ok. lets get this out of the way. I DO NOT WORK FOR THE DON!!! it has started to become 'common knowledege' that i work for the don, and has caused some people to look unfavorably upon me, but i assure you, it is NOT TRUE.
there's one like that one ^ that i know. you take the 8 of spades and the 7 of hearts and put them on top and bottom of the deck. then you take the 8 of clubs and the 7 of diamonds and ask a random volunteer to put them in the middle of the deck. then you hold on really tightly to the top and bottom cards by the edge and have the volunteer flick the deck hard on the other edge. then the volunteer goes ad sits back down. then you hold up the two cards you have and tell your audience that these are the two cards that you had before. the trick is to not let them see that the cards are different. you have to just hold the cards long eough that your audience thinks that the cards eally are a 8 of spades and a 7 of hearts, not a 8 of clubs and a 7 of diamonds.
well, ya, but i think somewhere in the train conductor rules, it says you're not supposed to reverse without permission from someone, but i'm not sure. I've heard this riddle before, and the answer LMS gave is correct.
ugh! i totally forgot about this! ummm, the next time you host something like this, please pm me before it starts! or leave me a comment on my profile, please! i can be so scatterbrained sometimes!
Host: Hirkala
1. Filly
2. Blablah
3. Molly Mae
4. Glycereine
5. Izzy
6. onetruth
7. Lionheart
8. yuiop
9. EDM
10. Limey
11. MissKitten
1. Framm 18
2. Slick
@hirkala I was wondering if days/nights could end a little later? say, 7:00 PM? cause i have a lot of activities going on in the day time. and also, could we start around Aug 10th? cause i'm going on vacation in a few days, to my aunt's place up in maryland, and i'm not sure if i'll be able to get onto the computer while i'm there...