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Everything posted by MissKitten

  1. MissKitten

    Still uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh........................
  2. MissKitten

    Angel Mafia

    @hirkala how about 5:30 CST then? (i know this is probably getting annoying, but i have to make sure!)
  3. MissKitten

    please use spoilers when you guess, it ruins other people's chances of guessing when they can see the answer.
  4. what does 'np' mean, though?

    and what up with the cryptic message?

  5. MissKitten

    Angel Mafia

    oh shoot. yeah, i am on vacation. I will probably be inactive in big parts of the day. sorry i wasnt on, i dont have easy internet access, my family is sharing one computer, and my mom does a lot of medical billing, so i often dont have the computer. @Hirkala Can we postpone the deadline to maybe 5 or 6 cst? it would work best for me. i think i asked you before, but i wanted to know if its okay now?
  6. MissKitten

    dint know if this one is funny or not, but here goes: Two wrongs do not make a right. Or a left. It's in my signature.
  7. MissKitten

    uhh, i dont get it.
  8. MissKitten

    totally agree with actressgirl, ana_stassia, and teekayla. i have no life if i read this whole thing, and weirdly enough, i did find it kinda funny.
  9. MissKitten

  10. oh, hehe, i was wrong in my first answer. and i know i could edit my first post, but its kinda late and i really just dont feel like it.
  11. yes. sadly, you are correct. *hangs head in shame*
  12. Ya, that's great. Ok, I'm posting this from am iPhone, I will be gone today, some of tomorrow, and probably for long periods of time each day after that. Going on vacation, finally, woohoo! PS it's hard posting from an iPhone.
  13. MissKitten

    im not christian, but even i have to admit those are funny.
  14. MissKitten

    yes, you should. jk. and i now apologise for criticizing you because i just noticed i spelled his name wrong too.
  15. ya, thx 4 the advice.
  16. oh, thank goodness this isnt over yet! i loved your phoenix one. ok, so, i'd say get a bulletproof limosine and a police squad. drive through the street where the safe was. if anyone tries to shoot you, immediately grab a bulletproof shield and run after them with your police squad and a cocked gun. if you see them, shoot them in te leg.
  17. Yeah, you guys got it right. I had hoped it would go longer, but didn't think it would cause it's my first.
  18. when when you post your first WAI, nobody is on to read it.
  19. title says it all. A drink made of beans, I revive those who sleep. A patch can be made to stop those who my benefits reap. sorry if it's not that good!
  20. MissKitten

    Wrong. It's Percy Jackson and the Olympians. Duh! Get it right! You are unworthy of the title "Percy Jacson and the Olympians Fan".
  21. MissKitten

    haha lol! but i am not really anti-anything. i dont care about politics much.
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