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Everything posted by Thalia

  1. Thalia

    Sixy Rollo

    ?????? WALNUT - 0 ESCAPE - 1 RESCUE - 0 RECAPS - 1 RECAST - 1 REPAST - 1 ANCHOR - 1
  2. Thalia

    Sixy Rollo

    ?????? WALNUT - 0 ESCAPE - 1 RESCUE - 0 RECAPS - 1 RECAST - 1
  3. Thalia

    Sixy Rollo

    ?????? WALNUT - 0 ESCAPE - 1 RESCUE - 0 RECAPS - 1
  4. Thalia

    Sixy Rollo

    ?????? WALNUT - 0 ESCAPE - 1 RESCUE - 0
  5. Thalia


    Good to have you back curr. BURNT
  6. Thalia

    Sixy Rollo

    ?????? WALNUT - 0 ESCAPE - 1
  7. Thalia


    Umm. I think so. It won't do you any good but I guess it's possible.
  8. I thought that was an attempt to get him to slip up. Oh well.
  9. Thalia

    Sixy Rollo

    ?????? WALNUT - 0
  10. Thalia

    Sixy Rollo

    RADONS- If 2, A is 2nd. RADONS - 1 REDOES - 1 SECOND - 1 If 1, P is 3rd. There is a difference of one in the scores and the difference between the two is the "AP" so one of those letters must be correct. COYOTE - 2 CAPOTE - 3 If RADONS is 1, that eliminates the A as the O is already proven. RADONS - 1
  11. Thalia


    Very well. TC!!! Although from what Panther has just told me, maybe I should be yelling at him. Hmm. . .
  12. lol. Why not? Ohh. That's right. Finals. . . If you can hold off on starting until the weekend, I can play. But I've got to take care of finals first. Ooh. *takes the 8 spot* I understand why four is unlucky but do you happen to know why 8 is considered lucky? PI: Y-san Roster: 1. Hirkala 2. Framm 18 3. MikeD 4. EDM 5. Flamebirde 6. mew 7. Panther 8. Thalia 9. ShadowAngel 10. Aaryan 11.TheCube 12.Yodell 13. MiKi Backups: 1. 2.
  13. Thalia


    *curses under breath* Ah forget about that. LI!!!
  14. I believe it's the error message page. Not sure I've seen the one for here.
  15. Thalia


    @flame- Huh? What did I do?
  16. Thalia


    FUNGO GAMES - 0 WOODY - 0 ARTSY - 0 VALES - 0 BOAST - 0 TOAST - 0 CAMEL - 0 WATER - 0 DEVIL - 0 DEMON - 0 EAGLE - 0 OVINE - 0 CHESS - 0 MIGHT - 0 FRUIT - 1 GIZMO - 1 QUEUE - 1 STEAM - 0 FLIES - 1 FILES - 1 FUNKY - 3 FUNNY - 3 FURRY - 2 PINKY - 1 FUZZY - 2 Panther +10 flamebirde +5 MikeD +15 Thalia +25
  17. Thalia


    FU??? GAMES - 0 WOODY - 0 ARTSY - 0 VALES - 0 BOAST - 0 TOAST - 0 CAMEL - 0 WATER - 0 DEVIL - 0 DEMON - 0 EAGLE - 0 OVINE - 0 CHESS - 0 MIGHT - 0 FRUIT - 1 GIZMO - 1 QUEUE - 1 STEAM - 0 FLIES - 1 FILES - 1 FUNKY - 3 FUNNY - 3 FURRY - 2 PINKY - 1 Panther +10 Gotta be faster fabpig!
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