaScales

    When you're happy to give out information on video games and video game related things, like the recipe for sea-salt ice-cream.(This is the best place I could find for the recipe, although it would be better to do step 2 around or during step 6. 12 servings makes about four quarts.) When you can't stop thinking about the zombie apocalypse (or the Heartless apocalypse. In my case, it's both.) When you ask a friend to draw you a keyblade (on the positive side, it will give him something to do during Lent since he gave up computer, video games and tv).
  24. OmegaScales

    Maybe that floor/room is locked and there is something important to the case there, or maybe you can only see something from there but you need to get out in less time than going down stairs or an elevator would take. I just thought, maybe Highlander Tower is partially buried or it has floors beneath the surface and 50th refers to the floor 50 up from the very bottom floor, so you wouldn't even need a parachute or landing gear. Hmmm... maybe we could use a helicoptor to get to and/or from the 50th floor.
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