I didnt get this joke at all i mean that timmy was a moron! Even I could have figured out to use another term such as redish blue rodent instead of that awful P***** S****** word that was getting him in so much trouble. The getting hit by the truck obviously just reinforced that Timmy was shall we say intellectually challenged. Perhaps the moral of the story should have been something like, being a moron can be hasardous to your health! Or trucks are far more deadly that small rodents regardless of their color (unless of course thre are thousands of them or perhaps if they are zombie rodents, or worse thousands of zombie rodents. yeah that would be bad a zombie squirrel apocalypse!Another moral I could think of would be that if you spend your life in fear of everyday occurances, you will die unhappy and alone like that pathetic Timmy (squirrels and other rodents, regardles of their color are pretty common almost everywhere.). There is also the tried and true moral that can never be to oft repeated that you shoudl be wary of ready anythign that MiKi writes, come to think of it I think that is the best moral of the story WATCH OUT FOR MIKI!!!