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Everything posted by araver

  1. araver

    The OP is clear that the arrangement is given by the warden, the second day, directly in room A therefore it is previously unknown by both prisoners. ...I do hope this makes sense to someone other than me... Welcome to BrainDen! Your post makes perfect sense. However, please use spoilers - big blue button when you write a reply in the editor. Some of your statements reference things that are hidden in spoilers in the posts before. To answer your question from my point of view: there is no need for an assumption on the speed with which each messenger walks. There are however two natural assumptions may be needed, concerning more the fair-play of the warden than the speed of the messengers: 1) Each messenger does arrive to Room B eventually (i.e. he's not stopped by the warden) (Non-blocking) 2) Either implicitly, or upon request from the two prisoners, the warden will supply a confirmation that a messenger sent from room A has arrived in room B. In this case, the prisoner in Room A can delay sending the next messenger until he receives confirmation that his previous message was received. (Non-interference) You are correct that something must be assumed in order for messages to not get permuted during transmission. However assumption 2 above shows how this can be done by assuming just a confirmation of successful delivery and not by assuming anything about the speed of the messengers. Assumption 1 is another example of implicit assumption we all make and should make in order for the problem to have a solution. If no messenger arrives in room B (or equivalently their speed can be 0), then no strategy would ensure a win (barring developing psychic powers over night ).
  2. araver

    Mystery Operation II Finally: a message was received from outer space! At first glance it seems that it contains a sequence of 9 numbers coded as beeps and pauses. Large pauses group 3 numbers together, suggesting a relation might exist between them. 4 */* 2 = 5 12 */* 17 = 28 30 */* 10 = 36 Scientists immediately start transmitting our standard welcome message containing mathematical constants. For a while it looks as though no one listening until suddenly a second message is received. This message repeats only 2 numbers for a long period of time. 48 */* 73 Maybe we're supposed to respond to it in order to make contact. Can you help scientists figure out what we should answer?
  3. araver


    Continuing where we left off ... PEPSI
  4. araver


    It kinda stopped. Abruptly Sorry, dawh. Congratulations Maquis, you completed this quest! PENNY - 0 SWORD - 0 DODGE - 0 ALARM - 0 IDIOT - 1 BUNDT - 2 TRYST - 2 QUEST - 5 +30 Maquis +7 araver Updated scores Glycereine - 788 plainglazed - 615 Cherry Lane - 532 maurice - 467 Izzy - 386 Vineetrika - 384 Maquis - 315 Unreality - 284 araver - 246 dawh - 205 t8t8t8 - 190 NickFleming- 180 Framm - 177 golfjunkie - 170 woon - 141 Fabpig - 111 JarZe - 96 Blablah99 - 89 Harvey45 - 77 MollyMae - 46 Hirkala - 36 yuiop - 21 Abhisk - 20 PVRoot - 20 Filly - 19 Prince Marth - 15 DudleyDude - 15 phaze - 15 Kac_cotu - 5
  5. araver


    _ _ _ _ _ PENNY - 0 SWORD - 0 DODGE - 0 ALARM - 0 IDIOT - 1 BUNDT - 2 TRYST - 2
  6. araver

    Allow me to present a close related solution/explanation for this problem, because of the following three arguments below (spoilers were needed for arguments too since they reference the posts above). I admit I was still searching for a solution but could not quite put my finger on it and I ceased to look for one and read the spoilers. I do not claim to have found a solution on my own, but I claim to not be entirely satisfied with the explanations I read above. I admire your insigths and I hope you won't mind my contribution to the topic, since it might reconcile some of your viewpoints (or at least provide some minor insights on the problem itself). presented by Wikipedia): - For each 15-bit string a denote a1...a15 it's bits. - Choose A such that all the bits except a1, a2, a4 and a8 can be chosen freely and bits a1,a2,a4,a8 are bound to the following equations: a1=a3+a5+a7+a9+a11+a13+a15 a2=a3+a6+a7+a10+a11+a14+a15 a4=a5+a6+a7+a12+a13+a14+a15 a8=a9+a10+a11+a12+a13+a14+a15 Visual matrix representation: a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 a11 a12 a13 a14 a15 a1 X X X X X X X a2 X X X X X X X a4 X X X X X X X a8 X X X X X X X - Approaches of type II are what Carbon1nTheRough had in mind. Choose a minimum number of seeds (11010001000000 in his case, which is actual easy to remember 1 if position is a power of 2 and 0 otherwise) and choose addition between elements in A and multiplication between one element in A and any other element as generating mechanisms i.e. generating a cyclic code as an ideal in a certain ring. As I said, choosing rotation/cyclic shift as a generating mechanism is not enough since rotation/cyclic shift is only multiplication by a particular element - polynomial p(X)=X or 0100..00. So you basically need at least an additive group (e.g. additive group generated by 4 strings with only one bit as 1, on positions 1,2,4 and 8) as seeds and then allow for full-multiplication (modulo 2) to grow/generate the set A. Rotation/cyclic shift is not sufficient. I think the different viewpoints come from different interpretations for the n=3 case. n=3=2^2-1 so 2 balls are in the Hamming partition. There are also 2-partitions of the same space which do not follow construction by Hamming distance one of which is given as example. The following are different 2-partitions with a "center (set of elements graviting the center)" notation for Hamming : - Linear/Hamming: 000 (100, 010, 001) and 111 (011, 101, 110). - Cyclic partition: (110, 101, 011, 000) and mirror (001, 010, 110, 111). All Hamming codes are notorios to being closed under addition (as any linear code) and although not all Hamming code presentations are cyclic themselves, they are equivalent to a Hamming code presentation that is a cyclic code. In my opinion, the cyclic view is much harder to grasp for n>3. Although such a cyclic partition does exist (as Hamming codes are equivalent to a cyclic code), it's not that simple as choosing a minimal seed and reconstructing the rest with rotation/mirroring/addition as it looks like for n=3. For n=7, one can indeed construct such a (cyclic) set easily (roughly following Carbon1nTheRough ideas) using mirroring and rotation. For n=15 and above, I don't see an easy construction (for n=15, a partition has 2048 elements so less than log(2048) would sound as a nice seed set). I personally like a star/planets analogy view on Hamming partitions which I will use in the following. Assume a finite universe of size 2^n in which all points are either stars or planets. All centers in the Hamming partition are stars and all points not in A are planets which revolve around exactly one star. Recall some of the previous notes on how centers in A relate to one another: 1) (Local sparsity) Two centers are at a distance of at least 2 from one another: The 2 centers cannot be at distance 1 from one another i.e. one "graviting" around another one since the radius-1 balls around each other would collide. Moreover, since the balls don't touch, two centers cannot be at distance 2 from one another. In that case, the balls would share at least a string (two strings in fact) that can be found in the middle of the two-step flipping transition which gets us from one center to another (definition of distance 2). 2) (Global density) Two centers cannot be too much apart either or more precisely, for each center there must be at least one center at distance 3 from it (for n>=2). Just imagine center A - a string B gravitating around A (at distance 1) and a string C obtained by flipping another bit from B (not the one that differentiates between A and B). Distance between A and C is 2 so C is not a center. However, C must gravitate around a center since this a partition after all. 3) The Hamming distance is also a metric on the n-bit space - the triangle inequality d(A,C) <= d(A,B) + d(B,C) holds for the Hamming distance. It's easy to see that equality is reached if and only if the set of positions in which A and B are different is disjoint from the set of positions in which B and C are different. So, starting from s=null-string which has 0 1-bits (call it our Sun), we find all strings with 1 1-bit graviting around this center (call them planets) and the all 2 1-bit strings (planets in another solar system) graviting around other centers (stars). Since these neighbor stars cannot have one 1-bit, then reaching them from one of the 2 1-bit planets means flipping one of the other bits from them - a bit which is 0 for planets. Hence these neighboring stars have 3 1-bits = are at distance 3 from our sun (seed). However not all 3-bit strings can be stars since for example 11100..0 and 01110..0 are at distance 2 from one another. Choosing a set of stars from these 3-bit strings is certainly not unique, since rotation/shifting for example can lead to alternative partitions. There are nC3 combinations of 3 1-bit strings. First, let's see how many we need. For n=7, m=3 so we need 2^(7-3)=16 stars in A. Taking s=0000000 and non-s=1111111 in A, 14 pairs remain. nC3=7C3=7*6*5/2*3=35 points at distance 3 from s. Similarly, only 35 points have 4 1-bits and thus lie at distance 3 from non-s and therefore distance n-3=4 from s. It is then clear that the only stars other than s and non-s must lie at either distance 3 or 4 from s, otherwise they would be too close from s or non-s. The symmetry involved in the Hamming hypercube shows that there are as many stars at distance 3 from s as stars at distance 4 from non-s so 14/2=7=n stars are in each category. Moreover, choosing 7 stars at distance 3 from s (which lie at least at distance 3 from each other) forces us to consider their mirrors as the other set of stars. Note that if you get lucky and choose a stars whose rotations are all at distance at least 3 from one another, your job is finished since there are 7 rotations possible. Since these are stars with 3 1-bit, achieving a distance of at least 3 means that when rotating, no more than 1 pair of these 3 1-bits can overlap (2 pairs of 1-bits overlapping determine a Hamming distance of 2 - remaining 1-bits can be flipped to go from one star to another - as seen in the following counter example: 1110000 and 01110000). A beautiful (easier to prove) seed for the 3-bit stars is the one involved in all strategies in the other posts - one in which the 1-bits are on positions that are powers of 2. For n=3 this means 1101000. So, for n=3 a simple set A can be found by taking s=0000000, p=1101000, all the strings that can be obtained from p by shifting (1+1+6=8 so far) and all their mirror strings (totaling 16 so far). For n=15 the problem is not that simple. Consider Carbon1nTheRough's partial solution. He chooses s=000000000000000, p=110100010000000 and their mirrors and cyclic shifts (because he does not consider a predetermined fixed position i.e. a leader). Problem is that d(s,p)=4 and no shifting modifies the number of 1's (1-bits) in a string. So there is no star at distance 3 from s which contradicts the Global density property of Hamming partitions. Therefore it is at best incomplete/partial in achieving a Hamming code/Hamming partition, no matter how you look at it. For n=15, I do not see such an easy-to-explain construction using mirroring/shifting and maybe addition (n=15=2^4-1, m=4, 2^(n-m)=2^11=2048 stars needed). From an algebraic point of view, a binary linear cyclic code can be generated by the polynomial g(x)=1+x+x^4. Completely classifying/constructing 1-error correcting codes of length n is not so simple as it may seem. If one defines two codes to be equivalent if one can turn one code into the other by permuting the coordinates and adding a constant vector, then characterization of equivalence clases is non-trivial for n>=15. For example there are 5983 non-equivalent perfect codes of length 15 (while there is a unique perfect code for n=3, n=7). Several recent results can be found here and here . n=31 is still an open challenge I think.
  7. araver


    _ _ _ _ _ PENNY - 0 SWORD - 0 DODGE - 0 ALARM - 0
  8. araver

    Secret of Mana Mafia

    Nick, Slick, maybe it's time to re-think your backup status ... Many spots to be filled.
  9. araver


    _ _ _ _ _ PENNY - 0 SWORD - 0 DODGE - 0
  10. araver


    _ _ _ _ _ PENNY - 0 A penny for my thoughts? It's not that easy
  11. I'm just a bit confused, so I guess I need to ask this first:
  12. think this complicates things
  13. araver


    Thank you. Well: _ _ _ _ _
  14. araver

    First, kudos for who made the puzzle (but I'm actually betting that's not you PuzzleNoob). Second: - there is a first layer (done by slyde87) - there is a second layer (done by me below) - there might be further layers (??) - my thoughts at the end of the second layer (spoiler below). Sorted by Morse code. 1) 91 10 204 30 173 2) 193 10 122 173 193 3) 10 122 51 204 40 4) 112 183 183 71 132 5) 193 51 204 234 30 6) 234 173 112 132 51 7) 183 20 20 10 204 8) 234 30 234 173 112 9) 132 51 183 20 193 10) 51 204 0 173 142 193 10 20 20 234 11) 51 193 173 183 20 173 0 193 51 255 12) 183 234 0 234 30 10 183 122 193 10 13) 183 122 51 204 193 234 132 10 142 71 14) 132 173 204 102 10 122 244 234 132 142 15) 234 20 20 204 10 51 183 20 163 10 16) 142 0 173 142 193 122 244 10 122 51 17) 132 214 122 173 30 204 51 234 193 71 18) 173 112 142 91 163 142 10 91 51 142 19) 20 132 51 20 204 71 122 244 173 112 20) 255 244 71 173 112 91 234 204 204 183 21) 173 122 255 10 122 51 183 71 244 234 22) 183 122 132 173 142 122 234 163 132 0 23) 173 142 122 244 10 142 234 20 20 204 24) 10 91 244 10 183 71 173 112 132 122 25) 51 183 20 40 10 0 173 142 10 122 26) 244 142 10 10 163 51 122 244 132 20 27) 234 102 10 142 255 234 183 255 91 234 28) 122 244 10 153 112 51 204 51 193 173 29) 112 183 122 132 173 0 122 173 91 10 30) 142 132 122 244 51 122 183 112 142 122 31) 112 142 10 183 10 91 91 234 183 20 32) 132 10 193 10 142 255 234 183 255 122 33) 173 255 51 234 183 255 142 10 51 122 34) 91 234 132 244 234 183 255 163 173 91 35) 10 142 132 122 142 51 102 10 204 173 36) 183 10 193 112 132 122 51 183 20 20 37) 173 122 244 10 234 142 40 10 132 122 38) 122 173 30 51 122 30 244 193 10 142 39) 10 20 244 51 183 20 10 20 234 183 40) 122 244 10 51 30 122 234 183 163 204 41) 51 30 10 0 142 173 193 0 173 112 42) 142 132 122 142 234 20 10 132 122 173 43) 122 244 10 91 10 132 122 173 255 40 44) 142 10 51 214 234 173 255 122 244 10 45) 51 183 122 234 204 173 204 193 51 214 46) 234 183 255 163 51 30 122 122 244 10 47) 183 132 10 183 20 234 122 122 173 193 48) 10 91 234 122 244 122 244 10 193 51 49) 255 234 30 183 112 193 40 10 142 132 Hint says first word is WELCOME so first bits of the code are: 91, 10, 204, 30, 173, 193, 10 W=91 E=10 L=204 C=30 O=173 M=193 E=10 A little pondering at how these hint-letters are to one another yields the following table: 0 = F 10 = E 20 = D 30 = C 40 = B 51 = A 71 = Y 91 = W 102 = V 112 = U 122 = T 132 = S 142 = R 153 = Q 163 = P 173 = O 183 = N 193 = M 204 = L 214 = K 234 = I 244 = H 255 = G Everyday Caesar, missing J=224, X=81 and Z=61. Substitution yields the following code: WELCOME TO METAL BUNNYS MALICIOUS AND DELICIOUS AND MALFORMED DIAMOND OF MAGNIFICENT MENTAL MISERY SOLVE THIS RIDDLE AND PERFORM THE TASK TO CLAIM YOUR WP REWARD SADLY THOUGH YOU WILL NOT GET ANY HINTS OR TIPS FOR THE RIDDLE WHEN YOU STAND BEFORE THREE PATHS DIVERGING WITH EQUAL AMOUNTS OF TOWERS THAT NURTURE NEW WINDS EMERGING TO GAIN GREAT WISHING POWERS TRAVEL ONE MUST AND DO THEIR BEST TO CATCH ME RED HANDED IN THE ACT IN PLACE FROM FOUR STRIDES TO THE WEST OGBREAKIOG THE ANTILOL MAKING PACT THEN SEND IT TO ME WITH THE MAGIC NUMBERS First thoughts: 1) It's not original - WP = WordPress? it looks like a contest / open challenge. Haven't been able to find it on the Internet so if it indeed there is one ... I guess only PuzzleNoob knows where and how. 2) There are at least 2 errors in the next-to-last sentence (double checked the RGB codes), they checkout fine. Maybe "OF BREAKING"? 3) There's more to do - the riddle perhaps ???
  15. araver

    It's OK. I know the thrill that comes when you think it works ... sometimes it does, sometime it doesn't. Don't let that ever stop you from searching solutions And welcome to BrainDen!
  16. araver

    Actually, there are. It's frustrating, but I tried it with GIMP's color picker. Not sure there are exactly 24, but it looks like more than 12 definitely.
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