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Everything posted by 'Cat'astrophe

  1. well if you're talking about mafia..the best way to learn it is to play (that's how I learnt/still am learning anyway)...and that's why we have simple mafia games called TRAINER'S MANUAL MAFIA (TMM) especially for newbies......Come join the magical world of mafia today. Hurry..signups closing soon. (Sry for the turning it into a commercial...kinda got drifted away)
  2. 'Cat'astrophe

    Klue Mongers: Molly Mae Shadow Maurice Panther ... 'Cat'astrophe ... ... ... ... ...
  3. ??????? ILLEGAL - 0 BELIEVE - 1
  4. ZYZZYVA Maquis was quite close..in terms of meaning atleast
  5. IMPASSE If 0 then V is sixth letter... BEREAVE - 1 BENDING SPREADS IMPASSE
  6. Hey!! Welcome!! And rush to the Mafia section RIGHT NOW!!! Oh and check out Rollo too...
  7. 'Cat'astrophe


    ????R SPOIL - 0 FREES - 1 PRESS - 1 LOVES -1 LOVER - 2 PLYER - 3 Maurice +5
  8. 'Cat'astrophe


    ????? SPOIL - 0 FREES - 1 PRESS - 1 LOVES -1 LOVER - 2
  9. Oh and is trap same as block?
  10. 'Cat'astrophe


    ????? SPOIL - 0 FREES - 1 PRESS - 1 LOVES -1
  11. Pika! Pika! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~GM 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 'Cat'astrophe 7. 8. 9. 10.
  12. 'Cat'astrophe

    Sixy Rollo

    THREAD SCHOOL - 0 JUNIOR - 0 FREEZE - 1 BREEZE - 1 BREATH - 0 BREEZY - 1 KLUTZY - 0 CEDERS - 1 ENERGY - 0 DROOPY - 0 ARDENT - 1 CAREER - 2 GATEAU - 2 CORNER - 1 Score changes- Thalia +5 MoMa +30 Cat +14
  13. 'Cat'astrophe


    ????? SPOIL - 0 FREES - 1
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