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Posts posted by Thalia

  1. Peter Pevensie - Yodell

    Susan Pevensie - TheCube

    Lucy Pevensie - marksmanjay

    Aslan - gvg

    Mr. Tumnus - mboon

    The Beavers - mewminator

    The White Witch - psykomakia

    Maugrim - MikeD

    Ginnarbrick - EDM

    Edmund Pevensie - Brainy

    Edmund/Brainy-spy TC - redirected to gvg and was told that TC is Aslan

    Peter/Yodell - RID Kill Li as WW - failed

    Aslan/gvg - RID Recruit TC - failed

    Ginnarbrick/Li - Redirect Brainy to gvg

    Susan/TC - Redirect MikeD to Yodell

    Maugrim/MikeD - Block mew - redirected to Yodell

    Lucy/Jay - Save Brainy failed

    White Witch/psykomakia - NK Yodell

    Beavers/mew - Spy Brainy

    Tumnus/mboon - Change MikeD's vote to MikeD

    Edmund/Brainy-spy MikeD - redirected to mboon and was told that mboon is Mr. Tumnus

    Aslan/gvg - RID Recruit psyko - failed

    Ginnarbrick/Li - Redirect Brainy to mboon

    Maugrim/MikeD - Block Jay

    Lucy/Jay - Save psyko failed

    White Witch/psykomakia - NK mew

    Beavers/mew - no action submitted

    Tumnus/mboon - no action submitted

    Edmund/Brainy-Block psyko - redirected to Jay

    Ginnarbrick/Li - Redirect Brainy to Jay

    Maugrim/MikeD - Block mboon

    Lucy/Jay - Save Jay failed

    White Witch/psykomakia - NK mboon

  2. N3: The End of the War

    Edmund replayed the previous day's events in his head. His near death. Aslan's intervention. And finally, Aslan's sacrifice for him. He fought back the tears and looked for someone to take out his anger on. Preferably The White Witch or that wolf that always did her dirty work. Edmund looked around and saw Jay trudging through the snow. Edmund approached. Jay saw him coming. "Edmund, are you O-?" Edmund drew his sword and hit Jay over the head with the flat of the blade. He fought back the urge to beat him up. Jay was already going to have a massive headache when he woke up.


    The White Witch counted off the number of Goodies left on her fingers.

    "There are three of us and three of them. Perfect. Maugrim!"

    The wolf bounded into the room.

    "I want you to keep mboon occupied for the night."

    "I hear and obey." Maugrim responded and took off.

    "Maugrim!" The wolf paused and looked back at the queen. "Actually, I want you to bring her to me."

    Maugrim set off again to find mboon.


    mboon was just leaving her cave when she saw The Witch's chief of police coming. She dove back into her cave hoping that the wolf hadn't seen her. No such luck. Maugrim entered the cave, relocating everything in site (in many more pieces). mboon fainted in terror. With much effort, Maugrim succeeded in dragging mboon back to The White Witch's palace.


    The White Witch had gathered her subjects together to prepare to attack the remaining Narnians. She looked at mboon, still passed out in front of her.

    "Pathetic. . . Ginnarbrick!" The dwarf approached. "I want you to dispose of this creature."

    "You don't want it with the others?"

    "DID I NOT MAKE MY ORDERS CLEAR?!" She shouted.

    "No, my Queen. Perfectly clear!" Ginnarbrick hurried off dragging mboon behind him.

    The Witch turned back to her army of subjects waiting for her orders. They descended on the rest of Narnia, slaughtering or turning to stone all who would not submit to The Witch.

    Baddies win! Congratulations!

  3. Then I went further in my question,,,is there any time we can called it (now)?

    Anything happened in a millisecond moved to be a part of the past, and so on...

    So there is NO presence and NO future, but only PAST.

    We define the past as the things that happen before the present, the future as the things that happen after the present. If there is no present, how can there be a past of future?

  4. It has come to my attention that there was a slight oversight in the rules.

    "If Edmund is targeted for the NK, Aslan will die in his place (bodyguard) and Aslan's role will be revealed. Edmund will become a goodie. Edmund cannot die in the next day/night cycle."

    This applies to lynches as well. Sorry for any inconvenience this may or may not have caused.

  5. ??????????E











    fabpig +5

  6. If baddies try to nightkill me, will it show that Aslan used his Bodyguard power in the night post?

    From the rules:

    If Edmund is targeted for the NK, Aslan will die in his place (bodyguard) and Aslan's role will be revealed. Edmund will become a goodie. Edmund cannot die in the next day/night cycle.

    Edmund will be notified if recruited. Edmund's recruit will be publicly declared in the night post.

  7. A clarification about the night post. When I said the part about mew at The Beavers was for story purposes only, I meant:

    1. That had nothing to do with mew's action if he had one

    2. The Beavers may or may not be alive. The night post will not give any information on whether certain roles are alive other than those who acted and are supposed to appear.


    BRAINY - 0-----TUSKER - 1-----FUNNEL - 1-----JUMBLE - 1-----MUCKER - 2

    FRIARS - 0-----BASKET - 0-----SUPPLY - 1-----OUTING - 1

    PLEASE - 0-----CONDOR - 0-----HUBBUB - 1-----MURDER - 2

    RANDOM - 0-----BUSKER - 1-----GULLET - 1-----MUCOID - 3

    COMBAT - 0-----DURING - 1-----AUTUMN - 1-----MUDCAT - 2

    fabpig +5 MikeD +30 Thal +21

    WombatBreath - 1267

    Thalia - 817

    Fabpig - 452

    TheCube - 313

    curr3nt - 221

    'Cat'astrophe - 203

    Maurice - 170

    MikeD - 152

    JDave - 151

    sks - 136

    Quag - 135

    Maquis - 78

    mEEster-Michael - 55

    Molly Mae - 45

    ShadowAngel7 - 35

    Brainiac - 26

    Yodell - 25

    Aaryan - 20

    Bong - 17

    Nana7 - 10

    benjer3 - 10

    dawh - 5

    shakingdavid - 5

    SMV- 5

  9. RID Kill>RID Kill>>RID Recruit>>Redirect>Redirect>Block (if recruited)>Block>Save>NK>>Spy

    Does this mean that RID Kill is first? Or is Spy first?

    Indy RID Kill is 1st. Spy is last. I guess the spy shouldn't be colored. Oops.

  10. MU????

    BRAINY - 0-----TUSKER - 1-----FUNNEL - 1-----JUMBLE - 1-----MUCKER - 2

    FRIARS - 0-----BASKET - 0-----SUPPLY - 1-----OUTING - 1

    PLEASE - 0-----CONDOR - 0-----HUBBUB - 1-----MURDER - 2

    RANDOM - 0-----BUSKER - 1-----GULLET - 1-----MUCOID - 3

    COMBAT - 0-----DURING - 1-----AUTUMN - 1-----MUDCAT - 2

    fabpig +5 MikeD +5

  11. N2: Another Victim (I have no imagination)

    The White Witch was pleased with the results of the previous day's lynch. But she wasn't done yet.

    "Maugrim! Find mewminator and bring him to me. And while you're at it, I want you to do something about marksmanjay. Just get him out of the way for tonight."

    "I hear and obey, my Queen." Maugrim shot off to carry out her orders.


    Jay was going for a walk in the snow. Progress was slow but he had almost reached his destination. At that moment, a wolf appeared in front of him.

    "Well, what have we here?"

    ". . . " Jay found himself unable to speak.

    "You know, I hate Narnians. Always getting in the way. I'd love to dispose of you myself but the Queen just said to keep you out of the way." Maugrim growled. "So. . ."

    marksmanjay tried to run but Maugrim picked him up and flung him off into the river. The ice cracked as marksmanjay hit the surface and went through. marksmanjay would be spending the rest of the night getting out and trying to get dried off/warmed up.


    mewminator had been visiting The Beavers and was just leaving.* Maugrim approached growling

    "The Queen wants to see you."

    mewminator bolted for it but Maugrim caught him and hauled him back to The White Witch.


    "Ah. I see you've brought me mewminator. And marksmanjay?"

    "He won't be going anywhere tonight." Maugrim growled.

    "Excellent, the Queen cackled as she turned mewminator to stone. "Tell Ginnarbrick to get in here. He knows what to do."


    And now, a word from our sponsors! (AKA the ghosts)

    "Thanks for killing me, because now I know that there ISN'T A FREAKIN' HEAVEN! JUST LIMBO!

    (not very) Sincerely,



    *This is for story purposes only. It is not an indication of any particular action taking place.

    **This is actually from TheCube. Not a broadcast.

    D2 ends 4 PM EDT on Friday.

    Note: When you quote the roster, please make sure you have THE LATEST ROSTER! Thank you.

  12. MU????

    BRAINY - 0-----TUSKER - 1-----FUNNEL - 1-----JUMBLE - 1

    FRIARS - 0-----BASKET - 0-----SUPPLY - 1-----OUTING - 1

    PLEASE - 0-----CONDOR - 0-----HUBBUB - 1-----MURDER - 2

    RANDOM - 0-----BUSKER - 1-----GULLET - 1-----MUCOID - 3

    COMBAT - 0-----DURING - 1-----AUTUMN - 1-----MUDCAT - 2

    fabpig +5 MikeD +5

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