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Everything posted by araver

  1. araver

    Adding another example to the challenge: 4 *&* 8 = 6 20 *&* 5 = 12 8 *&* 31 = 34 15 *&* 2 = 9 80 *&* 31 = 62 71 *&* 40 = 86 83 *&* 13 = 94 50 *&* 11 = 30 40 *&* 42 = 28 21 *&* 20 = 20 22 *&* 12 = 14 2 *&* 36 = 13 ------------- 44 *&* 47 = ?
  2. araver

    Star Trek Mafia

    All roles are out. Backup(s) still needed. If I do not receive confirmation by 6 PM EST Monday, I will start replacing inactive players. After that, only missing a whole day/night cycle (48h) will count as inactiveness / need for replacement.
  3. araver

    Star Trek Mafia

    Shorter list of characters and abilities (but still read and use those in the OP, quotes and bios might come in handy ) United Federation of Planets / Starfleet --------------- WinCon: Wins if all Dominion forces are dead (including Odo if he chooses to side with them). Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Human) - Action: Cannot be killed at night. His word carries weight (x0, x1, x2) depending on where he chooses to put that weight. Has BTSC with William Riker. Captain William T. Riker (Human) - Action: Plays the role of fate - can redirect one person at night. Has BTSC with Picard. Captain Ben Sisko (Human) - Action: Can block a person each night. If Worf dies, his block ability is replaced by a trap ability. Lt. Commander Worf (Klingon) - Action: Trap a player for the night. He has a 50% chance of finding out his role. Lt. Commander Data (AI) - Action: His logical reasoning serves him best, yet sometimes he needs a human’s gut-feeling to make him reach his target. (Oracle - He can ask the host two yes or no questions each night.) Lt. Commander Geordi La Forge (Human) - Action: Using his VISOR he can see people’s true colors, but only if he focuses on one area. (Spy one target per night) Lt. Thomas Riker (Human) - Action: Can’t help himself to take out people standing in his way (Kill) Lt. Julian Bashir (Human) – Action: He’s eager to use his skill to save someone even if they just met. (Save) The Dominion – Have BTSC. -------------------- WinCon: Win by majority and only if both Picard and Sisko are dead. Female Changeling (Founder) - Action: Follows one person each night and assumes his abilities. Does not forget any stolen ability, but can only use one per night and only if she forfeits using her Changeling (steal) ability that night. If spied upon, she assumes the form of a random Starfleet player (Steal and gather abilities). Weyoun (Vorta) - Action: Can follow one person each night and learn his role. If he spies Odo, his identity is revealed to Odo only. If Odo already chose to side with the Dominion, he joins the BTSC. (Spy) First Omet'iklan (Jem’Hadar) - Action: Each night can choose to either draw his weapon and engage in combat with the enemy (Block) or "shroud" themselves, a form of camouflage that acts as a personal cloaking field (Invulnerable to kill). If the Vor’ta is dead, his ketracel white reserves will be depleted and his block is replaced by a Kill. If the Founder is targeted for a successful kill / RID Kill then Omet'iklan will die and take the attacker with him (but the Founder will remain alive) Gul Dukat (Cardassian) - Action: Can follow a target each night and tell which person they visited. He can “sweet-talk” someone during the day to forget his vote (Make one vote count x0) Romulan Star Empire ---------------------------- WinCon: Successfully RID Kill 2 out of 3 secret targets selected by host before the game starts. If two of her targets are killed by others or is lynched, no new targets are added but ability and WinCon is changed: she can kill instead of RID Kill and can only win if she’s the last one standing. Commander Sela (Romulan) - Action: Can RID Kill at night. Her RID Kill takes precedence over both Starfleet and Dominion kill. Is able to make her vote count x2 during the day (only if she chooses to via PM). Indy ---------------------------- WinCon: Win with the faction of his choice. Odo (Changeling) - Action: He must decide to join a faction (Starfleet or the Dominion) in N1. If he does not choose, the host will choose for him. He does not have a night action but as a Changeling has the ability to appear as a random Starfleet when spied. Host: Araver 1. Slick 2. Hirk 3. Segul 4. firno 5. golfjunkie 6. Framm 7. Vineetrika 8. DarthLegion 9. Blablah 10. dark_magician_92 11. benjer3 12. crazypainter 13. maurice 14. Social Darwin Backups 1. 2. Backups still needed – sign up here Night 1 will end at 6 PM EST Monday Jan 10th (more than 24 hours to get all actions/confirmations in). Night might end earlier if I get all actions in before than. Good Luck!
  4. araver

    Star Trek Mafia

    Intro ------ Around 2373, shortly after discovering a Wormhole to the Gamma Quadrant, the nations of the Alpha Quadrant encounter one of the biggest military force they have ever seen - The Dominion, encompassing several races native to the Gamma Quadrant including the shape-shifter race referred as Changelings or "the Founders". The Dominion moves to establish a foothold in the Alpha Quadrant by admitting the Cardassian Union as members of the Dominion. Diplomatic moves establish a neutrality with the Romulan Star Empire. Tensions rise as Dominion Changelings penetrate the Federation and the Klingon Empire and lead to an all-out war in the Alpha Quadrant. Trapped in the Alpha Quadrant by the Federation minefield and without reinforcements, the Dominion has to break the blockade. Alpha Quadrant alliance needs to stop the Dominion's forces from conquering key strategic points in the quadrant and find a long-term solution to block the wormhole to the Gamma Quadrant. In the center of all, the Deep Space Nine station, nearest Alpha-quadrant outpost to the wormhole is the scene of the beginning of the war. United Federation of Planets / Starfleet -------------------------------------------------- WinCon: Wins if all Dominion forces are dead (including Odo if he chooses to side with them). The Dominion – Have BTSC and a Night Kill. -------------------- WinCon: Win by majority and only if both Picard and Sisko are dead. Romulan Star Empire ---------------------------- WinCon: Successfully RID Kill 2 out of 3 secret targets selected by host before the game starts. If two of her targets are killed by others or is lynched, no new targets are added but ability and WinCon is changed: she can kill instead of RID Kill and can only win if she’s the last one standing. Indy ---------------------------- WinCon: Win with the faction of his choice. Day Rules: - Tie lynch on day 1 means no lynch. Any other day it means random lynch among the tie. Night Rules: - Order of actions: Trap > RID Kill > Save > Redirect > Kill > Block > Oracle> Steal action > Spy/Follow. - Trap = Block + Save and stops a RID Kill - All succesful actions are shown in the night-post, including spies and redirects (only the person that was redirected is shown).
  5. araver

    Adding SocialDarwin to the list of players. Roles and game thread coming up. Host: Araver 1. slick 2. Hirk 3. Segul 4. firno 5. golfjunkie 6. Framm 7. Vineetrika 8. DarthLegion 9. Blablah 10. dark_magician_92 11. benjer3 12. crazypainter 13. maurice 14. Social Darwin Backups 1. 2. 3. Backups still needed!
  6. araver

    Game has not started yet. 10 PM EST. I am GMT+2, but I will use EST for night/day finish times.
  7. araver

    Scout said he will go before as usual. Most of others said if they would follow too.
  8. araver

    Host: Araver 1. slick 2. Hirk 3. Segul 4. firno 5. golfjunkie 6. Framm 7. Vineetrika 8. DarthLegion 9. Blablah 10. dark_magician_92 11. benjer3 12. crazypainter 13. maurice 14. Backups 1. 2. 3. Mentors 1. Social Darwin Ok, I'll be throwing SocialDarwin in if no one joins until 10 PM EST. So expect your roles today. I'll make Night 1 a little longer, to make sure everybody reads their roles and has time to send an action in.
  9. araver

    Original Mafia Sign Up

    Well, the first posts indicate that P4P was going to use the rules of the first Mafia on BrainDen (hence the term "original") hosted by Unreality. You can find the rules here:
  10. araver

    4 *&* 8 = 6 20 *&* 5 = 12 8 *&* 31 = 34 15 *&* 2 = 9 80 *&* 31 = 62 71 *&* 40 = 86 83 *&* 13 = 94 50 *&* 11 = 30 40 *&* 42 = 28 21 *&* 20 = 20 22 *&* 12 = 14 ------------- 44 *&* 47 = ?
  11. araver

    Good to have you playing with us
  12. araver

    Glad you ask. Pretty much. It says in which order the actions are evaluated by the host - trap being the first. Trap > RID Kill > Save > Redirect > Kill > Block > Oracle> Steal action > Spy/Follow. E.g: If someone submits an action but was the target of a trap, his action is discarded since the trap is executed first. Saves protect from a Kill but not a RID Kill. Traps protect the victim of a Kill /RID Kill, etc. Each game has its own order / rules set by the host, so nothing should be assumed unless explicitly stated. Nope. If she loses her initial targets she goes into a "murderous rage" - that is why RID Kill is replaced by a "blind" kill. Founder targets a person, not a role. Practically, everyone targets a person. Yeah, I left it kinda ambiguous, sorry about that. He is a bodyguard of the Founder. So if Founder is targeted by X with a Kill (or a successful RID Kill) and Omet'iklan is still alive (not trapped), then Omet'iklan will die instead of the Founder and kill X /take X with him. So more accurate would be: "If the Founder is targeted for a successful kill / RID Kill then Omet'iklan will die and take the attacker with him. The Founder will remain alive." And in the unlikely event that the Founder is targeted by a kill AND a RID Kill the same night, then Omet will kill the RID-attacker (since that action comes first) and die leaving the second attacker able to kill the Founder.
  13. araver

    A couple of explanations/clarifications (I'll carry them over to the game thread once signups are over): - First, Dominion (baddies) have a night-kill (forgot to put that ) - about vote-manipulators: Picard can make a vote (any vote) count x0, x1, x2, Dukat can make a vote (any vote) count x0, Sela can make her vote x1 or x2. Vote-manipulators are multiplicative and can interact - e.g. Picard makes A's vote x2 and Dukat makes it x0 then it's x0. Picard makes Sela vote x2 and Sela makes her vote x2 then Sela's vote is actually x4. - Odo appears as a random Starfleet if spied by either LaForge or Weyoun. - Odo only joins Dominion BTSC if he chooses to side with Dominion in N1 and he is spied by Weyoun in any night (including night 1). - Female Changeling changeling ability is steal&gather ability. So each night she can choose to either to A) steal X's ability OR B) use a previously stolen ability. Regardless of the choice, she still appears as a random Starfleet if spied by LaForge (or Weyoun but that makes less sense). - Picards invulnerability at night is for Dominion night-kill, Thomas' kill, Ometiklan kill. He is still vulnerable to RID Kill. - Picards invulnerability at night cannot be stolen (but First Ometiklan's shroud ability can be)
  14. araver

    Welcome benjer3 Hope you will like it! PM me for any questions you might have during the game. P.S.: Please note that day has 24h and night has 24h unless specified otherwise, so that everybody has one or more chances to be on, regardless of time-zone. So the feeling might seem different from real-life mafia at first, but I think it will become more familiar after discussions begin day 1 (and later)
  15. araver

    Fixing roster Host: Araver 1. slick 2. Hirk 3. Segul 4. firno 5. golfjunkie 6. Framm 7. Vineetrika 8. DarthLegion 9. Blablah 10. dark_magician_92 11. 12. 13. maurice 14. Backups 1. 2. 3. Mentors 1. Social Darwin 2. 3.
  16. araver

    Hi dark_magician and welcome to this section of BrainDen. As maurice already told you: 1. Read 2. Join the roster. 3. If you still have more questions PM (private message) the host (ANYTIME) or ask for a mentor (one available see signup roster) ONCE THE GAME STARTS. 4. Until the game starts, you can read on previous Mafias in the same "Games" section of BrainDen. Also, please help keep this signup thread clean by removing the quotes when you reply. Thank you.
  17. araver

    Another random example (since no requests so far) 4 *&* 8 = 6 20 *&* 5 = 12 8 *&* 31 = 34 15 *&* 2 = 9 80 *&* 31 = 62 71 *&* 40 = 86 83 *&* 13 = 94 50 *&* 11 = 30 40 *&* 42 = 28 21 *&* 20 = 20 ------------- 44 *&* 47 = ?
  18. araver

    Gregor: Gregor did not like that. Gregor suspected Brother Mandrake was a little insane, but should have been more careful. *shrug* Gregor will not be fooled again. Gregor never forgets nor forgives. Gregor has made his peace with John for now. And the Doctor can stay guard between me and John, to oversee there is no problem between us. Gregor would still like to hear from Klein, but moving seems more important now. Any group is fine with Gregor, except getting left alone with Brother Mandrake. Gregor does not promise to behave if left alone with Brother Mandrake.
  19. araver

    Gregor thinks you are very ego-centric when deciding what's relevant and what not. Also, you don't know if something only you know might help another one figure something about deaths/kidnapping. But that is consistent with the rest of your personality. And Gregor is egocentric too sometimes, so meh. You get your tip *Gregor whispers tip*.
  20. araver

    Gregor: Brother Mandrake, I did not ask another direct question to you, but still know you're withholding information from me. Also, both you and Kirkpatrick were so eager to go up, even without Scout. You both should have been more careful about rations then. Gregor can give you a free-tip, though. You can both make it to where Gregor took what he's eating now with 3 rations if you cooperate among themselves. Say more to Gregor and you might get more tips and increase your chances of survival. Now, regarding Calcutta, what is "old pond"? Gregor not versed in this. Gregor thinks old pond = Japan. Anyone know more? If it is Japan I would like to restrain him till he says more about what he does here. Vice-Admiral, if you would be so kind to help. Also, we need to know what Savage and Calcutta eat, don't we? An inexhaustible source of food would puzzle even the great Doctor, would it not? Doctor, can you take a look at their bags and see what they eat? Klein, lend a hand to that if you want.
  21. araver

    [Lol. But that's OK since Savage was not previously here he's not able to eavesdrop.] Gregor: *Gregor drops the Russian accent too. He learnt English from the best.* Scout, please go scout ahead to region 3. Savage, my attack earlier was partially under the influence of the lichens hallucinogen. Did you kidnap me and Vick? Did you steal the rations? And at all, who the hell is Calcutta anyway?
  22. araver

    Adding another example: 4 *&* 8 = 6 20 *&* 5 = 12 8 *&* 31 = 34 15 *&* 2 = 9 80 *&* 31 = 62 71 *&* 40 = 86 83 *&* 13 = 94 50 *&* 11 = 30 40 *&* 42 = 28 ------------- 44 *&* 47 = ? And secretly EDIT: Spelling
  23. araver

    Hi k-man. I've added one of the three in the table below. 4 */* 2 = 5 12 */* 17 = 28 30 */* 10 = 36 100 */* 93 = 186 42 */* 35 = 72 100 */* 21 = 116 12 */* 11 = 22 19 */* 29 = 48 41 */* 31 = 72 11 */* 18 = 28 238 */* 222 = 444 11 */* 21 = 30 9 */* 13 = 20 1 */* 1 = 2 ------------------ 48 */* 73 = ? EDIT: missed the example.
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