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Posts posted by Thalia

  1. Slick]One is not thankful for his possession until it is expired.

    Brainiac100]People aren't happy with what they've got until it's gone.

    Thal]Human beings are not pleased with the things they possess until they have lost them.

    MikeD]We are unhappy with our possions that we have, up to the moment that they are gone.

    EDM]we are upset with the fish that we possess, until the bit of time when they have left


    TEARFUL - 1

    FEARFUL - 1

    SERFDOM - 1

    TURFDOM - 0

    STARDOM - 0

    REDOING - 2

    UNDOING - 1

    WETLAND - 3

    MEDICAL - 1

    DENTIST - 2

    REAREND - 4

    DEEPEND - 5

    Nana +40 Thal +12

    Thalia: 1041

    WombatBreath: 992

    Maquis: 265

    TheCube: 261

    maurice: 227

    fabpig: 202

    'Cat'astrophe: 194

    JDave: 179

    MikeD: 73

    Brainiac: 60

    sks: 58

    curr3nt: 51

    Hidden G: 45

    nana77: 40

    Aaryan: 37

    Yodell: 25

    ShadowAngel7: 15

    kristmark1: 10

    SMV: 10

    benjer3: 5

    shakingdavid: 5

  3. *E*****

    TEARFUL - 1

    FEARFUL - 1

    SERFDOM - 1

    TURFDOM - 0

    STARDOM - 0

    REDOING - 2

    UNDOING - 1

    WETLAND - 3

    MEDICAL - 1

    DENTIST - 2

    REAREND - 4

    DEEPEND - 5

    Nana +5

    You're going to have to explain how the Rs and A are ruled out.

  4. Slick]

    Brainiac100]People aren't happy with what they've got until it's gone.

    Thal]Human beings are not pleased with the things they possess until they have lost them.


    EDM]we are upset with the fish that we possess, until the bit of time when they have left

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