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Everything posted by Thalia

  1. Thalia


    ????? BEANS - 1
  2. Thalia


    WRITS. If 1, S is last as WRITE is 0 and the last letter is the only one that could change the score. If 0, A is 2nd. WRITE - 0 disproves W?IT? in WAITS. and WRITS disproves the S leaving the A.
  3. I don't believe so but it might be time for a hint.
  4. Thalia


    rolls. If 1, S is last. If 0, N is 2nd to last. ROLLS - 1 ROLLO - 0 DAWNS - 2 BAWDY - 0 ROLLS - 0
  5. Thalia

    Seveny Rollo

    DARKLES. If 0, ????EN? DARKENS - 2 DARKLES - 0
  6. Thalia

    Newbie Mafia

    Host: TheCube 1. MikeD 2. TheChad08 3. Flamebirde 4. gvg 5. 6.Yodell 7.TwoaDay 8. Brainiac100 9. 10. 11. Stardust backup 1. 2. 3. mentors 1. Thal 2. 3.
  7. Thalia

    Newbie Mafia

    Hmm. I would say you can post your game idea and if the signups fill before Thanksgiving, you can host it. If it fills around Thanksgiving, let TC host his first (if he's ready).
  8. Thalia

    Seveny Rollo

    CARPALE. If 2, ?AR???? CARPALE - 2 CLEARLY - 0 PREPARE - 0
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