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Everything posted by OmegaScales

  1. How about proving that 42 is the answer to everything? Can anyone do that?
  2. --Put bubble wrap all over the floor, and when your roomate steps on it, say "HEY! I was saving that!" Pick up any peice of paper you see, look at it for a second, then put it down saying "That's not it..." A few seconds later, repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Pick it up again, say "Oh, there it is." and put it in your pocket. -Start a collection of something really weird, like banana peels or crumpled up paper. -Get some kitchen knives and start sharpening them while creepily glaring at your roomate. -Keep your cell phone on vibrate, and pretend to keep getting calls about auctioning off your roomate."Accidentally" leave behind a fake letter congratulating someone on their purchase of your roomate, and reminding them to feed and bathe your roomate and keep up with their shots. -Tell your roomate that you've finally decided to trust them. If they ask "What is it?" or "About what?", say "Nothing. I just finally trust you."
  3. As a villain: You can fool anyone wiith a bad disguise. It is crucial to recite a motto when you reveal your true identity. You should always say something funny when you are defeated. Even if it is extremely obvious that you are the one who did it, at least one of the heros will not know it was you. And if it isn't already obvious who I'm talking about: Your main objective should always be to capture the electric mouse friend of your sworn, 10+ year old enemy who always beats you even though you are 25+ and never report your failures to your boss unless he asks.
  4. Yes. Just put the info in code. By the way, the fact that I hadn't posted anything in a while means I GOT BORED and FORGOT TO CHECK BACK. This occasionally happens when NO ONE IS POSTING!!!!! in the topics I like.
  5. SelacsAgemo says: Tis better to empty thy mind than let thine thoughts overflow. Translation: It's better to post/write (on whatever you can) something while it's fresh in your mind than to try to remember it later when other things may have pushed it out of your mind. This post is an example of that. It is also a way of saying, "Please post something people!!!!" @Segul I can't seem to find any information as to why I can't PM you. I have an idea, though: Could you try to send me a messege? I don't know if it will work/help or not, but please just try it.
  6. I have the power!!!!! back.

  7. It looks like Kathleen and unreality cannot connect get on the internet right now. Let's just move on in the meantime. I pack my provisions in my magic purse and head out. Before leaving, I stop by the places I frequent to tell of my departure. Toni is the most depressed, as we have grown so close in these four years. She was the one who taught me everything about the world outside of Mjarujo; she talked the tailor into making clothes for me, even though he wasted so much material trying to get it right, and even paid for all that wasted material; she convinced the Head Mayor to buy extra salt just for my cause; she provided me money and eventually landed me my job. *sob sob sob* "Omase... please don't go... Th-there must be plenty of other people looking for answers! You don't have to go!!!... Please..." "I've made up my mind. I'll miss you, Toni. Your like my big sis. But know it's my turn to teach you something; if you love something, let it be free... I promise I'll come back to visit you. Okay?" *sob sob* "... Okay... Please be careful..." *hug* "I will." I head out the West gate, the guards saluting me. As I, the Four Sword Paladin, Honorary* Thirteenth General of His Majesty's Royal Army, step out of Capitol City, the guards shoot off three rounds, one for good luck, and two signifying honor and respect. ------------------------- *Honorary signifies that Omase is not an active duty General, but may be called upon in times of need.
  8. Lie about a third word to make people read the whole thing looking for the nonexistant third word.
  9. I'll occasionaly add something from SelacsAgemo's perspective. SelacsAgemo A tall, elderly man with a grey, scraggly beard that sweeps the ground looks up at the sky, holding his gnarled, black oak staff in his wrinkled right hand. He stands in the middle of a field with a giant elm tree that has survived for almost 800 years a meter behind him. The elm gives off a calming presence, soothing any creature that enters the field, aptly named Tranquility Field. *sigh* "I hope they will be able to stop it... the merging is only the first threat. Should they fail... I wish I could see it, but they are blocking the future." The old man suddenly becomes a young child holding a shinai (bamboo sword used in kendo). "Good luck, adventurers. May the Fates guide you well," he says, vanishing into thin air, less than a second before another portal rips open. A short, rocky creature comes out, and starts tearing up everything. Its appearance is not unlike a turtle, but it stands on its hind legs. Its head similar to a falcon's, and its arms equipped with rock-crushing pincers, it would make a formidable opponent. With its incredible speed and strength, the mystical elm tree turns to woodchips in a mere second. After another second, the creature burrows under the earth, the field now stripped of life.
  10. I started a conversation with everyone (except Segul who, for some reason, "cannot use the messaging system"). Everyone read it yet? NO! READ IT PEOPLE (tolecnal, Kathleen, unreality)!!! Anyone who has not started their rp, please do so. @Segul: Do you have your messaging system turned on? If not, please turn it on so I can add you to the conversation. A tree fell and knocked down a transformer that connects to my house, so I'm at a neighbor's who isn't connected to that one. I will likely not be able to come online for at least a couple days because I can't just come over whenever I feel l, so... just go on without meeeee!!!!!! ... yeah, I'm feeling a little dramatic right now. A hurricane DID just hit me... And thank you Aaryan for keeping this alive.
  11. The land mass (including Japan) is about three tenths of the world (about the same size if all the land on earth was pushed together). There is a magic portal in Capitol City that connects to Earth (where we live). It connects us in a different manner than the alien portal/rifts, but will affect Earth if something strange is happening in TKoI and vice versa. Therefore, you can be on Earth (in London, England) and be a citizen of TKoI. We happy?
  12. IN THE MAP: Quadrants I and IV are mountainous, q.s II and III are flatter, q.s I and II have greenery, and q.s III and IV are more barren. Q I is usually snowy, q II has forests, swamps, etc., q III is similar to a plain, and q IV has several deserts. This map only shows about three tenths of the world (about 150 x 105 square kilometers). There are several small islands scattered around the rest of the world, but they aren't important (at least not right now). Note: Japan is not included in the above statements.
  13. The Kingdom of Infinity is in a world that is magically connected to Earth (unlike the world that is merging with TKoI). The world is basically the same as a mixed modern and medieval supercontinent. Similar governments, similar politics, etc. all combined on one land mass that takes up about one fourth of the world with a few islands around the rest of the world. Some cities and villages can afford modern tech, some choose to go without it, some can't afford it. Some places have the same names that we have on earth, like there is a section of land called India, a string of islands near the south coast called Japan, etc. I'll draw it up in Paint soon (I don't have anything better to work with). You start in a city or town. Any city or town is fine, but you start by learning of the rifts between the worlds (an alien world). You can learn about it in any way (tv, rumor, newspaper, town crier, etc.). MORE INFO: NPC's (anyone can control them except for quests and rewards) will be in black and your character in a different color (I will be using red). Currency will be called Wyva (singular and plural). Okay then, I'll start. Entering the Capitol City market, my best friend Toni calls me over. "Hey Omase. You watch the news last night?" she says. "No. What happened? Another bombing?" I respond. "No. Apparently, there is some world in another dimension that is merging with ours, leaving rifts between us and them. There was a scientist that said that if it keeps up at this rate, our world will... collapse... or something. I lost him after that, so I just stared into his big blue eyes for the rest of his talk. He was sooo cute." "Jeez, Toni. Yesterday you were in love with that bodybuilder, the day before with some random goth dude, the day before that with a punk rocker... you sure fall in and out of love fast." "I know... I just have so much love to give. Oh yeah! There was also something about a reward for anyone who can unmerge the worlds or whatever. I don't remember anything about the reward, but hey! Free stuff!" We talk a little longer before parting. As I walk away, I begin thinking about the merging worlds. I have made up my mind. I will find out how to save this world. I buy some provisions, including plenty of salt, before going back home to pack for my adventure.
  14. Yes you may. Just put it in code like this.[/CODE] Anyone else that wants to join later or make a second character is to do the same. Hrm... Howz this: TKoI is starting to merge with another world in a different dimension, creating rifts and portals in certain places where magic energy is actually visible, such as the center of [color=#ff0000]Mjarujo[/color]. Adventurers and scholars alike are trying to find a way to stop and reverse this. In the other world, everything looks like it came out of a terribly drawn comic, and you "speak" in speech bubbles with silent film music in the background.
  15. You can be killed, but other than that, you can be immortal. Also, you can only manipulate a certain amount of anything at a time. You can travel through time, but not control time itself. In other words, you can look into the past, but you cannot manipulate it. Also, you can see certain, preordained events in the future, but nothing more. That makes nine.You may BEGIN! P.S. I am still wondering about that story elements thing. Any ideas?
  16. Here is the character I will be playing as (not to be confused with with all the NPCs and monsters): USERNAME;OmegaScales NAME:Omase(O-mas-eh) SEX: Female RACE:Mjirda (Me-yurda) APPEARANCE: A creature that normally looks mostly human, except for the two extra arms and two tails. During new moons, she becomes a ten meter tall creature with ten of each limb (including tails). PROFESSION: Tetra-Sword Paladin: weilds four swords in humanoid form; can use some magic OTHER INFO: The Mjirda are beings with an unlimited lifespan, meaning they cannot die of old age. However, they need a steady supply of salt to stay alive, and almost all have died because they ran low. They are one of the original races in TKoI, and have made countless structures in all the surrounding lands. All Mjirda have two extra arms and two tails in their humanoid form, but each looks different during the new moons. Normally Mjirda reside in Mjarujo, an area where magical energy is plentiful, though they have a custom that upon every 103 years, one of them is chosen to leave and never return. They are chosen by nine tests (3 of wit, 3 of strength, and 3 of bravery) that were designed by their ancestors. Whomever passes the most tests is "chosen". If there is a tie between two or more contestants, all eligable contestants are "chosen". 4 years ago, Omase and her brother, Mjaruut, had both passed all nine tests; the first ever 9 out of 9 tie in the Mjirda's entire history. Edit to rule 2: Animal characters (cats, dogs, etc.) can choose to start with a master/owner. By the way, if anyone thinks there should be a story element, such as an evil king has declared war on TKoI or something else, I would like that input. &yeah. past 1am now. Nightz!
  17. @Aaryan: Eh. What the heck. Knock yourself out.
  18. How's this: you can not learn any abilities not native to your race. Wizards must choose one of the following professions (FF based): Black mage (mainly attack and negative status magic; strongest magic is "Ultima"), White mage (mainly healing and positive status magic; strongest magic is "Holy"), Red mage (can use both white and black magic, but cannot use the strongest magics). Howz about Snowpaw is a wizard's cat and that's why he/she can talk. Maybe Aaryan's character could be his/her master.
  19. Yes you may. First: General Disclaimer: Any mention to any copyrighted material is unintentional and blah blah blah. Some rules: You may have two characters (since I want to do more than just the npcs, I will let others have a second character as well). Just make it clear which character is doing what. eg. John: sleeping Jane: fighting You start alone, but can join up with anyone later on. You may travel throughout the kingdom in a group of up to five people. Traveling alone is also an option. Any monsters, items, weapons, locations, etc. must be website appropriate (remember that there are kids here). Players may die, but can be revived by another player within 72 hours. Otherwise, you may create another character (if you wish). Do not be an @$$hole; you are NOT immortal or the best fighter ever. (That's Chuck Norris. :mellow: ) You must get hurt/ill at least once a week.
  20. You can be anything up to and including just short of a god. I'm the only god in this world.
  21. Yeah... I have deep veins... Do-it-yourself-ametuer-electroshock-therapy. (especially without alternating circuit) Not thinking your evil plans through. Disney villains should think more like politicians. :lol: Or lawyers. :lol: :lol: :lol:
  22. Your own sister starts to peak your interest. (What?... She's hot...) You go on vacation with them. You completely forget about your own parents. You finally go home to find that your family moved ten years ago. (seriously? you haven't been home in ten years???) Your parents don't recognize you after you have tracked them down. (that would be scary) They have had another kid and named it "in memory of" you. (omg that would definitely be scary!) The kid tells you that if you don't leave, you'll regret it. (!!!!!!!) You regret it. (X_X)
  23. Welcome, adventurers, to the Kingdom of Infinity, a realm where anything might, and usually does, happen. We have orcs, humans, sprites, elves, dwarves, dragons, etc., and creatures you could not even imagine living here. So tell me, who are you? EXAMPLE: USERNAME: OmegaScales NAME: SelacsAgemo RACE: God APPEARANCE: Whatever I choose to look like at the time (currently a glowing young man) PROFESSION: God of everything that exists OTHER INFO: I will control shopkeepers, quest givers, etc.
  24. I may have caused a little confusion, so let me restate my suggestion. I was thinking that we should have a RP subforum in the games forum so as not to be confused within all the other games. I want to know if anyone else thinks that's a good idea or not. I would also like to hear some comments as to why or why not.
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