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Everything posted by 'Cat'astrophe

  1. 'Cat'astrophe

    Sixy Rollo

    ?????? SCHOOL - 0 JUNIOR - 0 FREEZE - 1 BREEZE - 1 BREATH - 0 BREEZY - 1
  2. Why does this intro remind me of Miki's? Creepy...
  3. I'm confused s-chan....you say tole definitely did NOT redirect you... yet you say you know your action was redirected...if you were redirected, how are you so sure tole didnt do it....unless kris told you which is highly unlikely Does a person get to know who redirected them??
  4. Not all people who get your hints may immediately say that they get them. ...Since this is mafia some may even say that they've missed every hint that has been out there....but dont you bother about them...we wont let you get lynched
  5. 'Cat'astrophe

    Sixy Rollo

    ?????? SCHOOL - 0 JUNIOR - 0 FREEZE - 1 BREEZE - 1 BREATH - 0
  6. I dont think redirect is supposed to appear in the NP....
  7. I think he means... Hosts: kristmark1 and Maurice 1. plasmid - voting for s-chan 2. tolecnal- voting for s-chan 3. Hidden G - voting for 4. Tralala!- voting for s-chan 5. mboon - voting for Cat 6. smoth - voting for Cat 7. Sakura-chan - voting for tolecnal 8. 'Cat'astrophe voting for tolecnal 9. MiKi - voting for Cat Sigh! That really makes me tempted to shift my vote to s-chan but in case she's a goodie, i'm gonna get lynched tomorrow which is not good....and s-chan hopefully will think the same and not change her vote to me...the Nash equilibrium!! D1 ties make sense...
  8. G calm down.. Lets see..Tom will not necessarily manipulate, yes he is lkely too..but not necessarily If Tom manipulates..it may not be against a goodie....again likely....but yet again not necessarily The worst case scenario is that all 3 of us(me, tole and s-chan) are goodies..in which case unevening a tie is as good as keeping the tie...possibly worse...
  9. Umm..I'm jus saying that not reading posts in the mafia you're playing in could be dangerous *shrug*
  10. WIFOM?? Its been discussed in atleast three posts in this very mafia...You should go back and read them..did you just skip some posts??..that could be dangerous...
  11. Oh c'mon, you're not even one of the ppl tied for a lynch now...
  12. S-chan....I am not saying tole's story is true..i'm just stating some possibilities. Of course there could be a possibility that ALL of us are going in the wrong direction and there was a high amount of redirection special ability chaos out there which is beyond our scope to guess... WIFOMing is something I learnt about just now....Could s-chan telling quacker to spy her be WIFOMing?? Of course this is only a possibilty s-chan..i am not targetting you..as you can see my vote remains on tole... @G: I did read 10 pages!!
  13. yeah ok....hmmm.....so looks like the identity of Jerry is the hot topic ryt now... My observations: 1. Tole claimed jerry's role 2. Tra is the only person who hasnt yet answered after the aforementioned claim.. 3. tole's been pushing a lot for people to lynch her That being highly suspicious...the most likely role of tole is Tom...with her wincon being something really weird.... However... this theory has a lot of loopholes....how would tole know Tra would be kinda inactive(assuming she is jerry) and what kind of a wincon would have her being lynched D1?? Doesnt add up.... That would imply she actually is Jerry...which would mean G was lying and also that S-chan is a baddie.. Another theory is that tom has a special ability which would be something like mirror whatever is being targetted on a person to another..in this case tole redirected s-chan and that was mirrored on G....in which case G is not lying but s-chan is a baddie.. Nothing conclusive here...except the fact that 1. If Tra confirms she is NOT Jerry...we can establish FOR SURE tole is Jerry 2. If tole is indeed Jerry..then that would imply s-chan is a baddie..(unless we take in another kind of special ability..sigh!)*** ***Psst...I would appreciate if the tied lynch vote is removed off me..makes me all sweaty...
  14. really..???coz last tym I hinted more strongly than this and I still got lynched .....
  15. yeah i know that but i cant be 2 ppl, can I? U see, i'm jus trying to make people put 2 and 2 together....
  16. Hosts: kristmark1 and Maurice 1. plasmid - voting for Cat 2. tolecnal 3. Hidden G 4. Tralala!- voting for Cat 5. mboon - voting for Cat 6. smoth - voting for Cat 7. Sakura-chan - voting for tolecnal 8. 'Cat'astrophe voting for tolecnal 9. MiKi - voting for Cat All right..Wow...2 out of 3 mafias I find myself getting lynched D1....maybe because I'm just too quiet. In my defense...well I can say I'm a goodie..but since this is mafia and no one is likely to believe that, I can drop a few hints. Although I'm not as good as Miki at hinting so elegantly(seriously I'd really like to be like Miki when it comes to hinting and I guess finally.. mafia). Hmm..How would it go if I said I appeared in the NP... @Plasmid: First mafia a D1 lynch against me..and I turned out to be quite an important role....I dont know what to say anymore than the cliched 'please read between the lines coz baddies are doin that'
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